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Posts posted by Vertigo58

  1. Anyone remember the "Shamrock 6" a six screen theater on South Main across from the Shamrock Hotel. First movie I saw there was "The Andromeda Strain" in 1971. I seem to recall them advertising themselves as Houston's first multiplex.

    Early on, it was quite easy to see two or three movies with one ticket--go to the bathroom and return to another screen. Eventually, they started checking tickets to crack down on the practice. Googled around, one site claimed they closed down in 85, not sure that's accurate. Compared to today's stadium seating, it was kind of cheezy, and so were some of the movies. "The Stewardesses" in 3D. Which I can't remember if I saw or not. Just remember the ads.

    My mom must have been a super mom because she would drop off us kids to go there. Quite far from our area. One thing that really stood out was they had advertised an actual "Movie Opening" complete with the stars of the film present. Only the name Lindsay Bloom comes to mind and she apparently didnt go far in film after that so the film must have been a bomb! but what the heck we got to see them exit the limo onto a red carpet with media just like the Oscars. Exciting for a teeniebopper.

    Here are some films I know I saw there over the years:

    Ode To Billy Joe, Born Loser's, Billy Jack, The Summer of 42, The Exorcist, Jaws, Saturday Night fever and finally St. Elmo's Fire.

    and your right sneaking in to see several movies was part of the alure until you got caught and kicked out! Ouch still hurts! ;)

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  2. I remember this guy very well, but with a slightly different slant. He didn't have a cup full of pencils. He had a single pencil which he held in the same hand as the cup, but pinned against the side of the cup. In other words, he was begging, but with the pretext of selling pencils.

    I always wondered if anyone ever tried to take that pencil after they gave money.

    I remember him too!

    and I guess it took them to tear down Woolworth's so that bible-thumping maniac finally disappearred after years of screaming out loud. He paced up and down so much in that same exact spot I'll bet his heel marks are still there! It was so loud we kids would jump!

    Amen! Halleluleah!

  3. Do you remember a big 2 or 3 story white house with black trim on Southpark? I remember going with my great grandmother in the early 60's to visit a woman that lived there named Mrs. Tart. We would drive north on OST and turn left onto Southpark and the house wasnt too far down on the left hand side. It also was surrounded by a white split rail fence. There was a boarded over well in her backyard with the story of a little boy that drowned when he fell in the well. Another story had it being an orphanage at one time.

    That area sounds like it is right behind U of H main campus or MacGregor Park? and I always thought OST ran East to West towards the Astrodome?

    If thats the area you mean near that park there are still many real pretty houses that were built in the 1930-1940 era. I had a friend who's mother was a teacher at UH and they had a large corner lot with a beautiful 2 story spacious home. So that sounds more like Macgregor grounds.

  4. Everyone needs to see that Texas Monthly article! Especially state leaders. I was so tempted to kick in my monitor!

    Actually I am kind of glad I am not a naive unsuspecting person anyway. When I am in a business then someone walks in and appears to look like that I keep my guard up. Not so much afraid but just cautious especially if they come in 2 & worse 3 or more. People really need to watch shows like AMW & Dateline and news. I simply don't want to be rubbed out because of merely being a witness to a crime. These cowards usually only act out in groups. The other day some civic leader had the gall to say that the US created the gang lifestyle and illegals are forced to take up this way of life? That they are really moral religious people but WE forced this on them? Poor little ganstas.

    Again, best solution...


  5. Good point <_<

    Yo TheNiche, do U really think FEMA matters to those who are capable of working but don't? It really doesn't when you think about it. When FEMA stops, it will give many the capability to complain, then look for some other type of government aid such as welfare. This is like seperating the men from the boys. Those able to find work would be able to find it within 2 years after moving to Houston, while those who refuse to can help keep HPD busy. Do U think anyone who lived in N.O. and depended on the government when they had a body healthy enough to work but refused to will magically start working after their FEMA stopped coming in after two years? FEMA wasn't available before Katrina.

    There's a few out there who really need FEMA at this time...people who need the assistance WHILE working, or the disabled and elderly. The single-mom or dad who moved here from N.O. with 2 kids and working 40 hours-a week deserves government assistance. She's doing something to help herself and her family, and deserves the support.

