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Posts posted by Vertigo58

  1. No, there is no challanger... there are about a bazillion challangers :lol:

    Mayor, City of New Orleans

    1 to be elected

    Norbert P. Rome, Democrat, Filed:03/01/06 P. O. Box 742327,New Orleans, LA 70174, 504/259-1855

    Robert Couhig, Republican, Filed:03/01/06 6333 Prytania St.,New Orleans, LA 70118, 504/269-1789

    Greta Gladney, No Party, Filed:03/01/06 834 N. Hennessey St.,New Orleans, LA 70119, 504/390-2139

    Marie Galatas, Independent, Filed:03/01/06 720 Gen. Taylor St.,New Orleans, LA 70115, 504/895-0004

    Carlos J. Hornbrook, Democrat, Filed:03/01/06 700 S. Peters St., Apt. 315,New Orleans, LA 70130, 504/908-6177

    C. Ray Nagin, Incumbent, Democrat, Filed:03/01/06 1615 Poydras St, Ste. 660,New Orleans, LA 70112, 504/304-8196

    Leo Watermeier, Democrat, Filed:03/01/06 812 N. Rampart St.,New Orleans, LA 70116, 504/529-2367

    "Mitch" Landrieu, Democrat, Filed:03/01/06 2336 Octavia St.,New Orleans, LA 70115, 504/872-0415

    Ron Forman, Democrat, Filed:03/01/06 1806 Palmer Ave.,New Orleans, LA 70118, 504/861-2006

    James "Jimmy" Lemann, Democrat, Filed:03/01/06 5462 N. Rampart St.,New Orleans, LA 70117, 469/744-2304

    "Johnny" Adriani, Democrat, Filed:03/02/06 818 North Blvd.,Baton Rouge, LA 70802, 504/421-1854

    F. Nick Bacque

  2. Ouch! Had no idea that we had so many HAIFers with feelings like I have. Nagin is nagging to me. I am a democrat, but good grief, my party has to look to winners, not losers. Thanks for all your input. I am not insane in my thinking... but could be insane just because :blink:

    I think everyone that has responded to your original thread bring up valid points.

    I may be late in adding but you are not alone in your thoughts on that mayor (no name mentioned you know who I mean). When his face ist appeared on TV I thought he seemed like a well educated clean cut person that would be very professional. Comments? That just opened a can of worms. However; as soon as he started his ranting and raving and blame this and blame that tirade I thought it was a joke. He must have major high blood pressure. I would be careful. Of course he seems more of an actor. Must practice in front of the mirror for hours? Wonder who is coach is Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson? Best acting coaches around for sure. He is so imbittered and harbors such ill feelings towards any one that is not his own race. A person doenst have to be a PHD or physhiatric professional to see that this guy doesnt have much experience in public speaking. At least not on a professional level. Boggles the mind to think that he actually posses a college degree from any where. maybe he bought it? Probably the sadest part is that he is sending a very, very negative message to all children of his ethnicity. Complete disregard for authority is the norm. If you see the tons of letters from all ethnicities on MSNBC for instance they are ashamed and embarrased of his verbal outbursts and knee-jerk reactions to the very ones that are trying to help him. So to answer your question you are not insane. The guy with the shiny bald head screaming at the top of his lungs is more the candidate for madness. Aren't there medications to lesson that kind of aggression? Ok now here come the tomatoes! Gotta duck!

    and finally "maroon" was and still is a hilarious word that Bugs even used on "Who Framed Roger Rabbit" so the person that claimed it was not politically correct is just pulling the ole race card. (Yawn) all together gang...where's the fiddles?

  3. I've only ever known two people from Kingwood. Both hated the city of Houston and wanted nothing greater than to be their own city once again. But at the same time they didn't want to give up any city services. You can't have it both way, people.

    FWIW, both also believe any form of rail transit is a boondoggle, and that there is plenty of capacity in Houston's freeway system, which they can personally vouch for since both commute between Houston and Kingwood at 10am and 10pm -- the big traffic times. :wacko:

    Correct on your message,

    If you recall in the media, news articles, when it was 1st announced (annexation) it was like WW3. That was a few years ago. I vividly recall an older lady being interviewed on TV and she was quite ugly about her comments on Houston. Her comments were so out of line and not well thought out. As mentioned in several stories areas like Kingwood/Conroe (especially The Woodlands) should really feel thankful for cities like Houston becasue had it not been for Houston they would not exist. Since the beginning of time, its a known fact that its starts as village, town, city, metropolis an so on. It was bound to happen. Just as a child grows from infant to adult. People can keep pulling up roots and moving farther away but they are only distancing thmeselves from jobs, etc. I have a brother having a home built near outskirts of The Woodlands he chose that area because it was a secluded spot with woods. The home isnt even finished and the woods he liked are gone and new developments are in the works. So you see as they saying goes you can run but you can hide. Society just has to be more intolerant.

