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Everything posted by zaphod

  1. Metro-North... when i clicked on this i though you guys were going to talk about that train that goes from grand central to conneticutt lol, that news article, not good.... at least it will start out as BRT, then it can be gauged to see if rail is really worth it or if it would be a flop. So far rail seems to be doing real good ridership wise in houston, and the U line will probably get high numbers too. It would be wrong to spoil it by spending a bundle on a pathetically underused route. Of course, if the planners think this area has potential then who knows.
  2. something we've all sort of wondered around here.... you say you'll be affected but a lot of evidence says otherwise.. ???
  3. i though afton oaks was nearly all north of richmond.not exactly half :
  4. so by driving by at 2 in the morning pulling them out and tossing them in a dumpster you would not be doing anything wrong *joking*
  5. the problem with westpark is who's gonna be able to use it there? are you really gonna hoof it down the gravel along westpark and dodge cars entering an underpass and then walk another quarter mile to your work? if it goes down richmond its much more accessable to tens of thousands of workers. I forgot why westheimer was eliminated, something about it costing too much or disrupting traffic too much.
  6. figured something like that ^^^ probably why metro never considered it
  7. err, explain why it is so unworkable? and it wouldnt be replacing the 'westpark' corridor. It would be a brand new line. At least i think thats what ricco meant
  8. thats a freaking awesome idea. The fact that its wide would make construction have less impact and also might make it possible to have some overpasses/elevated stations like on DART. One place that could use this would be at Bissonnet. The track could fly over the intersection and leave the turning lanes intact. Same for Hillcroft and all the other major intersections. Where the bellaire transit center is could be an elevated station which below would be a bus area. The little park off by that could be kept as is or be turned into parking for the station Just curious though, Isnt Holcombe@Fannin where that underpass is? How would you make a junction there? Still though, its stupid to give up on richmond, at least without one more fight. I mean, its been voted on, approved, just a few things are standing in the way of construction beginning. And if it was built it would be a really important connection. Doing a line down washington and south to the galleria is a smart plan but its going to be really awkward once rail gets built out to BW8. Richmond would generate lots of riders but also be a good shortcut. Its too bad westpark isnt really an option because it would be faster and ONCE THE SYSTEM IS DONE it would be a useful link. But i guess thats just politics...
  9. this thread shouldnt be in this forum.... its not at all to do with traffic and transport.... and we all know about him...
  10. im pretty sure bikes can ride in the street. ive dont it in college station before and only been honked at once. Usually i stick to the side and only go into the street to use the turning lanes. heh that guys a real mother but its just road rage i guess.
  11. heh. i always though that part of town was interesting because of the office buildings and all the asian stuff. I never considered that part of town to be anywhere near nice, but never wouldve thought it was dangerous or anything... that really sucks. It seems like this city has a major problem with horrible apartment complexes and slumlord developers really all over town. But then if you fixed that, we'd have lots of homeless people... i guess its a tradeoff. Its weird though, houstons the only american city that i can think off where there are LOTS of suburban ghettos Ive always wondered, is there a map of all apartments and complexes in the city and then you could use data like decreasing/increasing rent and crime stats and overlay it in photoshop and it would be interesting to see how this has spread over the years.
  12. he must be thinking of where the red line goes from elevated to at-grade right before diving under central expressway between lovers lane and mockingbird. its not even close to the freeway, rather its right by greenville ave. Although i do see how he could have mistaked it for being suspended over the freeway, he really should have the common sense to research and educate himself on these things. Man, all it takes is going to wikipedia or googling DART and browsing nycsubway.orgs other cities transit pages and he'd be all set. Maybe someone should send a letter to this guy giving him a list of neutral-opinion mass transit sites where he can educate himself. It seems like he doesnt know much about how other systems are layed out. Maybe if he saw how things are done in other places he'd be able to better make decisions.
  13. And the worlds largest mall is also a white trash mecca. There is a SEARS for gods sakes. Not quite the image the Galleria wants. NO CINEMAS. the largest mall(s) are in china buddy...i dunno, are there sears/lots of trashy white people in donggsan? seriously though, what about one of those artsy movie theaters? that would be something new and it wouldnt attract lots of spoiled 14 yr olds with credit cards...
  14. heh i remember when they were testing. went down there to see the trains run. it was pretty cool, they had them running at top speed which was cool to see. im curious about that. i havent been down there in a while. metro has rails connecting with the UP tracks right? as for the parralel test track, a long time ago i talked to my uncle about that(he works for UP) and he said that the rairoad owns that track and planned on using as a siding once metro's mandatory testing was finished. Are the wires still up down there?
  15. I think they should make more corridors LRT too and use BRT as circulators instead.
  16. ugh...that O bahn in essen is nice but it looks so trashy... they have to mow that grass. but yeah, thats beside the point. personally, I think BRT is a great idea to connect with the rail. You could more riders if you have clean and fast buses connecting all the stops.
  17. is that supposed to be sarcasm? because you sound like an idiot...
  18. oh lord not the monorail people having a GOOD monorail system would be awesome though. but the city can barely get money to build what we have so moo.. Personally, after following this thread for a while i have a few questions. I havent lived in houston since i was 12 so beyond occasional trips and the net i dont know a whole lot about this area. My questions 1. Will the proposed AO alignment require people's homes to be taken out? or just small parts of their yards? or not even anything at all? 2. If the answer to number #1 is that at the least nobody will have to loose their house, then why the heck are the AO people so up in arms to kill a very quiet and clean vehicle that will glide through their neighborhood with them not even noticing it or affecting them in any way 3. Besides going straight down richmond, are there any alternative routes that get good ridership that only stay on richmond for a while? 4. When are the engineers going to give us some real info? 5. If the whiners and the feds win, what next? Is rail in houston gonna get the same texas politics screw job or will metro get working on the northside line?
  19. that dallas one is hard to watch... the guy moves the camera too much
  20. actually not entirely... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_large...e_United_States according to wikipedias list of the largest us malls, galleria is #5 in the us in terms of sq footage though that incudes the towers. but it has 375 stores which is only a second place after than MoA's 428.
  21. cool. you can see the circus train in that pic normally i like those lights because they just look better than having forest of poles down the middle of the road yet things are still lit up at night. but i can understand why people dont like the ones near downtown.
  22. actually, the tracks werent really abandoned. A couple of short line operations(its changed hands a few times) has been using them for almost 15 years now. I know the line from marble falls-burnet-UP junction is well used, there are some quarries it connects up in the hill country including the big granite place where the capitol got its materials from(the lines original purpose). From Where it meets the UP to downtown im not sure if its still used though(well freight, tourism rail its still used). There doesnt seem to be much rail connected industry that would warrant rail service at least from a map, im 100% unfamiliar with that part of town Also dont forget the hill country flyer tourist trains that originate from cedar park and go from there to burnet and also south to downtown. I wonder what those guys are going to do when the new line is build?
  23. I think they should cancel this TTC thing because its pie in the sky and all we are doing is blowing money on the EIS's. We shoud use our money to improve the roads we have maybe turning 290 into a freeway. Then when thats done whatever's left can be used to study high speed rail. The Texas TGV is long dead but the planned routes made a lot of sense and using those would be a good idea.
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