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Everything posted by CSOM

  1. 20 minutes each way, Midtown to Galena Park As crazy as it is though, I do work DT some days, and it's either 30 minutes door to door (lights, parking garage, walk, elevators) or 25 to take the MetroRail - so rail it is, but it takes me longer to go 2 miles than it does to go 15... frustrating
  2. I know of the farmers markets and such, but are there any really good fish markets or meat markets in town to buy good, local, fresh food? I would prefer to start eating something fresher than what I can get at Randalls/HEB/Kroger... Any ideas? (Inside the loop preferred as well, if possible)
  3. Yes - those are the lofts No - they are not near a freight line
  4. I like it... only a few thoughts from my POV. I have spent a considerable amount of time in London, and on their Underground. I know that is one of the transportation systems that all others are measured by. HOwever, I get the sense that the speed of those vehicles is much greater (as well as capacity much greater) than our one line, due to the lights... If there is no way to tunnel or elevate on Kirby or to Hobby, I just see the time taking way too long. Airport connection is a must however. I also do like and see the need for a rail stop at Kirby & Westheimer. I rode to reliant a few times this weekend from the house (midtown) and that trip taking 20 minutes is a bit ridiculous IMO.
  5. My biggest question is always, why can't homeless people use the sidewalk? Why do they always have to walk down the middle of the damn street?
  6. Same with cars though... doesn't matter how careful you are if the other driver is an idiot. Y'all need to come out with me sometime. I ride probably 1,000+ miles in innerloop Houston per year. No accidents, I can count the number of close calls on one hand, and they were all the drivers error (wrong-way on a one way street, not yielding at a light, etc.). It really is safe, but you have to be smart about it. Pick streets with good surfaces, managable stop lights and speed limits and multiple lanes if traffic is high (i.e. Westbound on McGregor at Hermann Park - Yes 3 Lanes - Eastbound, No - 2 Lanes). I live in Midtown and most of my driving is Downtown, Med Center, Herman Park, Memorial Park, and the East End. Memorial Park, if you really are going you can hold 25+ to get where you need to go and really don't hold up traffic much.
  7. They have expanded their organic produce section, other than that I haven't noticed much of a difference in the "new" Randalls. But, since all the money they sunk into it, I guess the rumor that they were in trouble (I was the one to start the thread) looks pretty much dead.
  8. My only beef with the parking cents lot, and the reason I stopped using them, is that their lot is SOOO big, that there were nights I would spend literally 20-30 minutes on the shuttle in the lot, just waiting to get dropped off in some seemingly random sequence. I took to just getting off at the first stop and walking as it was much much quicker.
  9. I was just confused how not allowing MEN into a club is RACE discrimination...
  10. Rendering and Info sign is gone today and so are the variance signs... My guess-o-meter calls clearing land for a sale...
  11. It's completely down and in rubble as they were working this morning... now does the old brick collective building come down as well is the question.
  12. I thought it was gunfire at first too since I didn't see any fireworks.... crazy. My dog went nuts.
  13. CSOM Gal and I pay $66 per month... there are various discounts (young member, corporate, etc.) as well that you can sometimes take advantage of. I think you're right... I had checked it out when I first moved to midtown in 03 and I got the same impression.
  14. Glad you found something .... out of curiousity, why no interest in the DT YMCA? I've been a member there for 5 years and love it. Reasonable prices, good sized weight room, decent cardio machines for CSOM Gal, dedicated spin rooms, class rooms, huge locker rooms, a women's zone, and things you don't find at most other gyms in its price range: multiple basketball, raquetball, volleyball, handball courts and a swimming pool.
  15. In addition to the Midtown location at 59/Gray? Jumping in big time in central Houston I guess.
  16. These are the ones on Elgin right? 1 of 8 has sold to the best of my knowledge... They are akward inside, the model had an elevator in it for crying out loud. They are reduced to the $360's, so as the rest of Midtown creeps toward those prices, I'm sure they'll go soon. The Tricon's were $290's and they sold very quickly, the Waterhills are mid-$300's.
  17. Jackson & Crawford between Pierce Elevated and Gray is bad as well. But that's mostly because of the church, bread of life, and that's where some vans pull up to distribute food.. I don't know the answer, but when I figure it out, I'll sell it to the city.
  18. This bugs me sooo much, I've waited for something like this. Now let's see some enforcement.
  19. But if our CVSs, Walgreens and branch banks are any indication... its parking lot will take up more space than than the actually building.
  20. Right, but North of the Gulf Freeway... South of the Gulf is the 3rd Ward.
  21. I'm with you... I'm not sure I've ever described any pair of underwear I own as "fun"
  22. No, not really... it is right by where 288 & 59 split, just a few (6-8) blocks from Baldwin Park. It is on the East side of 59, but not what I would consider true East End... more traditional 3rd Ward.
  23. I actually really enjoy the Angelika... it's in downtown so it's close to home, plenty of restaurants (not Bennigans, etc.) around it, not very many screaming kids, reasonable prices, etc... It's our new favorite theatre. Ok, it may not have every latest blow-em-up "blockbuster" flick, but we've seen a lot of regular release films there this year including Ocean's 13, The Simpsons, Harry Potter and Knocked Up. Add the new east end rail coming near there and we're all about it.
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