  4. Wow. See now that's a theater! Puts the RO Theater to shame.

    From one of the photos of the site and your description of it as being where Telephone Road starts, I think it might have been at or near where Lantrip Elementary is now, but I could be wrong.



    I still say when I win the lotto, I am going to have one of these reconstructed from scratch from original blueprints & renderings, maybe have part as a minitheater the rest upscale dining and games for all ages. and oh yes, I will be in my living quarters above to oversee all! Hard to believe there is not one such place from Gulfgate all the way to downtown. This is such a showcase view from 45. Would spark so much interest from passerby's. ala Tinsletown...

    I would have huge klieg lights shining into the heavens to becon the masses. My staff would be dress in period (1930's) attire and would have extra's toss rose pedals as patrons enter in awe!

    Next door I would build a replica of the huge movie-set of the classic silent "Intolerance" complete with huge columns, huge elephants and tons of extras and palm trees lining the streets all around.

    What an imagination?! It is possible though!

    I have always been a major worshipper of the old studio system.

    The Golden Age of Hollywood

  5. First off, allow me to ask why do people get so bent out of shape about these "what if" posts? Lets just have fun with them, maybe allow ourselves to get a little creative :) None of us actually expects the San Jacinto monument to be moved, or a "Mall of Texas" to be built.

    TJones, since watching History Channel's Mega Movers I'm starting to believe almost anything can be moved! Surely it would be removed in sections also.


    I've often wondered what would happen to some of Galveston's stuctures, if one day the island was deemed uninhabitable. Maybe some structures could be saved and moved to the mainland? Sort of like an open air museum

    I know exactly where your coming from as far as people (on this forum) getting all goofy about a mere suggestion. I have worked in a corporate environment for many years and we were always trained and had to follow strict guidelines and use common courtesies when exchanging email. People could end up in court, etc.

    but to answer the question about moving structures. I too am seriously wondering how and when this could start. I am sure it could cost millions to get started. I am very much into renovations and saving historic homes and so on. $ would be the biggest hurdle for sure. When and if it starts, please have them put next door to me here in the near East End so we could become another Heights minus the high tax of course. Cheers!

  6. Its history is interesting if you read up on it. I go every couple of years or so. they have a movie downstairs about the actual battle of San Jacinto for a fee i believe. Because it was built in the 30's, the art deco influence in the building is amazing. Just remember it is the tallest monument and tallest masonry structure in the world.

    Some history, facts and figures.

    The link below has some pics of the remodeling by month.

    Monument Renovation pics

    Thanks for sticking to the premise of the topic,

    I have a great photo of my mom sitting on the outside with a program or booklet of the monument in her hand circa 1946. I do recall vividly going on a school field trip there when I was in 1st grade approx 1966. Its always been a mystery to me why HISD would take kids so young to places like this because we had no idea or clue what or why history was important at that age? Much have rathered going to Herman Park to play! Needless to say I will always remember the cute girl that had a crush on me and followed me everywhere I went while there. I still can see her in her dark hair, short bangs with a full pouffed white dress & black shiny shoes. That's the one I should have married! True love!

  7. Does anyone remember the Navaway Theater? It was on the corner of Navagation and 67th. I lived right around the corner from it and althought its been torn down I will never forget the red seats, sticky floor and popcorn smell . The last movie I saw there was a Rickey Nelson movie called Your Love and Kisses. Does anybody have a photo of this theater they could share?

    Seriously you guys,

    When I win the lottery, I am going to construct an exact replica of any of these far-out, beautiful theaters!

    Thank God for Bob Bailey Studios for snapping these photos when we all just took them for granted. I recall some famous movie star of the 30's was asked what it was like to live in such a historical period and she replied with "You never even think or consider its history because your just living it" We used to go to most in that area too, Don Gordon on Canal, Santa Rosa, Broadway (my favorite) they all seemed so grand and glitzy to me. The whole experience was like a big package. Fond dear memories for sure....



  8. Come on now ! Hey, I'll let you borrow it if you don;t call 'em, DEAL ? :blush:

    Ok all update on old Woolworth Department Store!

