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EastEnd Susan

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Everything posted by EastEnd Susan

  1. Say it isnt so!! What will I do without my Lenox BBQ sauce?? I drink that stuff!! Will I get to keep Hendrix Grain and Feed? Oh the memories. I really need to get back over there and get a pic of the building that looks like a silo on Harrisburg and 66th. The building next to it says Texas Belt something or other.
  2. I while back someone posted a site that had pics of the Simms Estate. The pics were in a neighborhood newsletter on the internet from Country Club subdivision. They had lots of history about the subdivision. Ive searched the forum and cant find hide nor hair of that old post. Can anyone help?
  3. I've been out of the loop. What new rail? Where, when? Harrisburg is too narrow for anything to be put in.
  4. Thats probably it. I wonder why they had to tear it all up at once. I feel sorry for the people over there. It looks so depressing. Well Musicman, dont ride your bike over there now unless you want that mud streak up your back. Thanks for the info.
  5. When I was in the Eastend last friday I drove by my old house at 6640 Avenue L. I could hardly get through the streets over there. 67th was all torn up as was 66th from ave. K all the way to Canal. It was one big muddy mess. At one point my posi-traction light came on. I was going to take pictures but it just looked way too bad and I surely didnt want to remember my neighborhood like that. Does anyone know whats up? Whatever it is I hope its for the better.
  6. I took the prayer card and bell pic just for you.
  7. Get there around 11. after that the lot starts filling up fast. We got there at 11 and were the first customers. You have to have the mashed REAL potatoes with REAL brown gravy. The portion of fried fish I got was huge and I couldnt finish it. The greens tasted like my grandma had made them and the garlic bread was yummy!! It got 5 stars from me and my brother.
  8. And a lovely and well maintained community it is!! Have any idea what that last pic is? Looks like it used to be a school. The pic is kinda crooked because its hard to take photos while your brother is driving 90 mph.
  9. Just a few pics from my drive
  10. I just wish they would have done the brick in a color similar to the original.
  11. What a fantastic lunch we had! Its just as I remembered it all the way down to the color of the booths and chairs. And yes I bought lots of goodies from the bakery.
  12. Even school was fun back then. There were no gangs or guns or knives. When our parents dropped us off in the mornings they knew we were in a safe place. All fights were with fists... that is unless the faculty got wind of a fight to be and it was nipped in the bud. Wow, did I just quote Barney Fife?
  13. The lady that drove me to and from school thought my grandmother was picking me up so she left me at school. I was in the third grade. I went crying to my teacher, Mrs. Paulson and she drove me home. Then she sat on the porch with my great grandmother and visited for hours while I tried to show off on my swingset. Teachers would probably get in trouble if they tried to take a kid home nowadays. Glad I grew up when I did. How about you?
  14. How was the food? We'll be going there today. Gotta get a pic of the little bell on the table.
  15. I have been wracking my brain ever since this post started trying to remember the principals name. Skaines! Thanks you so much! Now I can rest. We did have principals with odd first names. Marion and Harmon. Harmon Watts was Austins principal until the year I graduated, 1975. The principal at Burnet elem in the 60's was a Mr. Topperwein.
  16. I always love seeing pics of the Esperson Building. Such beauty. Thanks so much.
  17. Whats that guys name that goes around to everyone in his office and has them say "Got Them!" I wish someone would drop a house on him.
  18. I remember Tracy but I remember her sister Tamma better. We were in school together all through Jackson and Austin. They were nice people. Wonder what ever happened to them? Oh.. I took drama at Jackson for one semester...dont remember the teachers name though. I was way to shy for the stage.. boy has that changed. lol.
  19. Do you have to stay in Clear Lake? What about the other side of 45? Like Friendswood or Pearland?
  20. I remember my first day at Austin. I was never so lost in my life. I thought Jackson was big but boy was I wrong. I really would like to tour Austin now. I have driven a few times and now what was once the back of the school looks like another front. And I guess they took over the field behind the school? Is that where the band practices? I know the Scottish Brigade is long gone but do they have a drill team? I can still see the brigadeers practicing behind the school and I alway looked forward to them welcoming us on the first day of school. They were a classic! Any idea why they did end the brigade? My thought was always that the new girls coming to Austin might not have thought the brigade outfits were very sexy..ok, ok, thats true but what about the tradition? I thought they looked really classy out on that football field. I was always so proud to see them in a parade. What do they have now? Is it a drill team just like all the rest? I enjoyed us being different.
  21. I've always called it 2-AM. Thats what my great grandma called it back in the 50's and great grandma had to be right...right? I agree with the Kirkendoll 100%.
  22. I remember being in the auditorium for the Battle of the Bulge. Didnt it take them a couple of days to show it? I was happy anytime we got to watch a movie...even if it was about Sammy Sperm and Olivia Ovum. You had to love those classic health movies. They embarrassed me to no end. There were 2 gym teachers there that were the coolest. One was Ms. Frank and the other Mrs. Fortenberry. They kept asking us girls to pay our towel fee and we resisted so they finally wrote a song.. Towel fee, towel fee, towel fee, towel fee, towel fee ,towell fee ,please please please ..when you sweat you can bet boys can tell that you smell. after that we payed our towel fee.. but I cant remember even in highschool one girl taking a shower.
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