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Everything posted by J008

  1. Houston Press has an article on a new Vinyl shop on White Oak coming in November, they have a 45s sale this saturday. http://blogs.houstonpress.com/rocks/2011/09/heights_vinyl_prepares_to_plan.php
  2. Went by last night and D'Amicos was closed, must have been a trial run.
  3. I am really anxious to see the drought end as well. I am really afraid I waited too long to try a DIY repair, as the floor has begun to separate from the baseboards in a couple spots. So I need to do something in the next month or so. Ideally in the future I could make minor DIY leveling rather than this (or ideally it would rain as normal).
  4. Thanks I will look Mr. Marks up. Please PM or reply any price info you have, I don't know whether to expect to be a $1,000 or $10,000 or more job.
  5. I could probably go 6 more months if I have to, but there is about 1/4 inch of sunlight that shines through and the floor is getting more noticably sloped and keeping the house hotter than usual, so I am going to need to do something soon. Hopefully I can get enough pricing and technical info to bargain accordingly.
  6. I have a roughly 1,000 sqft pier and beam house that is starting to show visible foundation problems (crack along the base of the west wall is growing). Does anyone have any advice or experience on who to call and what to expect when getting your foundation repaired?
  7. Went to tacos a go-go last night and it was pretty good. Tacos al Pastor with Pinapple was a bit of a suprise, but the food was good and it is a neat place. D'Amicos was open last night as well.
  8. Most people go straight. The design heavily favors left-hand turners at the expense of the majority of travellers going straight (including cyclists). Previously, you could travel all of heights blvd in the same lane like on 99% of other roads. Now what at every other intersection is on the street parking and bike lane is now a travel lane. It is not intuitive at all. Much like the Studemont south at I-10 design, you are driving on a lane that changes underneath you in an awkward way. In both cases it is to make left hand turns at intersections that the majority of drivers are not making. I doubt either intersection has thousands of left hand turners. But I do like your logic. Since there is plenty of sidewalk, running trail, and no one uses that green space, we could put a left turn lane at every intersection.
  9. While I love Petrol Station, it is really good to have a closer place to fill a growler. I am really suprised more places don't fill 'em.
  10. It is too bad the left turn lane is at the expense of the bike lane. A no left turn sign would be a better scenario than this incredibly bad design
  11. they have the white lane lines and the left turn arrow in the new left turn lane. if not for the markings you would never intuitively drive the course set out.
  12. I drove down heights past 11th and it seems this intersection is complete. Though their redesign is really bad. When you get to 11th the main lane transforms into a left turn lane, the main lane is shifted out and then back. It naturally lends itself to using the turn lane to cross 11th creating a real dilema if you have one car following the designed path and one using the natural and obvious way. naturally it will make biking this stretch more dangerous.
  13. Had Christians last night, that place is much bigger than I had imagined. I agree it is a real sports bar, it will be nuts during football season.
  14. Swamplot says 11th St cafe will be a ruggles on Saturday. Sounds good to me http://swamplot.com/the-rugglefication-of-the-heights-11th-street-cafe/2011-06-14/
  15. It is not much consolation that I will inevitably be inconvenienced by something so why not a jackhammer outside your bedroom at 7am (or cement truck). At least the building is progress, the I-10, and 11th street construction is another story. I am convinced that studemont at I-10 is actually worse than before (unless you wanted to get to Chili's and Target from there, which I don't). If I-10 at Studemont looked like 59 at Montrose, that would be an improvement.
  16. Once built I agree. But the construction process can be horribly inconvenient, For the past couple months either a lane of Studemont has been blocked with dump trucks lined up or now 11th 1/2 is backed up with cement trucks making the street impassable at least between 630-730 in the morning. Then there are the wondering front end loaders and trucks that turn on the wrong street then race through till they figure out where they are going. If I lived on 11th 1/2 or 12th I'd go nuts. If they could manage to keep their mess on their property then have at it, but the intrusion on other people's life is real (sunsets and birds notwithstanding)
  17. While I think this 6story bldg is fine. 12th 1/2 ST at Studemont has a lot for sale, multiple times the size of this one, so indeed you could build a much bigger building 1 block over.
  18. Morning sun maybe, but afternoon is a hard sell. I haven't done trig in a while but I think that most of the afternoon shadow won't make it accross Studemont.
  19. I have really wanted to like Mamou but it just isn't very good, with BBs up the street it is an easy choice for me. I do agree with you that the crowd that keeps Mamou busy will probably stay there. With all the Louisiana people in the neighborhood there is more than enough local demand for both places.
  20. I biked there last night as well. My food strategy there is to simply put the decision to the cook and I am continually impressed with the topping/sauce/sausage combo they put out. The first ten times I ate there I ate the same thing thinking it was the greatest damn hotdog known to man, but you simply cannot go wrong here, whatever they give you you will like.
  21. Swamplot has something on the design for this spot. Looks pretty cool, hope they keep the rooftop pool. http://swamplot.com/...-03/#more-29399
  22. It is really hard to watch people actually working on making something ugly, and it really is ugly. Like someone intentionally parking an elegant classic car on the rail road tracks. Unfortunately, Ms. Gray fails to mention the tacky heart-works scattered across the property and featured at the formerly prominent entranceway.
  23. just curious if anyone has any update on this site. They are making huge progress. The big hole they dug is all walled with concrete, a visible paring garage ramp in the back, a big crane, and several pillars sticking out. Really curious what this thing will wind up being.
  24. I am glad they are spurring development in the "washington heights" there is no way that would have occurred with out some help.
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