    I will start with my memories, I went to that place everytime we rode the bus into downtown since approx 1966 all the way until I was a teenager. I recall the long food counters (had 2 I think) Look at this link and search "restaurants":


    and you can find all eateries in the area. We would always see someone we knew shopping or just hanging around. My uncle was always having coffee and reading the paper on his favorite stool. I recall buying my old mood ring in one of those cheap glass cases (was the rage in the mid-70's). We especially loved the quick photo booths! was so mysterious to see other peoples feet behind that green curtain! What stands out is the big winding beautifully designed stairs that would go down to the basement. They still sold fabrics to the very end! I recall my mom always buying fabrics so she could sew and she always picked up the latest Spiegel catalogs patterns there. I used to drive my mom crazy becasue I was so anxious to go buy the latest Lego's building block sets in the awesome Toy Dept. The fresh popcorn aroma was all around. Now I'm getting choked up, and sadly enough the place finally came down. The wrecking ball got it approx 2002? I worked 2 blocks away and had to look the other direction as each smack was a memory. Another Houston icon gone.

  9. The Village location on Kirby was the closest to us initially. Their queso was excellent, but I must mention their "chips" which we called "tortillas tostados" then were the absolute best. To the point that for parties at home, when chafing dishes became the rage and we made the Velveeta/Rotel Tomato dips ourselves, still we called Felix's and sent someone down to pick up 4-6 big bags of their fried tortillas.

    They were inexpensive and families could eat a huge amount of food for very little. I know we were customers there in the early 1950's. The Tijerinas were one of the most respected and civic minded families in Houston.

    Glad & excited to have run in to this thread about The Tijerina restaurant/s. My big cousin worked at the lower Westheimer location from what I was told in late/50's or early 60's. He is about 62 by now. I can always ask him about his experiences there, since he knew everyone 1st hand.

    I have not been to that local in years but remember how good it felt just seating in the place. Beautiful arched windows with nice views of the outside and so on. Now there was a bige fire at that lower Westheimer location about 5 years ago, luckily it only damaged offices from what I recall. Main dining room was spared. I hope they never close it but with all that competition I think its just a matter of time. Taco Cabana is just across the street. Then the area is so crammed with traffic, hard to park, homeless crowd, the list goes on. The real sad part is the younger generations won't experience how nice it was to go into a nice quiet, civilized setting to have a pleasant dinner. Now its hurry up order and get out of the way and eat at a tiny chrome table with all sorts of freaks around you. Oh yes, the good old days!

  10. Yeah thats true but to anyone who doesn't know very specific details it seems it just turns into Leeland right before the new Cage Elementary, so for my purposes I just kind of see it turning into Leeland. I found out years ago where Telephone actually went when I went to a meeting at the Knights of Columbus Hall right there. It's address is actually on Telephone Road. My cousins lived in Broadmore and attended the old Cage. I went to Jr High at Jackson on Polk.

    If everyone looks at the link :


    and search Theaters, there is The Eastwood I was told this is where Telephone Road actually starts!

    My old stomping grounds too.

    Any idea when abouts your cousins went to the original old Rufus Cage? We attended 1969-73 ish. There is another thread dedicated to Cage Elementary pretty cool. I was always teased that we went to a BIRD CAGE!

    Funny. I also went to Jackson JR H aaprox 1974-76, talked about cutlure shock! It was quite turbulent even then. We were just too young and used to the camp,innocent 60's I guess. There were plenty of huge cafeteria riots, gang fights (no one ever got along with the crowd from the other side of the frwy) and vice versa. The school was already what 50 yrs old? We remember all the faculty well. I recall all those old trophies in the glass cases up front. So mysterious cause they dated to the 1920's. I still have dreams I am rushing to get to class on time and I cant open my locker fast enough! I still have my old combination lock & number. 32-10-4 gym was 46-36-26 now thats scary! Like another person shouted earlier...Go Leopards!

  11. Here in my house in Westbury, it seems the same as it's ever been. No one

    messes with me. I'll give them a free ventilation service if they bust through

    my door. The neighborhood I'm in is no more dangerous than it was in the

    70's-80's.. Looks about the same too..

    As another note on Westbury Square.. I was reading a book called "hairy legged men"..

    Naw, just kidding, it was called "sharp dressed men".. A storybook about ZZ top and

    their adventures or maybe misadventures at times... :/

    I noticed that ZZ Top was "legally" born at 602 Westbury Square, on June 20, 1969.

    Being it's been so long since I wandered through there, I forgot where "602" was..

    Fer some reason, I'm thinking in the offices above the old pizza place, but I'm not


    Course, in 1969, ZZ Top was Dan M Mitchell, Bill Gibbons, and Lanier H. Greig jr.


    That was hilarious, that ZZ Top notation was good and probably valid in the days when Westbury was still filled with hip rocknrollers. The media sure has it portrayed as gangstas with doo rags, big neck chains, huge oversized (looks like they crapped in thier pants) baggy shorts, exteme tattoes, major extreme body piercings, AK-47's. Basically, if you dont look like an extra from "Cops" you might not fit in. There has to be someone still trying to save the place? You have my sympathy, we have our hip hops to deal with on the east side too. Sometimes I wonder if Houston will ever stop becoming another South Central LA or Oakland. Like the drunkard guy in the old movie "The Bird's" said...It's the end of the world I tell ya!

