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Everything posted by jc281

  1. Me too. That and no monthly dues may have me off the condo idea
  2. Strange request, but can anyone list off where this type of setup could be found in Htown??? With the garage on the 1st floor, 2 floors of living space, and a deck on top. So far I've only seen this one, but I LOVE IT www.midtownelevated.com
  3. Cool, thanks for the replies so far. The more I think about, the less I think I could live in Midtown. Its just too far from my office. I found a place in River Oaks called The Renaissance(?) - Looks just like apts that are up for sale instead of rent. Not as hip as some of the newer lofts but fantastic location/area... any thoughts on this place?
  4. Thanks for the input!! 2BR would be nice, but as it stands I think I will have trouble finding something nice under 200. (I could be wrong?) Any other things to look out for? Which developments were you considering? I plan to actually go view some in person this weekend.
  5. Looking for some feedback on the current Houstonian condo market. I'd like to purchase 1BR/1BH in the coming months... looking galleria/ro/midtown areas, <~200k. Anyone have impressions/experiences in certain developments they could share? Also, with all these new developments coming, are there really any decent deals to be had?
  6. I just cant imagine anyone wanting to live there. somehow even Town & Country is more appealing than this Or not.
  7. Hope it happens. I've done Ski Dubai, its a blast!! (for 30-40 mins)
  8. I was never huge on the place but it is interesting. I remember close to this: http://www.flickr.com/photos/irees/441633712/ but wider I thought, I remember the chess playing, the dog, but i also remember a big waterbed being downstairs lol
  9. Park Hyatt? Not bloody likely
  10. BP's IST Helios Plaza is going vertical By Natalie Hall Monday, September 24, 2007 Helios Plaza, the new world-class trading and office environment for Houston-based BP Integrated Supply & Trading staff, has entered the vertical stage of construction. With the major parts of the foundation complete, a new floor will be completed every three weeks. Brian Frank, regional business leader for North America Gas & Power, noted, "We have had significant rainfall this year with total rainfall in Houston at about 48 inches, 55% above normal. Notwithstanding the adverse weather conditions, we are making great progress which you can now see as you drive by the construction site." The new building will be six stories high, totaling 355,000 square feet with workspace for 2,200 staff. Helios Plaza is designed for optimum performance and will feature state-of-the-art technology and amenities including a wellness center, parking garage, coffee shop, cafeteria and conference center. When completed in 2009, it will be the flagship of the WestLake campus. Helios Plaza will be submitted for LEED certification, which recognizes performance in five key areas of building construction for human and environmental health: sustainable site development, water savings, energy efficiency, materials selection and indoor environmental quality.
  11. I agree with your first point, talk about irony! However, building, or even maketing for that matter, anything in Houston to out of towners is a bit absurd in my eyes. We have never been, and frankly never will be that kind of city. . . Not that theres anything wrong with that
  12. and "THE TITAN" is -not- pretentious??? Regardless, I like the name, fitting for the target market. Although it will always remind me of the infamous Houston draft blunder (VY)
  13. such a striking building. i looked over at it going N on 610 today and it looks surprisingly thin.
  14. could you get the name of that or scan the article in?
  15. any new pics? really cool structure. now if i could just get those winning #s. NY penthouse would be mine
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