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Everything posted by robhan

  1. There have been a few building back east thet have been saved that were in the same shape as the old Savoy but it took a whole lot of money and I can not see anyone in Houston willing to spend that kind of money.
  2. I have a Key Map from the mid 90's that has locations for some of the closed and or torn down schools. Anyone have any pics of Fanin Elem must have close to were the Walgreeen's is on McGowan.
  3. Does anyone have pics of the first two locations of the first two locations of the St. Thomas and St. Agness school?
  4. I live at the Downtown YMCA and rumors abound on the staus of the building. One is that an oil comany has bought the residence part for offices after they renovate it. Another is they bought the whole thing and are going to tear it down. Anhother has the y moving a few blocks south and having a residence or not having one. The building should be on the National Register. This woudl be the second historical Y6 torn down the first being the 1908 building. I know there was an even older one built in chartered in 1885. Anyone have any pics of the older ones or even the one now on Louisiana when it was newer?
  5. I kinow there was an older stadium that the Buffs used before the one on the Gulf Freeway. The reason I ask is on an old map of the city maybe around 1913 there is a baseball park located a few blocks west of the current YMCA location. Anyone have any pics of thsi field?
  6. A lot of Houses were lost in the Baldwin area as well.
  7. Not only were many beautiful mansions torn but but also many nice apartment houses as well. To this day most of the people that attend Holy Rosary parish come from all over the city due to the gutting of the houses and apartments within it's traditional boundries. The same can be said for Annunciation and Sacred Heart.
  8. I went to the University Of St. Thomas in the 90's and enjoyed the wonderful greasy burgers at the location where the UST Chapel of St. Basil is now. Am I wrong or were there other locations in the city?
  9. The first Catholic church in Houston was St. Vincent's. Where was it located? I have been told that it's bell is located at Annunciation Church. I do now the Cemetery close to Our Lady Of Guadalupe was the St. Vincent cemetery and that Dick Dowling is buried there in an unmarked grave.
  10. What do you think will happen to the Savoy? It looks like it actualy has two sections an older one and a newer one.
  11. I live not far from these buildings and sometimes to me they are eyesores and other times they have potential. Maybe some big bucks type could make them a comination commerical and residental, or hotel.
  12. The Prince's Driv Inns are mentioned in the great Rodney Crowell song Telephone Road.
  13. I know the Scanlan Mansion was on Main near where the Lee Brown Metro Center is now and the fountain in Sam Houston Park was moved from mthat loation when the mansion was torn down.
  14. I would suspect the one on Travis was in the tunnel system.
  15. The old school was also very close to The Old Houston Fire Station #1 which must have also been HFD headquarters and the location of Sam Houston;s House when he was President of the Republic.
  16. Does Anyone have any info or pics on mansions that used to stand in the Sowntown and northern Midtown areas? Most of them are demolished. I know there is a book called Hidden Houston somewhere out there that I can not find.
  17. Acorrding to something I read once on the UIL website South Main played and lost a game in the football semifinals to make it to state. it may have become South Maqn Jr. Hig and the San Jac HS.
  18. I know that there was onr on South Main that was the last to close. I have seena few of the signs in various places across town. Or should I say just the sign and no building left.
  19. Aside note many Houston residents of the time claimed this building was so large that it was a waste since Houston would never need a school this big.
  20. Where was South Main High School located or rather where on South Main?
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