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Posts posted by deepsouthtexas

  1. What is so scary about this situation is that many of these groups are little more than common thugs, and they are using weapons such as these!

    Do you think we should close off the border at Nuevo Laredo? Is there anything else we could do?

    They are not at all common thugs. These guys are actually deserters from an elite military unit. They were trained in the US for the Mexican government to fight the drug war. Do a web search for "mexican zetas" if you want more info.

    As far as closing the borders, I doubt it would be feasible considering the huge amounts of legitimate businesses that depend on those bridge crossings.

  2. Mchi Class of 1984.

    Lived on Lavista, then Tamarack from 1974 to 1986.

    Still visit several times a year.


    I replied to your email a while back but I'm not sure if you got it. After living in Houston, I'm glad to see the retail and dining options in McAllen growing by leaps and bounds as well as the population (MSA closing in on 800,000). Rush rules. Later vato.

  3. I seem to remember a hispanic who walked to a HFD station complaining of stomach pains. He was turned away twice. Anybody remember what happened to him? Speaking of fire engines. Always thought it was a waste of tax payer's money for HFD to drive the fire engine over to Kroger on West Gray. Do you really need a fire engine and four HFD employees to shop for groceries when things are so busy? Didn't think so.

  4. Illegals run the taco stands. 

    Amazing that some people want to argue facts.

    Legal Mexican immigrants are overrepresented in the food-services industry all over Houston. Who do you think prepares the food at Cafe Express, China Stix, Chipotle, etc...? But you'd rather mention taco stands because it's a little more stinging.

  5. Are you just making this up as you go? No car company, ad agency or film crew is shutting any freeway down. They may close a street here or there or perhaps use a bit of an unfinished, unopened freeway, but the implications of closing an operating state or interstate highway are too ridiculous to even ponder for a mere ad agency or film crew.

    This is the kind of thing that ran off many of the old members. Save your speculations for Montrose1100

    You're forgetting one important thing. $. Almost anything's for sale.

  6. I really have no more intrest in this tread beacause of the way some of you have taken it. This thread was meant to get peoples attention on a real issue effecting Houston and all of America. This thread was inspired by an artilce that I saw on Yahoo.com. I posted the article but that was back when the origanal Houston Architecture Forum destroyed about a month ago. If I have hurt anyones feeling please forgive me, and move on!


  7. I am sorry, but after reading some of the posts on here I think we should make ignorance the official language of the USA.

    AND, for midtowncoog/otischance... here are a few questions I have for you.

    You stated that you employ a Mexican nanny. Is she a U.S. citizen? If she isn't then you need to shut your pie-hole about immigration. If she is, then do you pay her minimum wage? Do you declare her employment on your taxes? Have you thought about paying her a living wage so that maybe her family can have the same opportunities that you do?

    Additionally, has it ever occured to you that her relatively cheap employment (compared to private day care facilities) offers you several advantages in life that you and your spouse might not otherwise have?

    Going further, does your nanny have kids of her own? If she does, do you offer day care services to her kids so that she can work for you without having to rely on spending probably 50% of what she earns from you on day care alone?

    I am constantly amazed at the number of white folks who denegrate other races and ethnicities or disparage a lack of a work ethic about said folks, but at the same time, many of these white folks have to hire these people because they are too good to clean their own ____ out of their toilets!

    AND, if people are wondering, I am a total WASP and a direct descendent of Jane Long. I was just lucky enough to be raised to spot hypocrisy when I saw it.

    Great post. Welcome.

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