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Everything posted by names

  1. TxDOT: Key Phase of Downtown Dallas Road Project Can Start Trinity Toll Road
  2. http://www.projectpe...org/default.htm Is this Dallas' Big Dig?
  3. Those geothermal drills/impacters on the parking lot side look pretty cool. It's also kinda Houston serendipity that they have 4/5 of a block, makes for some interesting boundary conditions.
  4. I smell a juicy lawsuit if one of the cart collectors was "accidentally" hurt while collecting carts off store property.
  5. Wow.. I'm truly sorry if this offended you. I've recently been laid off and am just frustrated by the arch profession atm. I read that you have enlisted and I hope you do well on your ASVAB. Good luck and take care. As far as crime research is concerned perhaps organizing a study of high crime nabs could be done in pursuit of finding the positive deviance to construct a real time theory towards turning the tide of crime.
  6. Demographics and value systems change over time, should 70's and early 80's developers been held to a more stringent code? Probably, or is it more likely that the resultant sprawl would have still conceded to entropic development and ended up as a high crime neighborhood ever further out from the city center than currently? Crime does equal part or whole of the idea of the urban form; but that is, if anything, a false connotation perpetually blared from televisions. It is a social problem, whereas to react with the skill-set of design is symptomatic of a communication breakdown on a societal level and only produces artifacts of fear. The prevalence of obliques, fractured symmetries, and a general lack of cohesion makes it a cakewalk for criminals to operate in this town. My misspent youth can attest to this. Crime is best dealt with by the idea of surveillance, check your RCP.
  7. So are you endorsing some sort of prescriptive code on bldg public security?
  8. Juke is a style of dance, popular in the early-mid 90's on the southside of Chicago.
  9. I'm intrigued by the idea of restoring a home like this, not to it's original design but to it's original design intent. The colonial pastiche may be decoration but there are some rather momentous programmatic shifts in owners and their valuations. The facade is the most glaring example of programmatic shifts, and if I were to redesign the home I would have to seriously consider the based assumptions of the programmatic shifts as part of the home's evolution; even if those changes may have been on the surface ill informed. Beautiful home before, average home after, & perhaps beautiful again with the proper vision.
  10. What is this non-spudz mackenzie-dog-bowls?

  11. Most professional firms depended on foreign projects to get through the last year and a half. Now that most projects are in the construction phase, it seems most firms are on a steady diet of cutting ~10% of the workforce per quarter. Commercial firms have been cleaning house too but are more likely to close shop than to reconfigure operations. Artistic firms are simply wandering in the desert. Edit: It's actually a great time to be an architect worth his salt. All the bluffers, cheap skates, & phonies have been cleared out of the market.
  12. Bring Back CITY UNDER SIEGE! We need another war on something.. You know, like to unite us and stuff
  13. http://www.ted.com/talks/joshua_prince_ramus_building_a_theater_that_remakes_itself.html
  14. ying&yang I personally love the struggle between static money and nomadic creativity. Let's let history decide who wins this one.
  15. He failed his physical, they are bringing up Harris instead. http://www.myfoxhouston.com/dpp/sports/nba/091222-rockets-harris
  16. For some it's about definition, for others it's the connotations.
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