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Posts posted by Parrothead

  1. Thank God they actually read the complaints. I can't tell you how many times the 131 Memorial Express would pass DH and the group by downtown--no full bus or anything--the guy would just totally ignore them, most likely b/c he was late.

    Frustrating bus service is just one chunk of the problem. Getting the smelly, drunk homeless people off the train is another.

  2. Federal employees are adequately compensated, IMO.

    But just in case, if the IRS ever calls me on the carpet, what's the appropriate amount to tip the auditor?

    As the daughter-in-law of one, I can assure you that you are not entirely correct in your "opinion".

  3. I've been buying chunks of dark chocolate from Central Market for the last year or so, and breaking off a little bit every day to eat. I went from the 65% up to the 78%...but last time I went all-out and bought the 98%.

    Little did I know that at point it's beyond bitter.

    However, eating it with a little bit of raw sugar fixes that right up. It's actually very good that way.

    Of course, I'm one of those that doesn't eat milk chocolate. I've always preferred dark chocolate.

    Okay, that's just insane :lol: 98%!!! My lips are all puckery at the thought :blink:

    Hubby bought me some Godiva yesterday, and inside the assortment was a 70% chocolate square. I have to say, it was just marvelous. Smooth as silk and very lightly sweet, no bitterness.

  4. I think it's just all a big conspiracy to get us to pay for radio, and we all are falling for it, aren't we? Matt and I just got XM ourselves, but not before we got really pissed off that we felt like we had to. The shape of the airwaves is changing and not for the better.

  5. Trae, that really has nothing to do with it. I mean, no one's calling the Violent Femmes, Marilyn Manson, or Trent Reznor model citizens, ya know? The guy was a thug. Thugs can be singers, it happens every day. But let's not pretend the man was something he wasn't. If my kids were listening to that crap, I'd have to wonder what else they were doing.

    There's no such thing as a "natural" death--just ask Dr.G (an ME on Discovery Health). All deaths point to a malfunction of an organ or system within the body. I think it's remarkable it's being reported in that way without an autopsy yet. If you die in your sleep, it is usually due to stroke or heart attack. At age 33, there ain't much that's natural about that.

  6. Amazing what $3 Billion will do. :huh:

    I notice while he complained about the cost of other things throughout his newsletter, nary a word was said about the cost of the Katy, especially the fact that it is costing TWICE the original estimates.

    Apparently, fiscal conservatism is a relative term in Mr. Culberson's district.

    Can you provide a link for that info, Red? I'd be interested in checking that out.

  7. Will they ever 'finish' the Katy freeway project?

    I mean, seriously...?

    Got a newsletter in the mail from Culberson's camp this week. The stats are showing the Katy Freeway project is the fastest freeway construction project of its kind to ever be completed in the United States. It will be finished, totally, in the next 8 months, according to the latest information. So far, Williams Bros. has beaten every single deadline they've been given (earning their big bonuses). It's actually pretty amazing how fast it is going! Yeah, it sucks, I mean, I live right near the stacks at BW 8 and I-10, so unfortunately, I got no sleep when they were ripping them out from midnight until 5AM, and yeah, having that closed down a lot is a pain, but I can't complain too much, because it's getting done pretty quickly.

  8. Hmmm... ok. I'm still not sure how you're connecting a limited set of circumstances under which TJones might take someone's life to that some individual might ought to figure out a way to kill everybody all at once without killing themselves in the process or bringing reprisal upon themselves. It just doesn't make sense.

    When you put it the way you have, seems like reactive is the way to go.

    Niche, I think you're looking a little too deeply here, or taking it too literally, I'm not sure which one. :lol:

  9. I don't consider this guy a hero. I think he's an idiot. Calling 911 to report a robbery in progress was the right thing to do. But he had no right to walk out there with a gun and turn himself into a self-appointed agent of law enforcement. These guys were not threatening his property or life. I'm not saying that the guys who broke into the house weren't scumbags that deserve to be punished, because I think they were. But that's why we have a legal system, and it's not up to citizens to engage in vigilante justice. The police were on their way and arrived a few minutes later. This neighbor would have been far more useful to call 911, look outside to get a description of the suspects and any vehicles, and stay on the phone with the dispatcher until authorities arrive. He had no more right to go outside and take justice into his own hands with a shotgun than the thieves had to break into the neighbor's house. Why would any sane, thinking, intelligent person go outside in this situation?

    Call me a bleeding-heart liberal if you want, but everyone deserves equal justice under the law, and that includes a trial by jury. Even the most conservative Americans shouldn't argue with that concept, as it's written into our very own Constitution's Bill of Rights. Tne Constitution says nothing about being shot by the next door neighbor who thinks he knows what's best. I'm not in favor of the state's death penalty, even in the worst criminal cases (I am a supporter of life in prison with no possibility of parole, and prison being true punishment), and I'm even less in favor of a death penalty being carried out by a crazy old man with a gun.

    Hmmm... I'm a "Gen-Xer" and I know right from wrong. My friends are of the same generation and know right from wrong. So are many of my co-workers.

    I think it's a bit short-sighted to place blame for all of society's ills on a generation that is mostly in its early 30s at this point, especially when much of the increase in violent crime rates happened when my generation was still in elementary school.

    Couldn't agree more, and I am definitely not a bleeding heart liberal! I also don't get the Gen-X reference, being as I am also a Gen X'er. I for one have been impressed with how the Gen-Xers have turned out! I thought we were a lost cause for sure ;)

  10. I read yesterday that one was on parole, and both had multple convictions for misdemeanors. I can't find it this morning, but I'll continue to look.

    He said: "Move, you're dead.."

    Do you think you'd feel the same way if Joe Horn was your neighbor, and it was your house that was burglarized?

    No, he said, "BOOM, you're dead." That is what is being quoted this morning and what is on the tape.

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