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Everything posted by TexasArchitect

  1. in school i didn't care much for Gehry, but then i saw a special on him on how he comes up with his stuff, and well i found myself having more respect for the guy. i'm still not a big fan but i wont be dissin his stuff as quickly as i use to. although i did laugh when the simpson's poked fun of how he comes up with his ideas. i can't find that particular episode on youtube, but it was funny, lol.
  2. hmm, well i could give a ballpark figure but i'd rather not as things are still being addressed. i'll def. post that info though once we have more concrete answeres on certain things
  3. LOL, someone should invite her to the meet that way we can all laugh then afterwards we'll all hit dairy queen for blizzards
  4. ^ or the marijuana shirt, lol. kimberly rocks!! by the way u guys are lucky, i wish i would of gone to see Leno
  5. LOL!! . you're a keeper, girls with a sence of humor are a treasure
  6. good post! got to see a lil of the zaza interior. i didn't even notice cynthia hunt in the pics till i saw musicamans post saying he saw the pic. so i went back through the pics. she's pic 36 by the way for those who passed it up like me, which will be pretty easy as she was nothing to really look at in the pic.
  7. actually i've received items from warwick. so i can vouch for him that's he's good, but regarding not participating in threads i didn't check. in regards to the other posts that are from business', there are forums out there that have a rule. if you are selling services you can not post unless you pay a fee. the monthly fee allows the business to be a sponsor and they can freely advertise their services. this rule would be good for haif as it would be potential money for the site.
  8. nah i'm sure what makes him cringe is one someone yells out ONE DOLAAAAARRR. LOL, Kimberly so far two of your posts have cracked me up first ur trader's village experience then this, lol. i can just imagine u going to these places with high expectations, all excited, then i see this picture of a sad girl all disapponted, lol
  9. the tunnel flooding issue is very true. when it rains alot another place that is known for flooding is in front of the college of architecture building. everytime it would flood we would build boats and try to float on them, LOL i'm a u of h grad and well u of h isn't anything compared to rice. that's like comparing oranges to apples, lol. u of h students would go to the rice campus to look at their architecture and how the planning of pedestrian traffic was layed out for learning purposes. u of h has a large amount of students and are always looking for ways to promote themselves to attract even more students, and i wouldn't be surprised when they meet that goal of 45k students.
  10. ha, only because code requires it. but the materials the guy wanted definately is not fire proof. currently we are working on the ext finish due to the fire proof issue, lol.
  11. thanks all for the suggestions. i've printed out my mapquest maps to several of these places and will be on my way!!! i'm going to also check out that oporto place. it's close by so y not
  12. search button is good i found this thread and am a bit surprised there weren't a lot of suggestions on where to have a photoshoot. so, i'm hoping maybe now there could be more responces Can anyone suggest good places to do a car photoshoot? when i say good places i'm referring to places that can be a good background. like sceneray or some place with a fountain?? oh, and it can't be somewhere that one has to hurry up take the pic and move cuz of on coming traffic. those are too stressful. anyway, hope to see some good suggestions
  13. aren't most houses still built that way? with toilets next to tubs? typ. most homes do this for space and cost, but if u start going into the high end resedential then that's when the toilet is away from the tub. some even have the toilet in its own litte room within the bathroom.
  14. Su is doing U of H college of architecture proud i love contemporary and I feel Su accomplishes this well. I say buy!!! After I graduated from U of H i heard that Su set-up a scholarship for first generation immigrant students at the University of Houston who attend the college of architecture. now that is good stuff.
  15. lol, i was just kidding bout that comment sorry if it offended anyone...i didn't mean any harm
  16. well, i thought i'd share some photos for those who enjoy to see things under construction. the progress is further along, but i love seeing the nuts and bolts of things. i'll update pics when project gets completed
  17. yeah houston is great. i would never think of houston to be a place that is known for being insensitive to interracial dating, or marrige. i'm mexican american and i'm prone to date asians quite a bit. Asians are hot!!
  18. thanks for the link greaser! when you say the artsy ones are hers are u referring to the pics with the girls modeling in front of the cars? your friend took those shots? can u pm me her contact info? thanks, btw have u sold ur s2k? u should bring it out to one of our import meets!! you may find a potential buyer there
  19. you dont have to worry bout mine. i already have my scarface shirt, although it's no longer black it's more like grey now from being worn so much lol j/k
  20. yup, flipper is right on the dot with this. you dont use putty or anything in those holes. only place u would use putty would be at the faucet spout in a tub. let me look for some details to post to help others out. i'm more of a visual person, so hopefully visuals will help others. ok here u go hope this helps
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