    I worked briefly at the FEMA recovery center off 610/Wayside during the summer and was an eye witness to quite a bit of unethical shenanigans many of the people walking in the door were pulling. Not to say all of them but the majority yes. Now that I think about it I should have kept a recorder under my table or filmed the things going on. The only truly traumatized folks I felt sympathy for were the elderly. They were being rounded up like cattle and thrown in with an element unseen. Some of the older people were just breaking down crying and shaking from fear of the hoods they were having to be with. On some occasions some passed out or collapsed from fatigue. The younger set carried on like it was a festival or free for all. Women sporting fresh new tattooes and glitter purses and mile high stilletto heels. Majority of men right out of AMW or cops, I didnt know clothes could be so baggy. Seemed like everyone even children had cell phones & I-pods? Are those emergency items? The worst part was how they were being placed in housing in areas of Houston that were already historically known for high crime (SW Hou). Several of these desperate people came in stoned, reeking of booze or high. A few let it slip out that they were selling vouchers for cash to buy party supplies? There were computers readily available for job searches almost every time I walked past adult men were watching rap videos? I thought the lowest part was that these adults were setting such a bad example for the children they were dragging along. To lie, steal, cheat. Ok, I've said enough now. and no I am not exaggerating either. :(

  6. http://www.texasmonthly.com/2006-12-01/fea...56a3cfefb7dbca2

    Wonderful article in Texas monthly.

    And this is why, if I find a bunch of youths wearing certain colors, I should duck behind the counter at whatever store I am in :)

    Everyone needs to see that Texas Monthly article! Especially state leaders. I was so tempted to kick in my monitor!

    Actually I am kind of glad I am not a naive unsuspecting person anyway. When I am in a business then someone walks in and appears to look like that I keep my guard up. Not so much afraid but just cautious especially if they come in 2 & worse 3 or more. People really need to watch shows like AMW & Dateline and news. I simply don't want to be rubbed out because of merely being a witness to a crime. These cowards usually only act out in groups. The other day some civic leader had the gall to say that the US created the gang lifestyle and illegals are forced to take up this way of life? That they are really moral religious people but WE forced this on them? Poor little ganstas.

  7. Why SW Houston? Because it is a dump and attracts the poor and violent. The crime in that area of town is so out of hand. We need to demand more police presence there (perhaps for starters HPD could pull some of the cops off the street near my house that are just pulling over people going a few miles over the speed limit).

    Amen on that one. HPD sits over at Westpark/Gessner vicinity every day now approx 4PM doing the same 2 miles over pull over buddy! Meanwhile back at the ranch (SW Houston or "Hell" as its better known) is a daily Armegeddon. In other similar SW threads state that even cops are afraid to cruise the areas. Notice you seldom even see animals around? The birds flying over probably look down and say screw this place keep going! Surprised there aren't any road side bombs.

    It is beginning to look just like a Los Angeles more & more each day. Gangs, crowds, graffitti, dope, hookers, arrests, etc. Smog is next. So much for an "International city". Kinda depressing when the children even through gang signs at you as you just drive home. Maybe I should start wearing a bandana and carry an Uzi.

  8. IMO, I think SW Houston is in much better shape than North Houston, they are on more times than SW Houston. :P

    Latest and the greatest, the list goes on all!

    Anyone know a good Exorcist?

    Local and federal officials are calling these arrests, which happened at a southwest Houston apartment over the weekend, significant. All six men arrested were considered a big threat to the Houston community.

    First on the list was Albin Adalin Zelaya-Zelaya, 26, from Honduras. He's a suspected member of the violent gang known as MS-13. Zelaya is wanted in Honduras for several murders, including the beheading of his ex in-laws. He's also wanted in connection to the massacre of 37 people onboard a bus in Honduras. Locally, Zelaya is wanted on burglary charges.

    The five other men are considered equally dangerous. Authorities say that all of the six men are in this country illegally.

    "These five are associated with Zelaya, who is an MS-13 gang member," said John Gaudioso with the Immigration and Customs Enforcement Agency. "At this point, we are not sure what criminal activity they may be doing. So we are still looking into that."

    Authorities released the photo of all six suspects today because they suspect they are believed to be involved locally with other crimes in this area, including kidnapping attempted of illegal aliens.

  9. My Dad took these slides:





    These are grrrrrreat!

    The only photos we have are all indoors in various Dept stores with Santa at Grant's, Penney's, Foley's.

