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Posts posted by Vertigo58

  1. Perhaps this one can be merged with the other Shriner's temple topic?

    Most items within have were auctioned off months ago. We were one of numerous non-profits that had to search for a new home. I still want the huge ballroom chandelier. :D

    PS, everyone should take one final tour of this place its cavernous and contains many single unit meeting rooms with bars, trophies and most of all great memories. This place not only served as a spcial meeting place for numerous clubs and org, it also has been the site of hundreds of weddings, bar mitzfah's, Christmas parties, Galas ...etc.

    Once again Houston tears down its history.

  2. A friend worked at the Russell-Stover candy store in Almeda Mall, which was located near the center court. I worked briefly at Palais Royal and Battlesteins. Anyone remember Hardy's Shoes and Spencer Gifts?

    Hardy had the most modern of foot wear at least for guys. Platform shoes come to mind. There was even one in the Galleria around 1978. ^_^

    I used to hit J Riggings mens store just outside the Foley's door to the right circa 1979-81? The line was as close to GQ mag as you could get. You could dress like R. Gere of American Gigolo fame but minus the $$$. Call me!

  3. Anyone who works downtown knows how valuable the tunnels are. It doesn't take that much away from street life during the day, and it wouldn't transform downtown into a nightlife district if Ninfas, Alonti, etc. were on the street.

    Thats exactly what I mean, we used to have town hall meetings under Shell Plaza all the time. Whenever we all were told to head on over all we had to do was walk to the elevator go down, doors open and you walk a few feet and your there, on time, drip dry, no sweat, etc. Convenience was the winner, saved time and trouble or risk of walking outside into traffic to cross the streets. You always see the caterers pushing carts of food to nearby business tenants, people walking in groups for exercise, tours, TOURS hear that? Many times the tourists were speaking foriegn languages and utterly fascinated of this mysterious and often talked about place. Summer time, yeah, you really appreciate the tunnels! I still remember back in mid 70's when Allen Center had the theaters underground, that was a marvel for its time! We would watch movies in 3 seperate theaters and never hear any outside traffic.

    We need more input from structural engineers and architects to continue to design, implement and expand this baby now. Here are a few items we should add to the tunnels.

    Bowling Alley


    Entertainment events (like what you see in malls)

    Sports bars ala Buffalo Wild Wings

    Santa :P

    and much more!

  4. Sorry, memebag; I attempted to merge your poll with this topic, and it floated off to cyber-heaven. Have already reported it to Editor, and he has no way of un-doing it.

    My apologies.

    There seems to have been several tunnel related topics on Haif and I am sure on several other forums. I worked at Pzl Place for almost 15 yrs and the flood events were as slim as winning the lotto and we seldom ever saw any homeless down there. Security was always on top of that issue. The big food courts were always the big draws and almost every time we had out of state/country visitors they wanted tours of which I happily obliged.

    I often wondered why the negative remarks on our tunnels on Haif, it seems that most long time Houstonian's should at least be proud of these I mean we aren't eaxtly Niagara Falls or DisneyLand. The tunnels give us a futureistic & modern appeal opposed to the stereotypical cowboy/horses/rodeo reputation. These tunnels were greatly improved since the last distaster (Allison in 2000). Bottom line is the more people knock your only hurting the city in more ways than you realize.

    For the naysayers, you have to experience the system, sounds like a long shot but if you ever work in downtown and get to know it, you will see what a fascinating experience it is. :D

  5. Hmm... I can't picture it, and I'm on Dowling quite a bit. Was it close to the Eldorado Ballroom, or closer to I-45?

    about 1-2 blocks from 45 across the street is a field of grass where other homes or retail once stood. You could tell it was a theater once so I asked and I think sevfiv showed us the theater built around 1947. I am almost sure it was called The Dowling Theater? I cant think of the cross street right now. That whole corner has been depleted of anything and everything that looked familiar. Kind of sad really.

  6. Didn't Fox Photo also have kiosks like FotoMat? I seem to remember the Fox Photo ones having flat roofs...

    Now the real mystery is if anyone can name places they once stood?

    I am almost certain we had one on Lawndale near 75th? near the old Tropicana Bowling Lanes it was next to where there once was a Kentucky Fried Chicken. This idea would never work now of course. You would have to sign a death waiver form before accepting the job. :lol:

  7. Anyone remember the little Fotomat booths that sat out in parking lots? Some poor soul had to sit alone in a tiny little booth selling film all day long. What a terrible job that must have been.

    Oh my God Paul! You win the Oscar for Best Memory of a Houston icon!

    If I remember correctly they were yellow like the film roll and the poor sap had to sit in it like a tiny prison cell! Imagine in this Texas heat? Not to mention feeling like a bowling pin in the middle of cars swerving past?

    Now we need a pic! :)

    Look, someone brought up in another forum...




  8. Hey that Burger King is very nostalgic to me! That's where I had my first Mustard Whopper! Also where I ate my first and only Whaler!!! :o

    Those were the days when it was a treat to go "out to eat" at a Burger King! Now it's an all-too-often occurence.

    I always used to lust the Whaler! It seems to have shrunk to a childs size over the years :mellow: The King was always a treat thats true, we used to actually run inside after coming from church. They must have thought we were stir crazy!

