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Everything posted by brerrabbit

  1. It would no doubt be benificial to all the medical folks living in Pearland and working in the Medical Center. My one question is will it happen anytime in the near future given the fact that we in Brazoria County don't pay the 1% Metro tax? I for one use the Metro system from time to time but since I do the vast majority of my shopping in Brazoria County I don't pay the tax. I wonder if this will influence the Metro board as to where and when they expand certain systems? We still pay the full8.25% tax rate that everyone else pays its just that our money goes other places than metro.
  2. In honor of the upcoming Christmas season how many people here remember seeing the Santa's they put on the carrousel horses at the Carrousel Motel every year? As a kid that was always a sign that Christmas was coming every year when they put those up.
  3. GO LEOPARDS! I went to Jackson from 71 to 74. I was the geaky 7th grader when you were a cool 9th grader. I remember a a girl in my class lived in Jackson Court, here name was Barbara W.... (kind of a Polish sounding namethat I can't remember) She had a younger brother who was a year behind us. Those houses were pretty nice back then.
  4. Dinner Bell Cafetiria: My Great Aunt lived on Pearson off Broadmoore and this was where she bought all her cakes, our favorite was German Chocolate. Hickory Stick Bar-b-que run by Charlie West and we ate there all the time. The Mother of a good friend from my childhood worked there. Now it's Lowes parking lot. There was an Italian restaraunt tucked in the woods right across the street from the Hickory Stick and its long since gone, so are the woods. Franks Grill on Telephone: Still open and going strong right next door to the liquor store that has been there just about as long as Franks. The Tel Wink Grill: Still open as of the last time I drove by although they are not open 24 hrs like they once were. Sheffields Ice House/ Beer Joint. Still there at the bend in Telephone Road. THis was my Fathers hang out for over 30 years. Turks Bar-b-que. Another of my Fathers hang outs for shooting pool. On Long Drive just west of Telephone Road. The corner of Bellfort and Telephone was one of my favorite places because there was a Duncan Donuts right next to a Der Weinerschnitzel. Both are gone and a used car lot sits there now.
  5. A friend and I looked at the property a while back. I want to say it was listed for $320k at the time. The house had been added on to from its original base and they could not match the brick so they painted the brick (I am not a fan of painted brick). It needed quite a bit of work but overall it was in decent shape. The houses on that section of N. Mcgregor Way are elevated quite a bit. I would guess they are at least 10 to 15 feet above the street level so I don't think flooding is an issue at all. The house has/had an open yeard on one side and a garage with a workshop on the other side. The lot was long and not very deep with the font quarter not really usable because of the slope up to the house. It was apparent when we looked at it that it could very easily be subdivided into three lots. We speculated that some buyer would do just that. I really hate the idea that someone would build something that hidious on those lots. I would have hoped they would have done bungelow type construction that fit into the rest of the neighborhood. I always loved that area growing up and we spent a lot of time over there riding our bikes as kids. I hate to see developers come in and ruin the feel of these older neighborhoods.
  6. I might know some people that went to school with you as I graduated from Milby in 1977.
  7. From the time I was 6 till I was about 15 we lived on Askew in Houston. The neighborhood was called Oak Vista. It's bordered by Griggs, Telephone, the South Loop and ended about where the Tel Wink grill is. There were some pretty nice houses on the east side of the neighborhood on Grimes, Duval, and Huey. Nice sized lots and a ton of trees. The houses were smaller as you went west towards the loop but if someone was looking in the East End it might be checking into.
  8. By the time I was in High School that house had evolved to the House of Ill Repute because they had a red light on the front porch. Every guy I knew in high school used to drive by to see if it was true.
  9. Fed Mart moved in after Globe closed. That would have been around 1970 or 71? After Fed Mart closed they tore down the building and built a Mervyns.
  10. I get hell about being too Texas proud all the time. I am sixth generation Texan born in Houston. I had an Gr Gr Gr Grandfather fight at San Jacinto. People everywhere understand Texas proud. Texas born, Texas breed and when I die I'll be Texas dead.
  11. I think when they refer to malls as in Gulfgate being the first, they mean the first enclosed mall. As a kid I remember Gulfgate being open air until the early sixties when they enclosed it. At that point it became the first enclosed and air conditioned mall.
  12. OMG! Surf the web and there is no telling what kind of stuff you can find. I grew up in the Southeast side of Houston and can remember Gulfgate mall in its glory years. I can actually remember the "shopping center" before they enclosed it and it became one the first if not the first "malls" in the country. Someone asked about the Fed Mart that was across Woodridge from Gulfgate but how many of you remember the store Globe, which was there before Fed Mart? Also there was a Weingartens grocery as part of the mall at the corner of Woodridge and what is now the 610 feeder. As a kid I lived on Arnim which is one street past 610 off Woodridge. I remember when they opened the theatre at Gulgate because we were sitting at home watching it on TV and I remember being fasinated that what I was seeing on TV was going on like a block away from my house. My dentist was in the basement of the mall and the stairs were located on the wing that went towards the movie theatre, near the Newmans store. Newmans had a basement as well and thats where the toys were. Kids remember this sort of thing. There was also a great bakery/sandwich shop right next to the bank in the mall called Mize's. I actually drove through the tunnels under the mall when I took drivers ed in high school. Our instructor wanted to know what was there so he told me to drive down the ramp. There were three entrance/exits to the system. One was at the Joskee's/Dillards lower portion, one was along 610/Holmes Road across from the movie theatre, and one was next to Weingartens by the bank. A good friend of mines brother actually crashed through the front window of Joskee's one time. We used to ride our bikes to the mall and get going real fast on the hill between where the bowling alley entrance was and the lower level of Joskees. when you got to the bottom you had to turn really fast to avoid the plate glass windows at Joskee's. Well he tried but was going to fast and crashed right through the window.
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