    All date from 1964-1971. They are neat because you can see the transiton of mid-60's mod backgrounds/attire to late 60's hippie psychedelic/fashions/scenery.

    Funny how camp it seems now while things like Woodstock, Vietnam and war protests were raging on. Love American pop-culture. :wub:

  10. Who want's to light the match?

    Put these faded or fading shopping malls out of their misery. Have been magnets for trouble for some time now. HPD can support. No media over-hype.

    1. Sharpstown

    2. Northline

    3. Almeda

    Endangered List:

    1. Deerbrook

    2. Willowbrook

    3. Guns-point

  11. Correct you are,

    Scary that we are in an office building nearby and we have had many car thefts and the building itself has had people gain entrance and stealing office computers, etc. good thing they are on film. Which shows how brazen they are. There are so many people just meandering/lurking around outside. It just seems so unusual. No bus stop nearby? Person would have to be oblivious to not notice them waiting for opportunity I imagine. Undisputed truth people, come see for your selves. :mellow:

    The realtor's of these properties normally send notices to employees as a "heads up" public won't see these. This is one of 3 from the last 2 months.

    Off the record, on the QT and very hush, hush...

    Good afternoon:

    One of the tenants on the first floor at ...... had a break-in Wednesday evening/Thursday morning. It appears that the suspects jimmied open their back door and forced their way in. This door is on a separate access system and is not monitored by Building Management. The suspects entered the suite and pried open at least two locked doors and removed a plasma TV and several computer hard drives.

    As many of you know several other buildings in the Westchase District that have experienced break-ins and criminal activity. Please ensure you keep all valuables, especially lap tops and other easily removable items safely locked away. Many of these crimes are typical 'smash and grab' incidents. We will implement all safety measures possible in order to ensure the building stays secure. If you see anyone acting suspiciously on the property or in the building, please call building management and/or 911. Many times intuition is a reliable tool so please don't ignore any misgivings you may have. Thank you.

  12. 2. Over by Telephone Road and Winkler as Telephone curves going east once stood another huge mansion very similar as the Plantation home also with curved drive. Was in the high Gothic-Victorian style 2 stories with a servants quarters on the side and horse stable. All that remains is the old palm trees that lined the circular drive. Nothing has ever replaced it to this day. Makes you wonder who and why it met such a fate?

    What kind of people lived there? Why such a palatial home? What kind of people visited, dignitaries?

    Are you sure this was not at Telephone and Wheeler instead of Telephone and Winkler? I know about the house at Telephone and Wheeler with the circular drive and Palm trees. It is next to the Houston Parks and Recreation building.


    Unreal, I just went back in time (jaw drop).

    1974-75 Best I remember, we pulled up our catering trucks to the back and brought in that delicious barbecue from (Lenox BBQ on Harrisburg) They were having some kind of big fancy affair that evening. The dining area was humongous with white linens on all the tables and candelabra throughout. Big bay windows with expensive drapery wrapped around the place with fantastic views of the golf course and wooded area. When we walked on the big porch it seemed like you were walking on the deck of an ocean liner. The best part was the high brow crowd that engulfed the place. My job was being dressed to the nines and making sure drinks were full. There was a live orchestra playing on the outside. The place echoed with the big crowds voices. Seems like a dream now.

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  13. It had a half circle driveway in front and a big concrete fence in front so you could only catch a little glimpse of the property through the 2 gates that were iron. It was very big and very spooky. In the early 70's, my church had a haunted house party there. All I remember was palm trees around the house and a spiral staircase in very poor condition in the front room and a riding stable and what looked like a smaller house in back. My brother said some biker group lived in it for a while before the police found out they were there and chased them out. I can't find pictures of the place anywhere or even anything written about it. It was torn down right after that holloween party . There was also a big church to the south of it but its a school now. Does anyone know anything about the house or the family? Thanks in advance, Susan

    Take a look at the thread of historic mansions in near East End where we discuss this.

    I remember seeing it rom Wayside too. Real mysterious and spooky like the ones we would see in Scooby-doo cartoons.

    Seemed like they started scraping everything away from where that new school is all the way to Polk Street where the old/closed Kroger is. I remember those big apartments being built along with the Pizza Hut so I am certain it was 1975-76. Who knows about the buildings on the Golf Course across the street?

