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Posts posted by tierwestah

  1. Well, clubs will cater to certain demographics, so you're unlikely to be harassed omin the club itself.

    My main problem is that the streets themselves have turns into a club of sorts itself. People just hangout to look and want to be seen. There seems to be plenty of police there, but I wish something would be done to prevent people just "hanging out".

    The police seem to do an excellent job to keep the people moving, overall. I just wonder what preventive measures they spot potential troublemakers.

    The HP should be interesting that it will bring a higher standard of entertainment and will both bring in and dilute the targeted demographic at some of the other crowds and will force them to improve their places to keep pace.

    Actually, that's the aspect of downtown that helps keep the energy/ night scene downtown hoppin'. I like to see people outside just kickin' it or hangin' out.. In Jay'Z's words " parking lot pimpin' ".

  2. I read in the comical or somewhere that the blue bayou lighting may migrate to downtown's skyscrapers. Hopefully that will happen. The bayou's lighting is awesome. Come on downtown, let's get with the program!!!!

    Yeah i'm with Sub on this, where'd you read that? Post the source or the link to the source if you can. Downtown Houston's skyscraper lighting definitely needs more blue at night. It's more calming and relaxing than what currently dominates it now.

  3. very insightful. I guess as much money that's poured into a project as big and stellar as Victory, i guess they are really counting on a more centralized and urban nightlife scene.

    Not to throw Houston in the mix, but i really wish Houston could get projects like this. Not very sure what the Hardy Railyard/Intermodal Station promises, but it seems to be a looong way from becoming reality. Speaking from a Houston perspective, Victory development in Dallas does make me a tad bit jealous.

  4. Where are the beaches in Houston?The only part of the city I havent spent much time in would be the Northeast.Could they be there?Could I get some directions?I never noticed any beaches in the rest of the city.I'll be heading to Beaumont pretty soon,and I would like to visit one of Houstons beaches.

    There's no beaches IN the city of Houston, but the beaches are just a short 30-45 min drive away. Just shoot straight down I-45 to Galveston or In Bay Area Houston/Clearlake City/Nasa/Kemah areas. while they don't have the Florida or California reputation, they are an assett to the city. Also developers area starting to realize the beaches potential as much building that has been going on in Galveston and the Endeavour and other new Condos going up near Kemah.

  5. My new years resolution (or prayer,) is that most of the Dallas posters would stop littering our forum. This used to be a great place to learn and debate, it's now turning into a city vs city hodge podge.

    Some of you here may have noticed that we are losing many of our most valuable posters, and this crap is one of the reasons why. Those of us that have valued HAIF need to stop these pointless debates (I'm guilty to,) they are killing this forum.

    I take responsibilty for my part in some of the flame wars in the past, but some of the Dallasites are to blame too. They tend to get overly sensitive when you criticize any part of their city. It's almost like they think their every aspect of their city is perfect and there's nothing that could be done better. We on HAIF criticize our own city countless times. How is Dallas exempt? (Especially on a Houston forum.) I look on dallasmetropolis.com all the time and they don't talk about Houston as much. Whenever Houston is mentioned, there's some positive mentioned and some negative. But Dallasmetopolis doesn't have us Houstonians breathing down their neck on every negative post that's made about Houston, thus their website can be disguised as " A website that's more mature or civil than HAIF".

    Although my review of Dallas wasn't 100% positive, i still think it was overall a positive review. This isn't my first time going to Dallas but i wanted to give a more recent review of my impressions this last time i went. Dallas to me never gave the impression of a city with a real busy and active nightlife and my impression still hasn't changed. I still think Houston's activity is easier to find because of our Commercial BLVDS. I will visit Greenville AVE next time though.

    I still don't know what everyone is trippin' about because i think Dallas overall is more progressive than Houston. That's mainly because Dallas has been successful in bringing in Mass Transit and TOD while Houston is stil struggles to get it implemented. But there are better things i like about Houston such as: nightlife, skylines, beaches, and etc. I think some people should respect that there are people that think Dallas doesn't rank over Houston in everthing.

    Peace Out!!!

    Tierwestah "Tommy" Jones

  6. It was directed at the people who are trying to tell you that what you observe here and there isn't true. They're funny people. Then when the evidence contradicts (like 2112's list and the accompanying photos), the argument changes.

    It's funny and typical.

    Oh alright. I got it now. Thanks Hizzy! ;)

  7. Thanks for the back up 2112. And to 713-214, I've only been downtown Houston at night like 1000 times. Maybe its not quite a mile, but it is a long stretch of clubs. You think someone who lived in Houston all his life in 3rd Ward never made time to go downtown ? Now the club scene is starting to spill over from Main Street over to Franklin Street. I also didn't mention Houston's Theatre district and Bayou Place. Although not favorites of mine but there's been plenty of times i've driven over there and scene crowds of people at night. It's just not an everynight thing though, i'll admit.

  8. Well, now I see what your standards are. Is that all you can think of. . .10 spots? Most, if not all, of those places you listed are predominately frequented by African Americans. You might want to try to broaden your scope of nightlife, and who you party with. I wouldn't even count Reminisce, the club next door to it, the club around the corner from it, nor the sports bar down the street from it (at OST & 288). . .they're all hole in the walls. Don't get me wrong, if I want a real, real, grimy experience followed by the opportunity to buy a bar-b-que link sandwich in the parking lot, I'll consider going to one of those places, again. You have to have a "pass" get in those spots. They aren't for everyone.

