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Everything posted by RedScare

  1. There are 3,137 residential units downtown, with occupancy at 89%. If Finger's place and Texaco materialize, it would jump to 4,000.
  2. As more cities across the US rush to memorialize their xenophobia in law, we will continue to see an increase in articles like this one. Decline in International Visitors Worries Travel Executives
  3. To be fair, the Dallas Morning News stated that while the employer sanctions were removed, they are being studied for possible implementation in the future. My guess is that city council was trying to decide just how many lawsuits they could defend at one time. Also, a closer reading (again, in the DMN) of the article states that the tennant must show proof of citizenship or residency. I seem to have misplaced my official proof of citizenship of The Republic of America. Any of you guys got one?
  4. Well, this gets my vote for hyperbole of the day. It even outdid Farmer's Branch.
  5. You probably should reread the article. They specifically did NOT address ILLEGAL employers.
  6. Perhaps the reason there is disconnect is because there is no such legal term of "illegal immigration". In fact, many of the immigrants that Farmer's Branch intends to kick out may not be "illegal" at all. It is not a crime to be in the US without documentation. It is illegal to ENTER without documentation. Does Farmer's Branch intend to do the necessary investigation to prove the difference? Have they even defined "illegal", which means nothing, legally? (Ironic, I know.) And, why is Farmer's Branch giving a free pass to "illegal employers"? Why do the restaurant owners, home builders, landscapers and others not get penalized as co-conspirators? Aren't these cretins just as un-American, or un-Farmer's Branchian as the undocumented workers they employ? What part of ILLEGAL do they not understand? The answer to the question of whether this ordinance and town is racist can be found in the answer to those last questions.
  7. Hmm, I don't know. Let's ask TheNiche. Hey, Niche, if I know TWICE as much as you, is it fair that I get paid more than you, or would it be racist to pay me based on my superior knowledge?
  8. Yeah, he had a trial run for friends last night, with plans to open today. Good grub. All you westsiders get over there and try it out.
  9. And don't forget Chik-fil-a. Those guys are brutal. I'll take smoke bombs and tortillas over those pansies at UT throwing roses.
  10. I think plumber's right. Last I heard, the City of Galveston wanted to move industrial and port industry to Pelican Isle, so it could expand the cruise terminal and tourist sites on the Galveston side. I doubt they want any residential on PI at all.
  11. Note to self: Don't sit next to Midtown Coog at UH games. Total buzz killer. GO COOGS!
  12. Oh, please! What a bunch of dawdling church ladies you people are. Of COURSE the smoke bomb was funny! Especially the Orange color. You guys sound like a bunch of Homeowners Association board members griping about the length of a neighbor's grass. But, REAL American Sports fans would never do that. Oh, No! Other than beer (Detroit Pistons fans), batteries (Phillies, Eagles, Jets, Mets), liquor bottles (LSU), sabres (A&M), and Disco records (Cleveland), I've hardly seen ANYTHING thrown by fans at AMERICAN sports events. And, boring? Have any of you been to a professional football game recently? Could anything be more exciting than watching a referee looking at a replay box while the theme from 'Jeopardy' plays on the sound system? How about the dead silence for two minutes after every change of possession, while the TV networks run their commercials. A 60 minute game now takes 3 and a half hours to play, because of the commercials. Not to mention that there is only 20 minutes of actual "play", since the rest of the time is spent in the huddle. And, don't even get me started on NASCAR, golf and bowling. Look, I am not trying to trash the sports we grew up with, and prior to this year, I did not watch much soccer. But, let the fans enjoy their championship. They don't dis the other sports. Quit jumping on theirs. Besides, you sound like a bunch of Yankees fans who can't admit there are 29 other teams that play baseball.
  13. http://thefuntimesguide.com/audio/Bud_Ligh...f_Texas_Guy.mp3
  14. Just in case y'all may have missed it among all the hoopla over the Texans and Dynamo, the Rockets just blew out Miami by 22 points AT Miami. Oh yeah, Yao had 34 points to Shaq's 15.
  15. Really? Does that include NCAA (as in UH Cougars)?
  16. Reading all of this doom and gloom makes me realize that the Dems do not have a chance in this election. In fact, I am so disillusioned about their chances in the 2006 midterms that I am not even going to vote next Tuesday. It would be a waste of time. The Dems don't have a prayer of winning.
  17. Unless the Administration screwed up the planning of the war. Of course we know that isn't true, since we "accomplished the mission" 3 and a half years ago.
  18. Yeah, kinda like American football. Did you see the Texans/Jags today? Each team scored once, but the Texans won with 2 kicks to 1. What a pointless sport, huh?
  19. Thanks for the warning, but I'm a flask of Cap'n Morgan kinda guy.
  20. No, No, No, No, and No. If Lowes, Home Depot, Target, and Houton Garden Center didn't kill 'em, WalMart won't do it either.
  21. UH goes 8-3, and the alumni and fans go wild. Meanwhile, over at www.TexAgs.com, they are slitting their wrists and jumping off the press box at Kyle Field over the 8-3 Aggies. Interesting. I think I'll just take off my Aggie ring and hang with you Coogs for awhile. You guys seem to appreciate an 8-3 record a little more. Great job, and I'll be at Robertson cheering with ya!
  22. Thank you, Mr. Hannity. And, welcome to Houston. "If you would like to post an opposing view, please submit your editorial to HAIF Editorial, PO Box 5555, Chicago, IL 90210. Please observe the HAIF editorial guidelines. And, remember, no profanity."
  23. Having lived in both the Woodlands and the Heights, I can safely say that "older" is a relative term. I will leave it to you to decide what style of house and neighborhood suits you. However, I currently live in the Heights. I have to drive to Conroe a couple of times a month for work. The reverse commute is congestion free to the Woodlands. It takes less than than 30 minutes to get to Woodlands Mall from the center of the Heights. If you are in Sunset Heights or Lindale Park, you can shave another 5-10 minutes off of that time. Good luck in your search, and welcome to Houston.
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