    Isn't it despressing to think that after all these years that part of Wayside still hasn't been widened and redone? Hence, the major traffic jams and accidents that occur rear round. The city buses have added insult to injury too. Not even pedestrain sidewalks on the gold course side. On rainy days cars/buses splash people at the bus stops. Council members can't see this? Oh well...

  14. From the East End article in the Winter 2006 Issue of Cite:

    "At about the same time that the Forest Hill subdivision was still seen as a good idea, Colonel Edward F. Simms, a Kentuckian who made his fortune in the oil fields of Texas and Louisiana, settled in Houston. Sometime after 1910 he purchased several tracts of land adjacent to the west side of the Houston Country Club along what would become South Wayside Drive. According to Marguerite Johnston, author of Houston, The Unknown City 1836-1946, '...he built a mansion with a library, living room, dining room, and a breakfast room, on the first floor, a maid's room off the kitchen, a wine cellar and furnace in the basement, and seven bedrooms and five bathrooms on the upper floors, as well as a big upstairs sleeping porch. He built gardens, stables, a green house, reflecting pools, lakes, and one of Houston's first swimming pools - a big one set some distance from the house. The estate required eight gardeners and five house servants to maintain. He called it Wayside'

    Simms' stucco-clad main house at 900 South Wayside Drive was accessible by a winding gravel drive. Fire insurance company maps, which were last updated in 1969, showed several additional smaller houses, an extensive collection of outbuildings, and an irregularly shaped concrete swimming pool that was designed to look like a pond.

    Simms' stepdaughter Bessie married architect Kenneth Franzheim, whose office designed many of the important commercial buildings in Houston from the 1930s through the 1950s. During the years that the Franzheims were in residence at Wayside, it was often the scene of prominent social gatherings. In March 1949, for example, during the American Institute of Architects' national convention in Houston, Bessie entertained a delegation of the wives of architects from Cuba and Mexico at the house. At its peak from the 1920s through the 1940s, the Simms estate was one of the largest, most elaborate residential compounds in Houston. Over the years, though, the family sold parcels of the estate, notably the southern sections along Lawndale Avenue, which became the Houston Country Club Place subdivision and the Simms Woods subdivision."

    Thank You all for solving this mystery.

    Just love reading stories like this.

    As an addition, I wonder if anyone knows what ever became of the huge country clubhouse building that was in The Golf Course grounds? I once helped cater a dinner there as a teenager around 1975. I remember it was very large and looked turn of the century. Must have entertained some notables as well. If anyone can suggest anyone that has knowledge of the golf course grounds and how it came to be and especially that clubhouse. May still be there?

  15. Exactly correct Subdude. When the Weingartens building was torn down on 808 Praire the new printing plant was built in that location. It was then that all of the buildings facing Texas were incorporated into a single looking facade. The theatre is there

    amongst them. Current employees are probably not aware of the layout around this building on the upper floors. Plenty of up and downs as the levels did not all line up in each building. An ADA accessiblity inspector would have had a cow if current rules were in effect back then.

    Can't help but wonder how many other buildings in that vicinity still have original details "masked" by ugly newer renovations. If we could just peel away the ugliness so these hidden treasures can be seen again. This may seem even more far fetched but could it be possible to research old documents as to where any original materials would have been taken away to? Surely everything didn't end up in the city landfill? Seems bizarre to see items excavated. Someone, somewhere must know if this could be done. Sometimes we hear in the news how construction sites recover relics of all types. Imagine what cool things are hidden underground?

  16. Only few people may remember or have documentation of some of the huge mansions that once stood in the near East Side. Telephone Rd and Wayside/45 areas. Here are 3 that come to mind and thats only becuase I remember seeing them as a kid and even then they were abandoned and near collapse in the mid 70's.

    1. Was at Wayside near Lawndale across the street from the Gus Wortham Golf Course. Where there is now an overcrowded, jammed Fiesta market and adjacent strip mall once stood a Plantation-like mansion with tall elegant columns painted white with a huge fountain in the front of the curved/circular expansive driveway. You could imagine Scarlett O'Hara rushing down the grand staircase to meet Rhett. Had tall oak trees lining the drive. Bulldozed around 1975 for this ugly over-developed heap. To make matters worse they crammed an elementary school in there. Pure insanity.

