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Posts posted by infinite_jim

  1. I have not been in that area in a while, is the pet store still operating in the northern end of the building? And if so, will there be enough space to accommodate 2 screens? I'm sure if this is to be negotiated a significant amount of off site parking will have to be contracted and it will probably not be very cheap. Seeing the shenanigans pulled by the Fairview street bars and their parking contract situation, I would be very wary of providing more than 50% of parking off site. Egress will be a major issue as well and will likely be cause for some radical renovations; not to mention kitchen fire ratings, external grease trap location, etc.

    • Like 1
  2. Healthcare: check

    Credit Card Reform: check

    Energy Independence

    Pollution (Cap&Trade)

    Drug Law Reform

    Economic Stimulus 2.0 (Jobs)

    Immigration Reform

    Transportation Reform

    Election/Campaign Reform

    Education Reform

    Resolving the War in Iraq

    Resolving the War in Afghanistan

    Financial Markets Reform

    Anything else?

  3. Hello all,

    I've long been a lurker around here for some of the best info I've found about things going on in our city, so thanks for that!

    Now I'm hoping to tap into some of that knowledge - I'm a first-time home buyer and am expecting a signed purchase contract today for a house in Pearland. Can anyone recommend a good home inspector to me?


    Welcome to the forum. :)

  4. I've noticed that the building name sign is no longer up. I'm thinking they took it down because it is such a pretentious looking building that will house only administrative support people. Kinda flashy!

    The renderings come off as very Sim, but the built material will pastel into it's landscape. It has a suburban office complex identity, the labeling wouldn't change people's perceptions much. And it certainly doesn't look much like a hospital, although the lines of functional programming are constantly being blurred. I personally like the triptych staggered bar style in plan, it reminds me of other big oil corporate campuses in the satellite cities of Sugar Land or the Woodlands.

  5. Curious about what you mean by this? Do the area's demographics fit with ostentatious, showy, useless bling? That is not my impression with the area.

    In fact, that area is probably the most conservative area of Houston.

    Thank you, it is a conservative design w/r/t other towers with similar budgets. The memorial area is changing, as you can see in the daily demo's, the renovation of the mall, and the newly constructed lifestyle center.

    When I was a first year architecture student, many sayings were iterated by the professors but the one that has filtered it's way into the populous the most is probably "taste, not space."

    • Like 1
  6. It's projects like this that allow great insight for billboard marketers and other ad agency folks.

    Another billboard employing a pseudo, non-commercial tactic was those "YOU" billboards in contemporary fonts; only to be revealed as cellphone ads after an initial memory imprinting was established.

    Edit: I'd like to see the correlation of sales between this add/subtract method versus a time manipulated digital billboard. Although I suspect that digital billboards don't get as many hits/views as print out billboards.

  7. Who designed this building?

    By the looks of the material palette, I think Ziegler-Cooper designed this one (along with the two condo towers at uptown park and the catholic cathedral downtown). I have unofficially likened this iconic tower as the "Fabergé egg" bldg. Aesthetics-wise, it is appropriate for the area's demographics and in terms of scale to the adjacent freeway interchange and further energy corridor towers to the east and west.
    • Like 1
  8. What exactly is our target demographic?

    When I first signed up, I was under the impression that mostly architects would be posting. Then I went through a period of frustration, having to hear lay people opinions of architecture, and now I've come full circle and like that fact that only a few known architects post and that the majority of admitted posters come from diverse backgrounds and levels of expertise.

    Ideally, you shouldn't target any demographic except for the respectful and literate.

  9. For the fans, check this MJ mix

    I started in 1970 with the Jackson 5 and went all the way up through 2001, not always mixing because I wanted to go in chronological order. I skipped over some of the more obvious songs (ABC, I Want You Back, Billie Jean, PYT) - if anybody is dying to hear those, please come see me DJ in real life. I hope this mix brings up as many happy memories and good feelings for you when you listen to it as it did for me making it.



    Maybe Tommorow

    Never Can Say Goodbye

    I Wanna Be Where You Are

    The Love You Save

    Dancing Machine

    Everybody's Somebody's Fool

    Up Again

    We're Almost There

    I Can't Help It

    Don't Stop Til You Get Enough

    Workin Day and Night

    Get On The Floor

    Lovely One

    Baby Be Mine

    Say, Say, Say

    Human Nature

    The Lady In My Life

    Dirty Diana

    Another Part of Me

    Remember the Time

    In The Closet

    Who Is It

    You Rock My World (Remix)


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