  12. Okay, I admit it. I never watch local news. I heard though that one of Stolitx's neighbors, a crazy old man with everything from a rebel flag to a monument to George Wallace on his lawn, was on the news because of it. His latest addition being a homophobic hand scrawled sign. Just lovely.

    I know the house since I work the area for real estate. Somebody fill me in I missed the newscast.

    Maybe I am not in the right forum but I just wanted to add this bit of kind words about Glenbrook Valley I mentioned on another thread...

    I am sure there is a thread/topic relating to Glenbrook Valley. I would love to toss in my great memories of what it was like circa 1968-72. My mom would round all of us kids up take us to the olympic sized pool and let us enjoy the day there. I am almost sure that that pool was considerd a state-of-the-art feat for its day here in Houston. I heard they used to have high-profile events there on occasion. I recall how ship-shape it was kept. They had some of the best life-gaurds (pretty ladies too) on hand. They really kept the kids in line! The most exciting part was the "platform" high dive. Man, you had to have real you know whats to get up there. Once on top shame on you if you chickened out! It seemed like the whole world had thier eyes on you. I'll bet even as an adult many of us would turn back or feel 15 years old again once up there. That place was so together they made sure everyone showered at that outside shower head (pull the string). We were so happy to always go to that Dairy Queen at the end of the golf course. You would work up a big appetite after swimming so much.

    Fast forward to now. Last time I heard and saw the place it went down the tubes. I recall one of our coaches from Austin HS lived right on the corner of one of those streets heading in to the pool. That neighborhhod looked terrible too. Grafittii, 5-6 cars on the yards, what the H ?

  13. In the old days there were no controls. A stop sign on the north and south bound feeders, one on Park Place and Broadway both sides, and all the curbs and dividers were not there. It was just one big 4 lane circus, I mean circle.


    I am sure there is a thread/topic relating to Glenbrook Valley. I would love to toss in my great memories of what it was like circa 1968-72. My mom would round all of us kids up take us to the olympic sized pool and let us enjoy the day there. I am almost sure that that pool was considerd a state-of-the-art feat for its day here in Houston. I heard they used to have high-profile events there on occasion. I recall how ship-shape it was kept. They had some of the best life-gaurds (pretty ladies too) on hand. They really kept the kids in line! The most exciting part was the "platform" high dive. Man, you had to have real you know whats to get up there. Once on top shame on you if you chickened out! It seemed like the whole world had thier eyes on you. I'll bet even as an adult many of us would turn back or feel 15 years old again once up there. That place was so together they made sure everyone showered at that outside shower head (pull the string). We were so happy to always go to that Dairy Queen at the end of the golf course. You would work up a big appetite after swimming so much.

    Fast forward to now. Last time I heard and saw the place it went down the tubes. I recall one of our coaches from Austin HS lived right on the corner of one of those streets heading in to the pool. That neighborhhod looked terrible too. Grafittii, 5-6 cars on the yards, what the H ?

  14. I think most of us believe ourselves to be urban pioneers, having discovered a part of town none of their friends even knew existed. Conversations between new, young Idylwooders would usually begin "Can you believe this cool neighborhood exists in Houston, and is actually affordable?" followed by "So what's the best way to get to Whole Foods from here?" :D

    1st I can only say that everyone here has valid and correct responses. However...

    If I can interject (politely) when there was a note about the apts on Sylvan street the person was also referring to the HUGE apt complex tucked in the back (where years ago we fought to block with a wall) which didnt work for long. I urge you to drive by there and take a gander. The wall is either gone or is an iron gate that has been broken and or bars bent for easy passage. This complex is next to AAMA you can see the big sign from 45. It is across the street from what used to be Oshman's offices years ago big ugly brick building with funky mural on the side. Urban blight my friends no matter how you look at it. Idlywood has been fighting to keep it blocked for years but civil rights group claim its injustice. Same happened at Country Club Place over behind The Dinner Bell restaurant. (There are numerous threads about that too). I personally know the lady (name not mentioned) that lives on that corner house with the 2 palm trees and she says she cant wait to get out. Go to the beggining (I think this thread) where several of the homes get crashed into by drunks on the dead mans curve. There is no doubt that Idlywood is scenic and quiet just avoid Sylvan st. my brother regrets buying a house there. His car was hit so hard it was pushed into the corner of the bedroom (as they slept) a few years ago and yes the driver took off running towards that big complex. You may want to talk to the old timers if any left and they will be very knowledgable on the subject. You be the judge.