    2. Over by Telephone Road and Winkler as Telephone curves going east once stood another huge mansion very similar as the Plantation home also with curved drive. Was in the high Gothic-Victorian style 2 stories with a servants quarters on the side and horse stable. All that remains is the old palm trees that lined the circular drive. Nothing has ever replaced it to this day. Makes you wonder who and why it met such a fate?

    What kind of people lived there? Why such a palatial home? What kind of people visited, dignitaries?

    3. Where the East End post office now stands on Lawndale/Des Jardines st. There was another beautiful three story palace of a home. In the turn of the century Victorian style too. Massive upstairs screened in porch (must have been a great view) with a large front and backyard. Vacant for many years but could have been restored to its former glory. I recall actually sneaking inside with friends out of shear curiosity. Hit my head on the huge newel post. Guess I deserved it. I recall it being an elephant of a house the kind crazy movie people used to make back in the silent film days. Now this house did seem as if Norma Desmond lived in it. It was torn down around 1976. All that remains are the 3 tall elegant palms that seem so lonely without their beautiful painted lady, now just a memory.

    Houston "shame on you" for not being so supportive of restoration and preservation from the get-go. :(

    • Like 1
  17. 12th Annual Galveston Historical Foundation Sacred Places Tour

    Saturday, January 27, 2007

    9am - 4:30pm

    Ten historic places of worship and one historic cemetery will be open to visitors on Saturday, January 27 for Galveston Historical Foundation’s annual Sacred Places Tour. The event will begin at 9 a.m. with a talk by Joe Opperman, internationally renowned preservation architect and Galveston native, at St. Joseph’s Church, 2202 Avenue K. The tour begins at 10 a.m. and runs through 4:30 p.m.


    In case you have never been, this tour of Gothic/Victorian Cathedrals will leave you spellbound as you check out the intricate detail and fine craftsmanship. Each one is so unique and still leaves one wondering "How did they do it". Simply magnificent!

  18. Thanks so much,

    The ones that appeared as Second Empire style I am almost certain are on Oxford/near 20th or 11th st. Cant really remember but for sure on Oxford.

    There is new construction going on caddy corner from these. They are complete with cresting & weather vanes, no detail left out. Once is grey/blue and black shingle roof I think, looks kind of like this only newerer:


    I borrowed from another thread this may be the answer???

    Check out the following...




    http://www.houstonheights.org/construction.htm :D

  19. Unfortunately, as far as Westchase goes, the intersection of Briar Forest @ Wilcrest has seen a very significant increase in crime, especially east of Wilcrest. It has also seen some of the apartment complexes in that area take on some of the low maintenance, ghettofabulous qualities that have affected some complexes in Fondren Southwest and Sharpstown over the last twenty years.

    The good news is that further west along Briarforest, at Kirkwood, it seems as if property owners are trying to nip the potential problem in the bud before it gains any more momentum. A couple of complexes are undergoing renovations, which might affective not only the quality of the property longterm but the quality of its tenants as well. We'll see, though.

    Correct you are,

    Scary that we are in an office building nearby and we have had many car thefts and the building itself has had people gain entrance and stealing office computers, etc. good thing they are on film. Which shows how brazen they are. There are so many people just meandering/lurking around outside. It just seems so unusual. No bus stop nearby? Person would have to be oblivious to not notice them waiting for opportunity I imagine. Undisputed truth people, come see for your selves. :mellow:

  20. Now you just made me remember some other five-and-dime stores: Ben Franklin, TG&Y, Perry's. Do any of you remember some or all three of those, too?

    Sure do, and I see that someone mentioned Kresge's I recall them back in the 60's too.

    I know many people do miss the days of soda fountains and such but with today's crowd of younger people that dont care it would be impossible to have it as it was. Can't you just see everyone at the counter on a cell phone, ipod, or playing video games and tele-messaging? or blasting away with loud vulger prison music.

    Rude, rude, rude. but it has become acceptable in today's society. Not to mention the thugs that would give the attendants a hard time? Too much political correctness crud.

    Best we remember how nice it was. :wacko:

  21. Keep a watch for what goes up on those empty lots as they're sold. Townhouse developers are usually not the boldest builders in the pack, even if they see a currently semi-downtrodden area close to gentrifying areas. However, other folks might decide it fits their plans just fine, like homeless shelters (6301 Gulf Fwy (HouTex Inn), there's a public meeting coming up on....Musicman knows), halfway houses, apartment builders, rinky-dink "townhouse" developers etc.

