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Posts posted by infinite_jim

  1. Sounds pretty fixed gear atm.

    I'll admit it was a nice scene a couple years ago; of course parking wasn't a problem back then, nor did the folks complain much about us.

    I miss the rhythm room, the abyss, chaise lounge, & walter's (b4 the townhomes) to recall a few..

    Next thing you know they will start hitting up ________! (hehehe)


  2. I like the heat, it's going into and out of freezing cold buildings that I loathe. To enjoy the heat I've learned not to walk from building to building, but rather to saunter.

  3. How about city sponsored design competitions? Juried by a mix of local professionals and elected officials. I'd start with the what to do with the Astrodome (although that is owned by the county). It would be interesting to see what the international community could do for Houston.

  4. I flew at least 6x a year as a young child between my parents in MSY and PDX. Missed my connection in Salt Lake a few times, no big deal; actually I liked it b/c I got to hang out in the pilot's lounge and met a lot of interesting people in the process. Mountain out of a mole hill.

  5. My dream home is a biologically modified tree, grown to exacting orthogonal specs and consisting of inherent passive systems like insect repellent, vent stack air circulation, and of course shade. I was inspired by those genetically modified "glow in the dark" tobacco plants.

  6. One reason I can appreciate Foster's bldgs is that automated cleaning systems are installed on the roof and operate on a track system down the curtain wall. No lives unnecessarily risked, unless there's some freak equipment failure.

  7. Congrats on the superior content, merit based debate, and not taking yourself too seriously!

    Curators will pore over your posts in the decades to come!

    And I have not forgotten your reply to which I owe you and more so to myself a retort.

  8. The original city grid (downtown and midtown) and that patch of montrose are aligned to take advantage of the prevailing breeze. It helped clean the streets in a time before indoor plumbing.

    Micro climate is a fascinating topic, especially in regards to vineyards ;)

  9. I was amazed when I went to Rome at all the graffiti everywhere. Mostly, the bad kind, but after awhile you don't notice it.


    It's really interesting how in Europe people really don't feel "offended" by graffiti. In some cases in Paris it really adds to the city. Also for all you Houston boasters, Houston has produced some of the most prolific street artists of our time.


    // Locals might recognize this crew production


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