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  1. The former dairy at Westheimer near Hazard has been converted to self storage facility. I think that may have been Formost.
  2. I was there once, if I am thinking of the right place, but I can not say where it was. I went with 2 friends on a summer night in 1964 or 65. I have a better memory of going to La Maison when it was in a former grocery store, in 1965. I think these places were popular with kids from all over Houston. My cousin from the East End spent a lot time at both places as well as friends from SW Houston. There was a small, very short lived, 'teen club' on Bissonett in Bellaire near the Bellaire bowling alley. It was called Mad Daddy's Inferno. That name jumping out of my memory is too bizarre, a true flash from the past.
  3. I am no longer certain that Tierney lived in the Del Monte house. It was owned by Howard Lee when he was married to Hedy Lamarr. I have learned that he sold that house in 1957, before he was divorced from Lamarr and married Tierny in 1960. The divorce was highly publicized: the old Houston Press files have many black and glossies of the courtroom scenes. I used to see Tierny in the Weingartens on Post Oak (now the site of the Container Store) in the very early 1970s.
  4. She lived in the 3200 block of Del Monte on the south side. I can't remember the number but it is next door (west side) of the Tudor house with the incredible sculpted roof.
  5. When I worked downtown in the early to mid- 70s, I would duck into Woolworth's for a sandwich for lunch. There was a sandwich cart, I think that was how it was set up, where you could order a choice of three or four hot sandwiches to take out or either eat at their stand up counters. The older lady with dyed black hair and ruby red lips, who made the sandwiches was amazingly fast so there was a very short wait. She rarely looked up from her work as she would say 'thank yew' to the customer she had just served and turn to the next customer and say "May I hep yew, " all in the same breath. ThankyewmayIhepyew. One day she wasn't there and the line went out the door. Her substitue was completely overwhelmed.
  6. Camp Killkare may have been the name of John Henry Kirby's private 'bay' estate, which was located in that area.
  7. Bay Shore Park was a little north of Sylvan Beach on land that was part of the old Beasley estate, and later, the site of Happy Harbor a nursing home which was originally sponsored by the Methodist Church. (That was told to me by a member of the Beasley family.) As recently as the late 1990s, two wooden one story buildings still sat side by side on the Happy Harbor property. These appear to have been cottages for the park. They are gone now. I have heard that Happy Harbor, too will soon be gone. The land has been sold to the City of LaPorte for a hotel and the nursing home will be relocated much further inland, on much cheaper land. Erna Foxworth wrote the Romance of Old Sylvan Beach in 1986. It has wonderful photographs dating back to the late 1890s. It documents the development and ownership of the park that was at one time a famous, sensational playground for Houstonians young and old alike.
  8. I remember this building. My friend's father worked there. He probably retired in the early 80s
  9. My brother and I were at Pershing 63-65. The boys were supposed to wear trunks but if they left them at home, they had to swim anyway, in the nude. It hapened to my brother at least once. I was horrified when he told me about it. Somehow I never took swimming there. But I was next door in the girls locker room trying to change in and out the one piece, snap front, elastic leg gym suit without letting anyone see any of my body above knees or below neck. The air in there was so thick with Aqua Net hairspray you could hardly breathe.... That was in 7th grade - by 9th grade everything had changed of course!
  10. Sterling's memoirs Ross Sterling, Texan were just published this year by the Univ. of Texas Press. The book is available from Amazon. Sterling's memoirs Ross Sterling, Texan were just published this year by the Univ. of Texas Press. The book is available from Amazon.
  11. E. L. Crain's Ready-Cut House Company sold kit homes in the 1920s in Houston. He developed Southside Place, Pinehurst, Garden Oaks and Cherryhurst, according to Marguerite Johnston's book, Houston the Unknown City 1836-1946.
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