  15. I have one of those. Good Choice ;) I like editor's ideal the best. ^_^

    I can relate to the beginner of this subject and am still in hysterics of this photo! There is a "bleep" person that does the same thing around my corner (so you know its loud if I can hear it) that doesn't give a flip what hour of the day/night/weekends yes even on Sunday mornings. Revs that sob so loud and takes offs. My neighbors are elderly and I have such sympathy for them because they have pretty much given up reporting him. We have other "hot on the grill" issues around here that this guy is like a pussycat by comparison. We are too busy dodging falling bullets and gang activity too.

    Not to deviate from the story but what gets my blood boiling is how motorcycle riders criss-cross about 100 miles an around at the height of rush hour! Whats with that? Do police just turn the other way?

    Should I just call 911 to say there is a psycho racing down the frwy and he is about to kill someone? I am so tempted to just swing open my car door so he can smack into it and really become airborne. Of course I would end up playing a harp in heaven next to this moron. Since we brought up the law is that aginst the law? These guys almost hit our cars as they squeeze between the cars.... Advice?

  16. I didn't use the word "only".

    Approximately 91% of East End residents are "Hispanic or Latino", as classified by the 2000 Census. 79% speak Spanish in the home. And those are just the ones caputred by the Census! Trust me: marketers don't have time to discriminate by the origins of your last name. They're just playing the numbers.

    And the East End Management District has to do the same. While promoting growth, they must take care not stab their constituency in the back.

    No, not all are undocumented. However, 64% of East End residents over 25 years of age don't have a high school diploma or GED and the median household income is just shy of $30k even though the average household has 3.5 people. There is truth to the stereotype.

    The Lord hath commanded me, "Go down unto them and deliver to the East End of Houston a flipped house, sturdy in its frame, granite upon its countertops, wood upon its floors, and they shall rejoice, and there shall be profit." :D

    Ok, I feel really dirty now. :mellow:

    Still laughing...

    Since Hollywood is in the remake stage of old films; there should be a biblical one done that shows:

    Moses standing on 45/Telephone rd overpass. Looking down the long stretch of Telephone and shout "Once again Though has lost faith and has turned vial & corrupt, lacivious and have turned to sins of the flesh. For this you shall drink bitter waters! Then he raises the tablets and tosses them down onto the street causing the ground to shack then opens up a huge crevace all the way to the end of Telephone Rd by Hobby Airport. Swallowing up all beer joints, adult theaters, topless dives & cheap motels. Only a few broken crack pipes & wine bottles would remain.

    Thats what I call real Hollywood!

  17. I caught an early flight home from Love field this afternoon and I decided to explore a little. I exited Telephone Rd from I-45 and headed North. Around Lawndale there is a neighborhood with some nice older homes. I believe the huge cemetary was to the East of me. At any rate as I was driving through the school zone near a High School I noticed a bunch of kids running towards my car. I was little nervous until I noticed a fist fight between two kids. I decided it was none of my business so I drove past it. As I went by a couple of kids jumped in front of my car and screamed something. They moved out of my way and I moved on, but not before one of them tossed a rock at my car. It sucked.

    I was not overly frightened by the experience, but I was confused as to what was going on. I have read about that neighborhood on this board and thought it was nicer than that.

    With that said, I realize that it is spring break and these kids were all probably fired up to be out of school for a week. There was a minor scratch on the car, but nothing too major.

    I guess my question is what High School is over there. It seemed a littly tough?

    This post was not meant to be a slight on that neighborhood, I was left a little puzzled that is all.

    Like everyone said, it was a very isolated incident. (by the High School)

    If you shift over closer to the east from Telephone Road & Lawndale by the Forest Park Cemetary you have to be persistant but you can find something very reasonable. About a year ago I sent an email blast to numerous friends, volunteers, collegues to come by and see the bargains. I am presently in the middle around Sunnyland and these houses are selling approx 40-60K which is unheard of these days. Most are 1-2 bedrooms but those prices can you argue? I sent the email as a means of bringing more professional people back in as it once was. And like others in this forum stated its slowly getting back the way it was. Rome wasn't built in a day. If you have a bit of vision and potential to better the area by all means enter. When I 1st saw my home I saw it as a diamond in the rough. What was once a plain simple salt box style home is now Gothic-Victorian with palm trees all around. You get the picture. I have fantastic views to my left of a wooded area and to right side I have the downtown skyline. I converted my never used attic into a loft so in essence I now have a 3 story home with newly added balconies all around. What can I say, it's been a labor of love. Now the not so good part, we are on a consant pursuit of lessening some of the local crime. Now that is everywhere like everyone said. So its not always rosey. There is a 2 story on the 5600 block of Lawson/Sunnyland and it has been vacant for a long time. Looks quite sound on the outside. Please buy it. We need good neighbors. Shout it from the highest mountain!

