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Posts posted by lockmat

  1. There is a meeting at Carnegie Vanguard High School tonight about Regent Square. If anyone goes could you please let us know if there is any news? I won't be able to make it.



    From another one of their posts:

    REGENT SQUARE will be presenting details and answering questions regarding their upcoming building project in North Montrose.


    and then...


    nfortunately, Regent Square will be unavailable due to scheduling conflicts, but we will be presenting new information and taking questions and comments to relay to RS.


    If someone goes you should definitely put it on periscope!

    • Like 2
  2. Isn't that the whole point of the "American Dream"? To start over in a nation that won't kill you, your family, and everything else because you're apart of a different sect of the same religion?

    Isn't that what Anerica stands for? We are still a World Police (for better or worse) and honestly, not to bring up religion, but isn't it the "Christian" thing to do? To turn to the poor, the needy, the helpless?


    You make a good point. However, is the American Dream an entitlement? 


    Are people who want to take in the refugees not at all concerned about terrorists sneaking in? Why can't China or other Arab countries take them in? Why not keep them at least on the same continent?

    • Like 1
  3. Well, Europe has had the benefits of open borders, allowing tourists and others to see Europe relatively easily without border crossings.

    Would be nice if America had the same type of trust again, but it looks like its over for Europe.


    As long as you have a passport from a certain country getting across Europe borders should not have been a problem, correct? Maybe it took a little longer but you were still able to cross.


    How come you'd like it to be easier to get into the United States?

  4. Not to mention if this IS a 100+ story building, it would take years to complete anyway. Far longer than any project to date in this city probably. What? 3 years maybe? It's hard to forecast market conditions for next year much less three years but it only stands to reason we won't be in the oil slump we're in now at that time.


    As long as the global financial collapse doesn't happen in the next couple of years, yes. 


    What I'm curious about is, what would a garage podium look like or be incorporate to a 100+ tower in Houston. If he could put a good portion of it in the ground that would be good.

  5. Im sorry but this Ralph Bivins guy seems like hes just playing crap shoot guesstimating the date.. Not sure why anyone is putting stock in what he has to say. And Lockmat, what do you mean that doesn't mean "Hines doesn't know what they have.."? Are you implying Hines dropped $55 million on a random property in hopes that their investment plays out? Lulz


    What I meant is they do know what they have. They don't care what current conditions are. They know the value of the site.

  6. Im sorry but this Ralph Bivins guy seems like hes just playing crap shoot guesstimating the date.. Not sure why anyone is putting stock in what he has to say.


    Ralph is a long time Houston real estate reporter and probably knows a little more than the average HAIFer. I'm not saying take what he says to the bank but I think he has a good reputation. Plus, I think what he says makes perfect sense anyway considering current economic conditions.

  7. lol until the houston economy gets better we arent seeing no 100 story building. cmon lol


    To be fair, he didn't say when it would start. 


    They've gotta fill up 609 first anyway, so like Ralph Bivins said, I would expect it to start until 2018ish anyway, but that doesn't mean Hines doesn't know what they have and what they can build.


    HAIFers will be wetting their pants for the rest of their lives.

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