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Everything posted by Nate99

  1. Big pile o' rubble inside the high rise from Rusk...
  2. I agree. I don’t know what heating up a slab of concrete does to the steel reinforcement inside it, but that fire was a hot one, and it burned right on that garage for quite a while. If there was any doubt about its integrity, I imagine that it was uninsurable.
  3. It is a marketing throwaway like "Corinthian leather". It is supposed to be evocative of style, but you are not supposed to think about it.
  4. Yep, the CSN Houston model was to have in-studio production and local reporting, the root sports model shows the games and centrally or externally produced content. I would be surised if their lease survives the bankruptcy proceedings.
  5. The market will support whatever it will. Someone has the numbers on how many residents downtown will add with all the new construction, but I would not not be surprised if it turned out that downtown dwelling Houstonians still do not behave like Mahattanites. To those that find that model of urbanism an ideal lifestyle, I wonder why they don't move there. Houston will be denser, it would appear, but it won't be New York or San Francisco or Austin or Omaha or anywhere else. If I saw a city that looked like it had meaningful upside to Houston to the way I wanted to live, I'd look in to relocating, but I'm a cheap bastard that is fairly immune to the charms of aesthetics, so this is my place.
  6. The steps/benches on the stairs down to the tunnel look really neat, but I can't help but have a nagging suspicion that there will be a "this is why we can't have nice things" moment involving an inattentive walker/texter and his attorney.
  7. Difficult to tell exactly what they are digging out. It certainly does not look like a systematic clearing of the entre lot at this point, but it may be. But I'll play wild speculation anyway. I suppose it is possible that they are going after particular old foundations under the parking lot pavement, but that is nothing but a barely supported guess based on the huge number of sample holes I saw drilled in the lot a while back. In any case, they have not taken down the power line feed to the pole in th center of the lot yet. The lot is not yet fenced, but looking at it this morning, it looks like they filled in the holes that were dug up yesterday. Maybe that supports my pre-build planning archaeology theory.
  8. I actually just walked down the stairs in 801 Travis to get the shot. Looks like meeting space under 801 for the most part, but a lounge is supposed to be incorporated. Tough to say, there may be a ramp more under 806 that we can not see yet, or they are relying on street level access to be ADA compliant, but I'd be lying if I said I knew the particulars of that and how one would apply it to the tunnels.
  9. The rest of the gryphon is similarly covered. The interior looks furnished and ready to go apart from a few boxes of things being unpacked. Bonus shot from underneath.
  10. I got right up to it. I think if you were going to hit your head on it, you would have to be very close to the corner and very tall. I was holding my phone at eye level.
  11. Walked by there last week and they had a guard posted at the door on Main. They are active inside.
  12. That and they are still replacing the paving bricks in the area, that might still be a hole.
  13. A garden immediately next to an active construction site sounds like a pretty poor place to enjoy a beer. Frank must be taking the long view on this one.
  14. Anyone worried about speed limits and safety should watch this. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2BKdbxX1pDw
  15. Looks good as a sort of finished product. The statues on the other hand...
  16. With as many projects that Houston has going right now, they are importing the bottom of the barrel from all over, I'm sure.
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