    Maybe because that was my 1st real job I get kind of queezy when I enter any BK now. I remember we used to curse like hell when we were about to lock the blasted door and go home when all of a sudden a f..g bus load of hungry jerks would pull in like at seconds to closing. They all had pathetic smiles on thier faces but we were kicking the panels under the counter & swearing out loud but they never knew it since they were on the outside. :D

    Here's the King making a move once again. Who says you can't have it your way?


  9. I have to thank y'all for adding this thread. It is one of my favorites on this forum. Now, everytime I step into this HEB, I note what songs they are playing and chuckle down the aisles looking at the demographics who shop at this store. It does not add up. I will bust out laughing if I hear the obscure 80s tune, Down in the Park by Gary Numan or How Soon is Now by the Smiths.

    Some may have an issue with background music but for me it works. I am drawn to this store because of the music.

    Does any one know how those tapes or whatever are rigged to play on for hours on end?

    I am quite serious when I say I want to ask the manager how I can get a copy for myself? Very serious.

    The other night I was tapping my foot (while grinning) to some very rare Adam Ant (or rather Ant Music as he used to put it). Stand & Deliver, Goody two shoes, etc. It was surreal! One hit after another, it was if I was in a Less Than Zero film, 80's time warp. :rolleyes:

    Again, does anyone know if this music/store track can be bought?


  10. I can't believe how each year Frankel's gets more crowded.. Just a few years ago I could park in the front on Halloween. Guess those days are gone.

    If you ever have some spare time one day go there & head to the back where there are rows of those historic costumes. We went to check out the renaissance costume to buy. Most have been rented for years are in need of repair or to be copied like soon. :o Its bizarre how painstaking the detail of material is on these outfits. Most are like materials or fabric used in upholstery/drapes, weigh heavy. Imagine how much heavier it is when worn? Going back there is like stepping into a time machine or movie studio backlot, just toooo cool!

    Now I know where to get some pumpkin pants. :)


  11. Opposed to starting a new pics topic I will just add on here.

    On a recent weekend visit to SA you must go to this very "touristy" but fun, fun, fun restaurant in the Market area.

    Mi Tierra Cafe & Panaderia

    218 Produce Row


    I had to snap some interior pics. The place is growing as it gets packed, very festive atmosphere too. here are some good close-ups of some serious traditional costume of famous past celebrities well known in Texas and beyond. Check out the fine detail, not one is identical!

    The decor is like being in a western film, real cool! :D













  12. Still hard to believe that the blasted Churche's Fried Chicken is still there! :o If they dropped the H bomb that place would still be in operation. The tiny old former 1930's gas station across the street is the only real thing of historical significance in that intersection. I worked very briefly at S & S around 1980 and my boss had an aerial view photo of that very interesection. There were classic cars filling up gas and Lockwood was like just 2 lanes! The homes there had much larger frontage property. City must have gobbled it up from them to widen back when. The building we worked in is gone.

    That company used to employ many of the men/women from that neigborhood most would just walk in with lunch box in hand. Those were the days when you came out of the military, got married and got a job right there and stayed for decades. Something you wont see ever again. I can still hear that whistle blow to take a break, lunch and go home. Bygone era.

  13. Wow old topic. Actually the word stupid is a strong ugly word.

    I know the system is and probably never will be perfect but I can only state that the US has never done a good job about teaching students from grade school & up more of historical events & heroes, etc... in all cultures. I just remember the teachers having us read about the triumphs & inventions of American born people but not from other countries/lands. Now as an adult I have to dig up and research on other countries since it was not in the dogma or whatever when growing up as a kid. The history books were

    just divoid or missing these pages. Why? Don't teachers or faculty want to let you know about your ancestors discoveries and contributions as well? Surely every country around the world has it's positive contributors.

    Secondly and most importantly is how we kids only were learning one language. When I speak to others now in Spain, Italy, Poland, etc they tell me the schools have them learning up to 3 other languages, mainly English. By the time they graduate from High School they know at least 3 languages. Its interesting to get the perspective of students around the world. They ask me how we could not have been taught more than just English? :)

  14. Boy, those Christmas pictures are great! :lol: Just when I'd thought I had seen everything. Cowboys were so "in" then, & Aluminum Christmas trees. I grew up believing only rich people had those colored, twirling things for the tree.

    Ask & yee shall receive Nena. I remember just having to touch the wheel as it spinned, and it would was hot! Kid curiosity. :blush:


  15. She has Hulda hair! :o

    Big time! and I just did her girlfriend's mod shades.

    Can you believe in order to get hired you had to be single, no children and hot! That was then. Although if you spoke another language it was a plus so sis was able to be stationed in Miami and San Juan, PR basically all along the Eastern seaboard and Canada. Even flying coach was like 1st class!

    My how the times have changed. :mellow::)

  16. The Remington is a great place to let is all hang out! That is when there is a LIVE singer and band. It has been rare that I found a girl that didnt care to dance... especially slow dancing. This is the best way to get your arms around her without here getting you in a choke hold for getting "fresh". :blush:

    Mother nature and creativity take over from here on... :rolleyes:

  17. Always used to leave Houston and head to Kemah area (when it was not so crowded) and end up in Galveston somehow. Totally unplanned of course :blush:

    It always depends on the personality of the lady of course. A guy must be flexible in doing what she says!Just don't brag about yourself nor be arrogant. Thats a real turn off.

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