  18. The activities you describe are what has brought down the East End, and the activities that Sharpe St. describes to counter the other activities are what will bring up the East End. You are finally witnessing the beginnings of that change.

    Neighborhoods are just human ecosystems. There are decomposers and there are those organisms that try to stop the decomposition and turn the manure into growth and beauty. Look for the small seedlings sprouting here and there. Pick up a hoe (no, not that kind :rolleyes: ) and become a gardener.

    I concur,

    I'm sure most of these responses are mean't in a kind way. Email can come across as direct without grace if one perceives as such. I personally try my best to put some soul in in it. There are too many originated subjects to mention but I have been on both sides of the coin so to speak. I have and am presently in numerous community, corporate/professional & neigborhood causes too long to get in detail. I like to give examples to others to get feedback or so that others can "relate". It sparks interest and gives one that feeling of "talking over the fence" to their neighbor not just gossip. Maybe I do need to pick up a hoe after all Telephone Road is knocking at my doorstep. Speaking of garden hoes did they ever do away with that soliciting at the old K-Mart parking lot by the Josephine Motel? I heard its quite reasonable. Could become an overnight star on "Cops" if you check it out! It would be outrageous if I talked a local TV crew to film the next "Night Out" there! We could have Paris Hilton or Heidi Fleice do a cameo!

  19. It is hard to quantify the rate of change between censuses, but I know that things are starting to shift, and it seems like the shifts are accelerating. I know that a lot of it is spillover from people that have been priced out of Montrose and the Heights, and I envision that the next few years will leave the East End looking like a nacent artists' colony before things start yuppifying in earnest.

    I look forward to the 2010 Census.

    Wish I had seen this thread earlier...you make a great point.

    The person that originated these may get upset but it has to be stressed (again)

    I would more than welcome all and anyone that from anywhere as long as they know how to act as decent human beings. I dont care what ethnicity, religion, affiliation orientation as long as they respect the neighbors. Dream ?

    Reality is, even though our area is now "typecast/stereotyped" and it is. All business's need to respect EVERYONE I mean English/German/Italian/Asian speaking people. We have no right to just cater to Spanish speaking clients. There are many threads here that touch on the discrimination non-Spanish speaking people we get in our area. We also discussed the terrible customer service we encounter on occasion. There are waitors/waitress's, clerks that dont care to assist because they dont want to TRY to assimilate or learn the native tongue. Analogy, if you were not invited to a party, intruded and complained about the food, music & crowd you would be totally out of line. I would get kicked out! If I went to France, I wouldn't expect everyone to cater to me. Thats insane. I for all practical purposes would focus on blending in.

    Case in point, we know the crowd has changed more so than before but they still respect those that paid the taxes for the schools your kids now attend & the streets you drive on and walk on. Our parents and we paid dearly for decades for these basic amenities. They fought in wars and died to keep this America. I know for a fact that when 9/11 happended my sister and several of her friends ran to the schools to pick up the children and many of the Hispanic women said they were fleeing back "home" and that no kid of theirs was going to any war! So much for patriotism....

    No matter how we turn the picture upside down, sideways...this latest crowd has become a burden, financial, insurance wise & crime rate wise.

    In grade school all the way to HS, we knew a few kids that would enroll in our schools and their English was very limited. Within weeks we had them speaking/conversing fluently in English. By the time we met again at reunions you couldn't event tell they ever had an accent.

    Assimilation its the only answer. When in Rome do as the Roman's do. What happended to that saying? Just being perfectly blunt & outspoken again. Someone has to do it.

    Like Rodney King said "Can't we just all get along" (with LA burning down in the background). classic

  20. I am very curious why people with an obvious interest in architecture would even consider buying a townhome. While there are certainly some that employ interesting and thoughtful design, the vast majority them are just horrific. They're almost anti-design!

    Don't get me wrong... I am actually reasonably glad to see the new construction happening just east of the GRB. And even over in the Clinton/Jensen area. Mostly, those townhomes (or the single-family, gated blocks) are not displacing older construction. And I welcome the new residents - and am hopeful they will convince Kroger to clean-up their combat store on Polk/Cullen (note to Kroger: we're not all on WIC, you know! I'm glad you provide goods for these people, but I would appreciate a wine selection that extends beyond Boone's Farm).

    But that doesn't mean I don't think they are the perhaps the most ugly things I've seen.

    So help me out. What's the allure of these structures to the design-conscious?

