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Everything posted by Disastro

  1. Heh! Yeah, that's supposed to be one of the best original BSG episodes. I've yet to see it in its entirety -- both parts. There's always some reason why I can't seem to catch the whole thing. My wife made a comment about the Eastern Alliance costumes and said something like "Are these people supposed to be like Nazi's?" LOL!!! I always liked their ship and the interior looked like it was supposed to be reminicient of a German U-Boat interior...cool stuff. Too bad they didn't get to do a lot with it before they cancelled the original series. Anyway, yeah, Saturday's technical difficulties were frustrating. I told my wife I was thinking about going to Best Buy and buying CH 55 a set of BSG DVDs so they would have a decent broadcast print! LOL!!! That's weird that your internet was acting up at the same time. Funny how those commercials with Bob -- the man with the "problem" -- those came in loud and clear! LOL!!!
  2. It's on right after Star Trek on Saturday evenings...10pm...
  3. Mexican (and other SA gangs) gangs should be DEPORTED at GUNPOINT. If they resist -- send them to the "great gangland in the sky". Immediately. *ahem* That's my position. Who wants to vote for me?
  4. Well, for example: If I had a dollar for every time I heard some fool from Dallas say it's too hot down here I would be one rich mo-fo! That's just one example...
  5. Randall's prices have always been ridiculous. I think they are only doing well in areas where there isn't an HEB or WalMart around...so, that leaves them with few locations. I do agree the stores are nice and the meat and produce sections have always been top-notch.
  6. Washarama was GREAT!!!! And, at the time, hilarious! I was working for Cactus records when that album came out. We used to have it in our play box...that, and FEAR: The Album. Also hilarious, but darker...more hard-edged punk...
  7. Seems like everything they show is from the Universal Studios catalog. Except Star Trek and Tales from the Darkside. All the late night horror films on Saturday are the old Universal Monsters Classics... My wife told me about Osteen founding the station... Saturday night it looked to me like the channel was on autopilot.
  8. I remember KiTiRiK...I was never on it, but I remember it. Probably one of my earliest TV memories. I also remember when KTRK showed Jack LaLane and Casper cartoons in the morning...and Cadet Don! Anybody remember him? Damn that was a lonnnnng time ago, huh?
  9. It's a great paper if you like Pravda. I've shifted towards getting my news on the internet. I find it much more substantial, relevent, and factual.
  10. Wow, I can't believe they took those off...good stuff!
  11. Anybody watch this channel? Man, Saturday, watching Battlestar Galactica was like listening to an old-time radio broadcast... ...a horrible video signal of ONLY the episode being aired (commercials looked great! LOL!!!). For a long stretch, the screen was completely white. Terrible...just terrible...does anyone man the programming booth or does it run itself? Fortunately the episode of Star Trek that followed looked fine. Disastro
  12. I used to go to some record conventions there during the early 90's... I know what you mean about feeling sad over bare plots of land like that. That's exactly the way I feel when I pass the place where Astroworld used to be. Seeing the crossbridge that goes over 610 S to where it was (the only "piece of Astroworld" still left) still standing really adds to the melancholy....
  13. Cool link! Thanks for posting Ross! And the google aerial shot was very cool too! I can't believe that thing is still there after all these years. The water must be REAL shallow there...
  14. Does anyone know anything about the partially submerged concrete ship that can be seen from the Bollivar ferry? If this has already been discussed, forgive the re-thread...and just point me to the thread where it's been discussed.... Thanks, Dis
  15. You or someone in your family should bring back "The Wagon"...Princes' made a comeback, why not Chuc Wagon?
  16. Wow...I never knew this existed! Maybe it's THEIR ghosts that are haunting the Spaghetti Warehouse?!!!! ZOINKS!!!!! Time for some Scooby Snacks!!!!
  17. It could still happen. The Russians recently began bombing run training and today we face the Chinese AND a much improved Russian nuclear arsenal. Not to mention terrorists possibly coming over the Mexico border with God knows what...and, um, no warning there at all if that attack happens. Is the world safer? I think not. I think we need those big shelters again, actually...
  18. FIBERGLASS????!!!! That would melt in a nuclear detonation.... Ridiculous!
  19. I have absolutely no recollection of this explosion. I must have been so busy chasing skirt in 1983, I didn't even notice...
  20. Too funny. He was a colorful character, wasn't he?
  21. The sign should have been preserved. Oh, wait...I live in Houston. For a moment, I almost forgot...
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