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Everything posted by Jax

  1. I go to that Midtown Fiesta sometimes and the store itself sucks (not to mention the surrounding blocks). Half of the food I look at in there has already expired. The Fiesta on Dunlavy is much nicer (although smaller), and isn't that much farther to drive.
  2. There's a photo above with a big sign that says "Venue Museum District", so that would be my best guess as a name. http://www.graycopartners.com/currentproje...museumplace.php
  3. It's on the edge of Buffalo Bayou near downtown. There's a thead about it on here. Man that skate park is going to be one awesome place to take photos. I can imagine skaters flying through the air with the skyline in the background!
  4. Great photos but why so small? I'd love to see bigger versions!
  5. I would also recommend the Canon S series (S1, S2, S3) or one of the Panasonic Lumix cameras. Bother are point and shoots with some pretty decent SLR like manual features and nice image stabilization, and zoom. If you want to make the jump to the SLR world, you can't beat the price of a Rebel XTi on Amazon.com (way cheaper than any store I've ever been to). The XTi is what I use (and I will most likely continue to use it until I get a real job, which isn't going to be any time soon).
  6. I could be wrong too... I just read 29 stories here: http://www.6houstoncenter.com/6hc/brochure/pg2.asp And in the rendering I posted, it kind of looks like there's a 10 story garage, then a building twice that height. I can't wait until downtown Houston has just as many cranes sticking out of the skyline as Atlanta does!
  7. I didn't really like the design until I saw this rendering. It actually looks kind of nice here, especially the fact that the roof isn't totally flat. Why is it that 90% of the buildings in Houston have flat roofs? This new rendering sort of reminds me of that venus flytrap looking building in Midtown Atlanta..
  8. Awesome photos. I took a very similar shot to this one at night (Friday) as well as some general rodeo pics but I don't think mine came out as well as yours except for that one. I'll post mine at some point.
  9. I tried to make reservations at the Grove tonight and they are apparently totally booked all weekend. I guess that's a good sign. but it sucks that I can't take my mom there while she's in town.
  10. I thought it was just some sort of storage shed... that was just a guess though. I remember somebody in the park told me the artist who designed the "Rubik's Cube" is from Austin though.
  11. I actually think they are going to look pretty cool, whether they actually generate much energy or not. How many buildings have you seen with wind turbines on top? Or moving parts of any kind for that matter? It seems pretty original to me, and I am glad Houston is getting something different.. Also keep in mind they aren't typical propeller driven turbines as far as I can tell, they are vertical axis turbines.
  12. I guess this confirms the question about the turbines at the top. It might be sort of gimmicky, but I think it's pretty cool. I'd be interesting to know how much energy they can generate. I bet it will look cool from the ground to see these things actually spinning at the top of the building. A couple years ago they put up one huge wind turbine in Toronto's waterfront area, so you see this huge thing spinning in front of the skyline when you drive into town. Apparently it only generates power for one building (a museum I think), but more importantly it makes a statement and it makes people think and talk about alternative energy. Plus it looks cool. The artile also helps confirm that there will be retail. I remember somebody on here was trying to tell me that there would not be any retail.
  13. Cool photos! I was there today as well, but it was before the concert started. It was 2 pm and most parts of the park were still closed, except for the path under the live oaks. I thought it was cool that there were actually people around sitting on the benches walking. I think they were just random hotel guests and convention goers, but that's a good sign. People seemed to be enjoying it more than the parking lots that it replaced!
  14. Lots of people Downtown today. Too bad this only happens when there is a parade or festival, but I love seeing downtown be so busy like this. Actually, the last few Saturdays downtown have been relatively busy, but today was bar far the busiest.
  15. If there was a 3-block mixed use project in the TMC, there would definitely be more discussion about it than an additional 10 floors at MD Anderson. If there were two large mixed use projects, one in the TMC and one Downtown, I agree that the one Downtown would have more attention. I guess I'm a Downtown fetishist too, now that I think of it, but also a TMC fetishist.
  16. Yeah and they are brighter than ever! And it's not the spotlight from Za-Za. It looked really great tonight! This is the first night I've noticed them being back on, and I live nearby.
  17. The difference is that Houston Pavilions is something radically different for Downtown Houston (an entire 3 blocks dedicated to retail and restaurants and entertainment which is pedestrian friendly and transit friendly in a downtown which has less retail and restaurant and entertainment options than most of us would like to see). There is also a new apartment tower next door which is relatively new and different for Downtown. There is a pretty good chance that HP can spur some real change Downtown, hence all of interest in it. An additional 10 floors of space at MD Anderson is amazing in it's own way, but is just more of the same for the TMC. It's not something different. It won't radically change the Medical Center. I think that's why there has been less discussion on it. It's awesome news for me though, because there's a chance I'll spend my next 5 years or so at MD Anderson (crosses fingers), and it's definitely a great thing for the TMC. It's just not as different as HP is downtown.
  18. They will be increasing the size of the crane as they go. It really is going to be that tall.
  19. Last time I went into a Family Dollar (on Almeda) there were people panhandling in the store.
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