    Glad you raised this very common question.

    I too wonder why most people wonder off the premise of this website/forum but I imagine its expected as I too cant help but voice concerns.

    To answer the question I can only state that proximity & location, location is what we aspire for. There has been so many article written about the downright ugliness of these structures. Take a glance at the horrible ones being placed within perfect view of 45 as you pass on the Pierce elevated looking towards Freedman's Town. YUUUUOOOGLY! The epitome of bad taste. Like the the Pink Flamingo's film stated "An exercise in poor taste" Those townhome's/condo's look just like tall expanded out houses. rest rooms, portables. The tin siding makes them look even worse! Just the other day there was media coverage of how they are making a huge mistake because the lots are too cramped. In emergencies police cant pass. You can shake hands with cars trying to go around you, that tight! I once attended a UH party years ago where the house caught fire & fire trucks simply could not get in because of all the parked cars and that was a regular street. The house was incinerated. Any time I see anything with TIN SIDING I just cringe (like that new coffee joint Lawndale/Wayside everyone loves) although I'm sure it is a nice place dont get me wrong. Money is what its all about. Truth? yes, yes, yes....rest my case.

  21. Having grown up in East Houston I've always been accustomed to saying that the best Mexican restaurants are on the East side, primarily since the population is more Hispanic that side of the city. Problem is I don't really know if the ones I frequent are the best. Anyone have any nominations? One interesting restaurant, whose name I can't recall at the moment, is a Mexican seafood restauraunt that's run by Chinese! It's menu is an experiment in what some, I guess, nowdays call fusion. Instead of Spanish rice, you can have your meal with fried rice. Anyway, you wouldn't think that Chinese could run a sucessful Mexican seafood restaurant in a Hispanic neighborhood but they do. I love eating at this restaurant just because it's atmosphere is an atypical blend of two ethnicities.

    Not sure if it matters to you,

    Being a born/raised 3rd generatin Houstonian I can say that the real Mexican food you prefer in inner Houston would be at:

    1. Denver Harbor - Any on Lyons Ave.

    2. Old near Northside - All Mex restuarants on Irvington/Cavalcade/Fulton areas

    3. El Jardin is good but has got real expensive because it has become a touristy joint of sorts

    4. Personally, I would steer away from any taco truck, they are always being ticketed for not having health permits, hot running water, etc.

    5. Even though most people laugh about Casa Ole I still like their green nacho dip! They are not what I call real but prices are inexpensive and the staff is always very professional (at least by Almeda Mall).

    Finally, avoid ALL NINFA's that place went "Hollywood" phony years ago. Unless you eat like a mouse and are ok with TV dinner like junk. My mom knew Ninfa when she was just starting out many years ago over by Guadalupe church area and she used to do it right, once she passed away the joint got overrated and fake. Bon apetit!

  22. We have gone to the civic club in the past however not in a long time. I was checking out the web site just recently and there have been no updates or new newsletters added unless they did it in the last few days or so.

    Question is how do we get the city to replace all of our sidewalks here in Broadmoor. They are a few steps beyond horrible and pretty much unusable. I see a very high percentage of walkers using the street rather then then the sidewalk.

    Scharpe St Guy

    ps. I live on Scharpe St ;-)


    Seems as if newcomers see them as out of vogue at least in the Broadmoor streets. I wonder what kind of mother would push her baby carriage in the middle of the street especially at the height of rush hour? may as well push it into Dumble street like a bowling ball! I know the sidewalks need to be replaced and we fought like hell to get our 200 yards put in a year go, but who in thier right mind would be so insane? You can also see tots/elderly people walking in the middle of the street and normally around a blind curve! Not to change subjects but all the lousy China Berry trees in this area are all collapsing from rotting and termite infestation. Those blasted things were planted back when no one knew better. Old timers call em crap trees to put it nicely. That is what has eroded the sidewalks & driveways years ago. 1400 Munger was like a roller coaster for us as we rode our bikes. Was fun as a kid but not as an adult. My elderly neighbor nearly split her head open one evening when she was polite enough to give us our mail the delivery man gave her by mistake. I still feel bad about it. Had the sidewalk been decent it wouldnt have happended. Wish everyone would ban together and call 311 they will cut them down for FREE.

    We need a Quannel X kind of leader maybe? what about Scharpe St Guy X?

  23. As an East End resident, I'm wondering what will happen to the huge Foley's warehouse complex when Foley's is eradicated from Houston later this year. Will Macy's use it as a distribution center, or will it be sold? There's a lot of acreage involved, and with such a lack of decent shopping in midtown and adjacent neighborhoods it would seem to be a good location for large-scale retail development. Those of us who live nearby just hope that if it is redeveloped it won't be cheaply-built townhomes or apartments.

