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Posts posted by deepsouthtexas

  1. Nice work.  Maybe you shouldn't have used equal signs, because last I checked, that "equation" is false.

    So explain it to us then. You can't. Your age is really showing. What are you? 19, 20 years old? That usually equals "don't know squat." I guess it's hard for you to understand because if you're short on cash, you get it from your parents. The government can't do that without going into debt. The "equation" I posted is not partisan idea. It's just the way things work. Do a little research on the last Texas budget.

  2. By MATT KELLEY, Associated Press Writer

    CBS reported Wednesday night that it had obtained personal files from one of Bush's Texas commanders saying Bush discussed with him how to avoid drills during 1972. The report on "60 Minutes" said the files were from the personal records of Col. Jerry Killian, who died in 1984.

    In the memos, Killian complained of pressure from higher-ups to give Bush positive evaluations and said Bush talked about how to avoid taking a physical exam in 1972, when Bush eventually skipped six months of training and lost his pilot's wings for missing the exam.

    After the broadcast, the White House, without comment, released to the news media two of the memos, one ordering Bush to report for his physical exam and the other suspending him from flight status.

    This is one of the reasons why I don't have any confidence in Bush keeping the homeland safe. Not only is he not a responsible person, but he lies about it to this day. This is not the guy to protect the mainland. He couldn't even report to duty for a physical. It's no wonder he stayed away from DC on Sept. 11. The man has no courage. And they used to call his dad a wimp! The choice is easy for me. When under fire, Kerry demonstrated courage. Bush, on the other hand, read a book to some kids in Florida.

  3. The main reason why he NEEDS to stay in Iraq is because we don't have another afghanistan to pop up again.

    If you will look at your history, you can see how that poor country when to total pot after the russians left.  Last thing you want to do is to have a country with a serious country vacuum. 

    I may not like Bush, but in this one thing I support him on.


    I agree that we don't want another Taliban-style state. However, the way Bush has fought this war, is hardly discouraging this. Look at all the "no-go zones." These are zones where US troops can't or won't patrol. Falluja is a prime example where terrorists have seized control. It's seems to be a magnet for terrorists and criminals. My point is that Bush has done a poor job directing this war. It's time for him to go and let somebody who actually fought in a war take over.

  4. What are you talking about?

    It should be obvious. His whole campaign revolves around the war on terror. So he'll gladly take credit for all those terrorists that have been caught. But when it comes to blaming somebody for the lapse in security, he'll point the finger at anybody but himself. I really don't think security is any better than it was before Sept. 11. Bush himself even admitted that the war on terror couldn't be won. It's no wonder that ex-CIA boss and scapegoat George Tenet believes that the mainland will be hit again. People wonder if the White House forced Tenet to resign, but I think he got out while the getting was good.

  5. Just because the people at the air port didn't catch it, mean it was bush's fault. Why don't we blame every bad thing on the president of the time. Gosh darn Aberham licoln and his Civil war, its all his fault, because hes the one who let the union fall apart.

    Hey, that's fine as long as Bush doesn't take credit for every suspected terrorist that is caught. Oh but then he'd have nothing to campaign on.

  6. I guess I'll introduce myself again. We lived in Houston for 4 years and now we're living in the Rio Grande Valley, in McAllen but originally from Brownsville. Some of you may have already seen these pictures the first time they were posted.


    Here's the Bollack Building in downtown Brownsville. Built in 1910 and currently being restored.


    Cameron County Courthouse built in 1912. Currently being restored.




    Neutra House. The City of Brownsville bought this but has yet to do a thing to it. More about this here

    and here.

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