    Pecan Park where I live is similar to Sunnyland and we're keeping an eagle eye out for such things. We've had one guy buy 2 lots next to each other, tear down the houses, try to build a car lot against deed restrictions, sue the civic club because they tried to stop him, dropped the suit but drained the club's funds fighting it, then ended up building 2 crap-tacular "patio homes" with no garages. One is still for sale, with stick-on house numbers applied lop-sided, has been for sale for about 2 years, the other sold and the new owners, against deed restrictions, have a tax service, money-to-Mexico service and pit bull kennel complete with spray painted plywood sign, all available for viewing at Broad & Gulf Fwy (they're on the feeder). We've had another lot bought by some mysterious company, not sure what they're building but we'll soon find out, and they changed the 1 lot into their own subdivision, "Garza Subdivision". We're hoping it's a house and not something horrible.

    Bottom line is "the riff raff" is attracted to these areas. They drive through, see how it all looks, and think, "hey, looks like no one cares around here. This is where I want to build!"

    Correct on all of the above.

    In fact the people just next door (glad their gone) were using the back yard as a pit-bull's for-sale kennel where they would always gather a crowd of thugs and watch the dogs tear away at each other as they swigged away the booze (guns fired later). Coincidentally they are the same innocent people on TV that claim the cops shot their relative as he waved a hammer at them. Whole other thread for sure. So you see some of you dont have it that bad. It was quite the ordeal to say the least. :wacko:

  22. You mention Broadmoor, we live in Broadmoor on Scharpe St and it perplexes me as to why a builder has not yet entered our neighborhood and started building. Of course I would prefer a small builder who is not building cookie cutter homes but ones that would match the style of the neighborhood. On Lawson street the city is about to tear down two homes next door to each other. This will add to the many empty lots already found in the neighborhood. Prime area and a nice neighborhood that just needs some new life put into it.

    Scharpe St Guy

    It's a miracle but there are 2 new homes being built by me over by Lawndale/Sunnyland streets. One is on Truett and the other on McCormick streets. Crossing our fingers that this will help push out the riff raff lurking nearby. There are so many vacant lots just waiting for people to buy them and start buliding. Cant see how people pass up such great opportunity?

    This is such a neat place to be as far as proximity to the frwy and it is so nice to hear the chimes of the convent tower next door. Then the nice view of the woods on the other side. Developers are missing out big time! I would love to give personal tours to anyone wanting to get a great investment. Tracts are real cheap people should get them while they can. If only ONE developer would build a high rise townhome it would start the rush. Come on someone! I'll start the barbecue!

  23. From my examination of this article I have come to the conclusion that we really shouldn't be the one's doing this. I believe the most effecient organization of government possible would see FEMA paying for the evacuees rents, not the city. Local city governments are designed for localized government issues and this does not fall within our function as a city especially as many evacuees are in areas outside the city. FEMA's responsibilities were designed for handling evacuees and their situations as they rebuild their lives, not localized city governments.

    Right now FEMA is scheduled to begin handling the overtime pay for our police officers who are forced to take on more duties due to the higher police to person ratio in Houston. It seems to me that in most situations that a population influx comes to a city there is more tax base which comes with them so that extra city services can be provided. However that is not the case in Houston as these evacuees are living on welfare and still trying to get their jobs.

    The entire situation needs to reverse, FEMA needs to pay their rent and Houston needs to pay for police overtime. I think that's a fair trade.

    Also, we need a local FEMA branch, I don't care if it's southeast Texas or Houston (preferably Houston) because right now FEMA in Texas is split between dealing with Houston's population influx/evacuee shelter problems and the fires in north Texas.

    All true,

    Not to stray from the subject but I have been told by just about every person that has the same concern say that the reason we are seeing so many apartments and motels burn down is because of disgruntled tenants getting the boot. Being kicked out not just for back rent but because of how the apts have been wrecked and the crime that has resulted. No matter how desperate I get I will never step into any Motel 6 or Dayds Inn in Houston for years. Unless the whole place has been gutted and replaced new sheetrock/beds, etc. So for now it's burn, baby burn! "Won't Leave the light on"

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