    Even scarier if they build "affordable" housing as they so kindly put it. That will destroy whats left of the area. Honest, I know it doesn't sound pleasant but its truthful. I worked at the FEMA recovery center (by the old Target store on 610/S. Wayside last summer as a temp (thank God) and I know of specific persons that were sending majority of Katrina evacuees to "affordable" housing units anywhere in the city. Most were placed in (hmmm) SW West, Humble, Spring & Missouri City areas. Look at the 1960 area is headed towards a SW Houston type of war zone environment, others quickly catching up. The media and especially the Mayor quickly downplay this of course they don't have to live near it or deal with it on a daily basis. I don't believe in sugar-coating reality and some people rather keep thier heads in the sand. Not I.

    As a kid we used to fly our kites in that big field where Foley's warehouse now stands. It was dream like. All we had was the strong gusts of wind surrounding us and the distant sound of the Austin HS band practicing in the distance. Just a memory.

  24. I played Little League/Babe Ruth League growing up around the same time you're talking about and it was wholesome and a great influence. I collected baseball cards, still have the entire '69 Topps set that I put together with 5c packs often financed by allowance money and pop bottle deposits found while scrounging(no one told me that I should care for my cards instead of handling the stars and even putting some of them in the spokes of my sting ray with a clothespin :( ). Our heros were clean cut baseball players, and as corny as it might sound, they were definitely positive influences and fantasy father/big brother figures of a sort.

    Little League is still active around the East End but no one plays catch in the streets anymore.. Instead they're throwing hoops and talking trash.

    I ponder whether young boy's role models experienced a downgrading when the heros became NBA players instead. Just a different era I suppose.

    True, so true

    There unfortunately was a shift not for the better. Kids want to emulate hip-hop, steroid users and gangsta images. Hence, all the other threads out there about the very high increase in juvenile crime. I could write a book. Remember when TV shows only described the remains of a dead person or had the body covered? Not enough these days. Now they show the person being tortured, dismembered and being put back together piece-bu-piece as the detectives crack jokes next to the bodies. Its no one wonder they say weve all become "de-sensitized" basically like robots. On any given day/night practically every program sensationalizes infidelity, wife-swapping, children cursing at parents, pimping the list goes on. This is how we entertain ourselves? I used to joke about TV going to the lowest years ago. I recall saying one day they are going to allow nudity on regular TV and here it is. Girls Gone Wild on early ams on weekends! Commercials 30 minutes long is a tad more than a commercial but they get away with it. No need to go to an adult theater (if one wishes) anymore its in our living rooms! Stats show the prison population is busting at the seams. No surprise. Guess who has to foot the bill?

    I better get back to the baseball subject! Thanks for the honest response.

  25. I can say that Broadmoor is changing or at least my street!!! I don't take any crap from any of my neighbors on the street and they know it. It's a pretty quiet place to live now all things considered. At one time I had a problem with a Semi Truck parked across from my house but after complaining to the City/Police it got towed twice and I have not seen it since. Funny thing is the guy brought it back after the second tow and fired it up at 7am on Saturday morning and was letting his little boy toot the horn, of course this must have awoken quite a few neighbors and myself so I went out there and my neighbors came out and I let him have a piece of my mind. No problems since and actually since then we have been pretty civil with each other and respect each other.

    We have had other little problems but each one gets solved, it's amazing how people will react if they know your going to call them on it. I have no problem calling the Constables for loud late night parties or what not and when they show up that house becomes a not so fun place to party late into the night and they move else ware where they can get away with it.

    Scharpe St Guy

    You have my vote! I nominate you as our president! Thats what I'm talking about!

    My mom is still over on Munger and her next door neighbor runs their house like a welding shop and late into the night too. They use a very loud and shacky machine of some kind that also releases terrible gases that smell like the refineries in Pasadena.One day I went to check on my mom and her whole west side of the house reeked with this pousonous odor. Must have been carbon monoxide! She is elderly takes naps and could have easily left us forever because of these morons! We told them that it is against the law to use something so dangerous, they were pissed at 1st but eventually gave in. They still occasionally use it again with the garage door closed and think we don't hear it. I have a feeling one day that garage is going to blow! and take out half our block. I know there is a number to call to report Rat on a Rat, etc. and I have called plenty of time of issues on my side. I tel ya if its not next door its across the street or behind you. The apts across the street always barbecue on the old dried out balcony and toss beer bottles down to the concrete, the home behind turned the garage into a house (no permit I'm sure) then everyone has to have about 6-7 dogs attracting rats/possums at night so they bark all night at the rodents. But yes your our next president!!!

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