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Everything posted by northbeaumont

  1. Yes, I can remember porn movie ads that said: "Hot, Blistering, Sizzling, Sex-Action!"
  2. I think I read that it was in the 1920s that Howard Johnson's was the one who sold so many different flavors of ice cream, I think 25. The Baskin Robbins came out with 30-something. How many possible different flavors could be invented?
  3. It appears that all of the seats were taken out of the Santa Rosa long before it was demolished. I would think that was done to install them in another movie theatre. I wonder how many dried-up boogers and pieces of sticky chewing gum was found underneath them?
  4. I didn't know that Kroger was big in Houston. Today's Chronicle says that Wal-Mart Supercenter has surpassed Kroger in market-share. I thought that Randall's and H.E.B. Pantry were the two most popular supermarkets in Houston.
  5. Yes, you'd be doing a "ball buster" anytime you jumped or dove off of the diving board.
  6. Does San Antonio have a suburb city equivalent to Houston's The Woodlands?
  7. Wow! The suburbs of Houston are bigger than I thought. Spring Branch has that many schools? Someone on this forum said that Cypress had several high schools. What is a "magnet" school?
  8. My income is below the poverty level. I don't think I could act like a snob even if I tried to. I couldn't live in a place like The Woodlands unless I won a lottery. And they wouldn't want me there because I would be nouveau riche.
  9. What are those rich snobs waiting for?
  10. Yes, when I was in high school back in the 1970s, the high heel was in vogue. But I remember the heel being high, not the sole (I was always a "heel" back in high school; I had many "arch" enemies). I saw a pair of two-tone Giorgio Brutini shoes on ShoeBuy.com I'd like to buy that looks like those (without the elevation, of course).
  11. Is Spring Branch HS in HISD or in its own district?
  12. Yes, I think the song title was some kind of a Latin name.
  13. I tried to upload photos of the Red Bluff, Airline, Epsom, McClendon, Post Oak and Hempsted but I kept getting a message which said that they were too large. So I uploaded them on their individual entries on Drive-Ins.com. When you look at Post Oak, you'll see Dinky the Duck. You also see the charred remains of the Hempsted. The KKK are nothing but a bunch of sheetheads.
  14. Well, Bad, Bad Leroy Brown lived on the south side of Chicago, didn't he? Someone else on this forum said that a city cannot annex an incorporated area. I wonder if The Woodlands will someday be part of Houston? That's probably why it was annexed. A city is incorporated with a charter.
  15. I remember the speakers in Weingarten's would always play the same song. I'm thinking it was called "Desafinado." Maybe I'm wrong. Someone out there might know the name of that song.
  16. I remember businesses close together like these had distinctive smells. Newberry's had a popcorn smell. Thom McAn had a leather smell. Five & Dime stores like Grant's had the smell of cheap items. And if you walked past or into a bowling alley, you could smell hamburgers & beer, and you'd hear the distinctive sound of the balls rolling on the wooden floor, and the clatter of the pins falling down.
  17. Yes, I remembered their last name after I posted the question. What's "OU?"
  18. In the movie "Scent of a Woman," Al Pacino spoke derisively of convenience stores as places that "sell nachos to hayseeds."
  19. Yes, you're right. I looked at the road maps of San Antonio, Houston, and Dallas. Dallas is surrounded by suburbs on all sides, so it can't grow geographically. San Antonio and Houston have plenty of unincorporated land around them so that they would be able to expand their respective cities. If like you said, Big D is experiencing "white flight," then its population would also shrink. Who knows? Maybe in due time Austin will become the third largest city in Texas.
  20. Now a jingle just popped into my head after over 30 years: "Certified premium quality, Lone STAR Beer!"
  21. What is "butch?" I've heard that word applied to mannish women. How do you mean it? I got that line from a record by Homer & Jethro. In the song, a guy in Egypt had a job building a pyramid. His girlfriend left him for the Pharoah. So he went inside the pyramid, and he "crept into the crypt and cried."
  22. The last time I was in San Antonio was 1972. I remember seeing a Pearl Brewery, but I thought that it was on IH-10. I didn't know that Pearl was still on the market. Is Lone Star beer still made? I thought that its brewery was also in San Antonio.
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