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Everything posted by Gooch

  1. Or my personal favorite the folks that jump into the Heights Blvd. bike lane at WO/11th/14th, not to turn right, but to go straight and pass up the 5 cars waiting for the redlight in the CAR lane. [sorry for the hijack, just a pet peeve!]
  2. Too true. Lots of people were FOR this development and don't live anywhere near it. They accuse the neighborhood folks of being NIMBYs. Maybe those people should be called SOEBYs? Shouldn't the people ADJACENT to the thing get to have the biggest influence on the outcome? Even if they are rich and snooty (just kidding)! Dave.
  3. I've never felt threatened by a shopping cart, but I suppose they could attack at any moment endangering the safety of the public. I see far fewer folks pushing their groceries home in the carts than I did ten years ago. At first I thought this practice was odd, but have grown to like it because it's unique. You won't see that in Katy or the "new and improved" Bellaire. It's just another waning part of Heights culture that being squeezed out by 'gentrification'. The Fiesta guy is goes around daily and collects them up from around the hood. Seriously, what does it hurt? Dave.
  4. That was my thought too. If I didn't know it was new, I'd have thought it was place that has passed out of vogue and was receding into disuse.
  5. Definately heard it! I was in the shower, thinking... it's not supposed to rain tonight... thinking it was thunder. Donno what it was, tho.
  6. Nicholson and West Chimes, just north of LSU campus. If you look really close you can see the North Gate between the building and Northbound side of Nicholson. Northgate Liqour used to be across the street. Doesn't fit the area - AT ALL.
  7. The EXACT description of this monstrosity in Baton Rouge! C'mon, fess up, you were looking at this place when you wrote that!
  8. Watching this now. It's a great program. Seems almost all of Houston's historic buildings are gone, though. "Demo City" should be Houston's nickname!
  9. Studewood/20th/Main/Cavalcade. 5-ways one-at-a-time...
  10. Just got back from a (very short) walk-about between squalls. HPD patrol told me to go home! Alot of people still have power, evidenced by the glow in the sky. A lot of people are losing power, evidenced by green flashes in the sky! Had a puff about an hour ago that caused the whole house to creak... eskeery... but still have power so I'm delighted! Fire is at Brennen's acording to KTRK.
  11. sifuwong, where are you? Light rain in Woodland Heights. Still have power too, but were the only block on the street! NHC reported IKE with min. pressure of 28.11. My baro reads 29.20. Getting closer!
  12. Radar can't see through the heavy rain on this side of it. If you look at the Lake Charles radar the back side looks much stronger than it does on the IAH radar. It doesn't have to "look" through the eyewall. That said, IKE took a big gulp of dry air over the last two hours looking at the water vapor sattelite animation... (good for us).
  13. Well, we've turned it in to a drinking game. Everytime you hear someone on TV say "Hunker Down" you take a shot. I hope my liver is up to snuff!
  14. Good one editor. Well played!
  15. If I hear the term "Hunker Down" one more time I think I'm going to shoot my television.
  16. Ya, it's my bike GPS. Not that accurate. Somedays it's 44-feet, somedays it's 50-feet.
  17. 46-ish feet at 14th and Studewood according to my GPS...
  18. It's BY-YOU, because when you stand on the bank, the water goes right by you...
  19. The horns on top are microwave antannas that are no longer used (I don't think). The microwave equipment were part of the old AT&T Long Lines system that carried "long distance" telephone taffic. The Long Lines system was also part of the "doomsday" communication system that would be called upon in event of nuclear war with the USSR. Most of the folks working on that system were security cleared, etc, and the system carried a lot of governmental traflfic. For instance when the president traveled, direct, secure lines of comm were carried on the system. Most likely atleast parts of that building are nuclear blast hardened, hence the small windows and complete lack of windows in places. I wouldn't be surprised if the windowless side faces the ship channel/baytown areas which would have been a likely nuclear target, but I can't remember which side it's on... A Google search on AT&T Long Lines brings up some neat pictures of mothballed facilities complete with nuclear decontamination equipment and supplies... Dave.
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