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Everything posted by wernicke

  1. Funny story... I saw Fearless, with Jeff Bridges as the only survivor of a flight from San Francisco to Houston, while I was in San Francisco with my dad. My dad has always been leery of flying anyways, it definitely made him nervous on the flight back to H-Town. The movie was interesting and worth seeing, but I really don't like Rosie Perez.
  2. Who could forget Sidekicks with the late great Jonathan Brandis and Chuck Norris... there are some nice DT Houston scenes where Brandis is practicing karate moves in the fountains at Tranquility Park. Pretty sad about Brandis hanging himself a few years ago...
  3. I kind of like all the graffiti pictured... some peeps running around out there with spray paint are pretty talented.
  4. I'm curious... from an engineering/construction standpoint, is it more or less expensive to make an elevated section over the tracks or to tunnel (no, not a negative-pressure tunnel) underneath the tracks? A short underpass seems more appealing to me, but maybe it isn't feasible for some reason.
  5. I'm over at Methodist now... it's kind of cool seeing the construction on the CRC and the new Methodist outpatient clinic from the 10th floor or so. Jax... what is going on with all the other Rice construction, off Main and also at Sunset? I swim with the Rice Master's team, and evidently Rice will be building at 50 meter outdoor pool... where is that going?
  6. Midtown just needs more residential development... but I think it will come. Washington attracts homeowners in the Heights, which is a different population vs. midtown (younger, apartment-dwellers).
  7. This thread got hijacked by fantasy... are people seriously arguing about negative-pressure tunnels connecting Houston-SA-Austin?
  8. The New Urbanist guru Andres Duany, whose city planning emphasizes cozy, walkable neighborhoods, seems horrified that Houstonians
  9. I live across the street and literally watched them lay the brick. They are currently putting some sort of feaux-finish on the back side of the building above the parking garage though.
  10. And the Celtics did it the night after beating San Antonio... It was a rough game, the Rockets looked totally outmatched. Rafer seemed to be thrown off from his little altercation in the first second, Scola seemed intimidated by Garnett on both ends, Hayes was/is a poor finisher (there is a reason Landry had taken on his minutes), T-Mac... well he did get double-teamed everytime, but he definitely did not look like a star out there. Boston looked awesome, and did so without Ray Allen.
  11. Has anyone else ever wondered why Houston has a very sub-par zoo despite being in the 4th largest city and admission fees that have climbed steeply in the past decade? I didn't realize how crappy our zoo is until I visited the Brownsville zoo a year ago... smaller city, smaller budget, lower admission fees with beautiful wide-open animal exhibits that mimic natural environments. They also had a much more interesting selection of animals, I especially liked their troop of gorillas (we haven't had a gorilla in 10 years or something). Nice pictures though westguy.
  12. The Crosspoint website has a restaurant, wine bar, and Starbuck's labeled on the property info: Elgin at Louisiana Not sure if the labels actually mean anything though.
  13. Yea. Think the streak is going to end tonight.
  14. Damn! Still no Carl Landry. Boston is gonna be tough.
  15. It used to have a pool but it was filled-in in the 70s or so. I know this building is historic for being the first high-rise built outside of the CBD (1952), but I can say I won't miss it when it's gone. The only thing worth preserving is the large mural in the lobby, which is pretty cool and rustic.
  16. Ricco... I am basically going with the plan you laid out, which is funny. Haven't quite figured out where to wind up b/c our first date was at Edwards Cinema on I-10 (I hate that place). One of her friends suggested Brennen's Steakhouse on the Bayou, so I might go check it out. Saturday is the day.
  17. I would like to see a little restaurant/cafe on the first floor. I think a Starbuck's is already in the works.
  18. Thanks guys! I can definitely see some possibilities in the scavenger hunt idea. Editor, I wish I could take a nice trip somewhere... that would be my first choice because we both love to travel and it would be memorable, but insufficient funds for plane tickets and not many good destination options in the Houston area are limiting.
  19. Hey guys... just wondering if anyone had any good ideas on places/things to do leading into asking my gf to marry me. I had been thinking about getting a nice room in Galveston and making it a kind of weekend getaway, but there doesn't seem to be much availability down there for the next couple of weeks (and the nice places are expensive). If I stay in Houston, I'm really not sure what I am going to do. I'm more of an intimate-setting type of person, rather than a big public spectacle type. Any advice/ideas would help!
  20. They only blow the horn when pedestrians/motor vehicles have the potential to be on the tracks... whereas the sound of a Metro bus passing by on street level can be deafening (esp if accelerating), not to mention the fumes. I would agree that on the whole the trains are far quieter than the busses.
  21. About a year ago I sat in on a presentation by a BioHouston representative who was addressing the problems you guys are talking about... it was an interesting presentation. They went into comparisons of patent applications, venture capital, start-up biotech companies between Houston and other biotech-heavy regions (like Boston and California), and Houston is definitely behind the curve in nurturing potentially high-dollar biotech enterprises derived from our biomedical industry.
  22. Four is a pretty small sample size... but it looks like a good site.
  23. Today's game was awesome... good to see the guys get it done with McGrady playing like total crap. When is Landry gonna comeback from the knee injury/I wonder if it was worse than they were letting on?
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