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Everything posted by photolitherland

  1. That map hasnt been updated for years it looks like.
  2. I like this tower and all but I feel its in a terrible location. I wish something like this would go in near Minute Maid Park or something and extend the skyline that a ways. In this location, it will just be lost and plus it doesnt add much to the street since its right by a huge highway. Sure it will add to the skyline but our skyline from that vantage point is pretty sweet already. I just wish it were going in someplace, like maybe even along one of those terrible looking parking lots near MainPlace. Still, a new tall tower is better than no new tall tower.
  3. Silver, looks awesome. Im amazed they are installing glass already. Thanks for the update.
  4. ^^^ I had a friend who used to live up on 8 and his apartment was tiny but I thought it would be an awesome place to live. How do you like it so far?
  5. WTF, they said construction was supposed to start by last friday. Hmmm
  6. Cool, what floor did you move to? 8, because that would be badass if thats so.
  7. I tried founding out what the population of just downtown was and I cant seem to find anything. I was wondering if any of you guys knew what the population down there is now and what its projected to be in the future.
  8. Photos from today Until next time, Ill be stuck in redneckville arkansas.
  9. Underground parking, wow, what a novel idea. I dont understand why in Houston whenever a new scraper is built they have to build a separate garage and make the street look ugly with it. In most other major cities, parking garages are built below the building or incorporated into the tower. Houston has way too many damn parking garages, especially on Main Street that are just a blight. Im glad they decided to build parking underground with this one but it will be a while then before we see it rise.
  10. Its really annoying after about 7, the trains only come by about every 30 minutes and after dark thats when all the crazies ride the train.
  11. Wow, I had no idea it was that wild down there. If Id have known Id taken my kayak years ago down there. I always do my kayaking at Anahuac or out in the ship channel cause I love paddling next to those giant oil tankers. I wonder how in the world the bayou managed to escape being cemented in after all these years like the rest of the old rivers did. Glad this one escaped and its crazy to think alligators are swimming through downtown. I love gators and I love kayaking next to em, its gives a great adrenaline rush! But man, theres got to be some nasty shit on the bottom of that creek. Probably dead people, used needles, feet of trash. Yuck.
  12. Terrible building and I just cant believe they are tearing down the Franzheim Building. I swear, I love Houston but damn some of the shit they do here just pisses me off so much.
  13. Well, I am just only in town once every few months and whenever I come I take as many photos as possible and stay downtown all day I go to school in Arkansas and its terrible but I grew up here and since living in a backwards redneck rural state I have come to cherish downtown and the second I graduate, Im moving downtown if I can find a job here.
  14. Yes, this base is massive and quite frankly, ugly as hell. Its so impersonal at street level on the main street side. Theres no retail, no windows, no doors. Just one massive white block. I was thinking, WTF were they thinking making it feel like a giant white wall plopped down on main street. Oh well. And yes that was taken from the new tower. Ive always wanted to go up there and the top floor is just doctors offices with waiting rooms and big windows. Im pretty sure anyone can walk up there and nobodies going to ask questions because they will just assume youre a patient.
  15. ^^^ I dont think so since there was no room for it and all it was was a parking garage when I walked around it. I dont understand why they wouldnt put retail but most of the garage is along a road with no sidewalk and the entire front side with be covered up by the tower.
  16. On their handouts they were giving out it says 19 stories. So, they need to update their render there, since its at 22. I didnt hear anything about height but at 19 stories, that puts at around the height Discovery Tower is at right now.
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