    Like i said, those are just a few spots i know of. Since i grew up in 3rd Ward, my list started there. I know in Houston, there's way more than that. So what does your list entail of? I'm sure its places mainly of the Caucasion race. So what? Nightlife is Nightlife. And i see you have a problem counting. I listed 16 spots alltogether. Downtown Main street has well over 30 spots in itself.

    Does Dallas have an area like Main Street? Does it have a whole mile long street that has Club after Club? Please don't say West End because that's mainly restaurants. Granted some of the clubs on Main Street have gone down but there's new ones opening up all the time.

    This list i gave alone does not indicate that these are the standards i go by. But then again, everyone has their own.

  9. Next time I'm out in both cities, I'll try to remember to take my camera, so I can post some visual evidence, that will finally put this falicy to rest.

    Yes, Please do that. Take pictures because i'd love to see some.

    Houston nightlife scenes that i know of:

    I'm a start in my home neighborhood of 3rd Ward (some of yall might not like these because you might call these places " hood or ghetto".

    I forgot the names of some of these joints but as soon as i find the names, i'll edit my post w/ the names.

    1)Club Reminisce

    2) The Club right next door to reminisce

    3) The Club behind reminisce

    4) Red Rooster

    5) Eddie's

    Leaving 3rd Ward now

    6) Midtown (Post Midtown Square Action) (Same type of action in Dallas)

    7) Downtown Main Street (Full of Clubs and night action)

    8) Club Riddims

    9) Club Metropolis

    10) Club 713

    11) Club Coco Loco/H-Town live

    12) Maxis

    13) Reggae Hut

    And since you Dallasites wanna claim restaurants:

    14) Fox Sports Grill (Uptown)

    15) Chachos (Uptown)

    16) Boudreaux's Cajun restaurants (Always a gang of people hanging out there)

    That's all i can think of right now. Haven't really partied in Houston since i last lived there in Sept 05. These are mainly the ones I KNOW. I know there's more, i just got writers block right now

    I might take you up on your offer in PMing you because i'll be back in BigD soon enough. Hell, i might even be moving there. There's a 30% chance of my internship moving out there and a 20% chance i'll be coming back home to Houston and a 50% chance i'm a stay put here in San Antonio.

    But if you think Houston's night scene needs to catch up to D's, maybe you're the one who needs to be shown a good time next time you're in Houston.

  10. LMAO. . .Where? and as compared to what area(s) in Dallas? I'm tired of people with limited to no experience inside DFW and/or outside Greater Houston contrasting the two. Most of the time I just read the posts quietly, without responding, because some of the stuff stated is so absurd that I decide to give the poster a "pass" because of the comic relief value of the post. However, in this case, I have to call bulls#*&. tierwestah I can respect the fact that you are just stating your opinion. However, next time you come to Dallas, pm me or something, and if you think you're up to it, I'll show you what nightlife is really all about. Take it from someone who PARTIES in both Dallas and Houston every month (from Southpark to Galleria Area to Midtown to Downtown to the Northside). . .Houston's got some catching up to do. You just need the right tourguide next time.

    I'm going to echo the comment scarface said earlier. When you go to a big city, you shouldn't have to look under a rock to find the nightlife/party scene. Just because i'm giving Houston a plus over Dallas on nightlife is no reason to get offensive. I give Dallas a plus on a lot of things over Houston. Sounds like some of you Dallasites gotta have the cake and eat it too on everything.

    I did say that i'll try lower Greenville area next time i go, but that still doesn't change my perception. Houston's nightlife scene seems way more prominent.! I expect YOU to say Houston has some catching up to do because YOU live in and favor Dallas. So i'ma call a bullsh%% on you!

  11. I was in Houston for three days last week from Tuesday to Friday morning. And much like Dallas and many other cities, if you don't know what bars/clubs are happening during the week, the nightime scene is pretty slow. When I first moved to Dallas, I was out almost every night of the week at a different packed spot. Many of my younger (did I just say that) coworkers come in many a weekday morning after partying all night at the latest hot spot. And a I've found the weekend nightlife scene in Dallas to be very good and getting better. I still indulge....ocassionally. And FW has horrible nightlife!!! The people you saw walking around DTFW were mostly eating at one of the numerous chain restaurants and going to the movies. The nightlife there is almost non-existent. There are some new lounges in DTFW. I can't remember the name, but I tried one with a coworker after a wedding a few weeks ago, and all I can say is FW is a town that doesn't do "hip" very well.

    And regarding the drive from Dalllas to FW, if you take 183 from Dallas to FW, it's surburbs all the way and very little empty space except by the airport. It makes the drive seem much shorter. And I agree, coming into the city from I-45 is horribly unattractive. I really enjoyed the greenery in Houston. But don't throw stones, Houston has no shortage of rundown neighborhoods. And I also much disagree with Houston catching up with Dallas in turns of urban projects. Althought I was pleased to see many new developments since I was in town last, I still think Dallas is urbanizing much faster, IMHO.

    Forgive me, but i don't see what Dallas is doing that's so much different than Houston other than what's happening in Dallas's Uptown/Victory areas. Both cities are experiencing Urban renewal. I do remember saying that Dallas is ahead of us in terms of Urban Renewal/Planning. But like it or not, Houston is catching up. From all the new apartments that have been built up in Older 4th Ward, Part of Midtown. Also close to Old China Town, they've begun to really spring up in that area.

    As far as nightlife in both cities, i still think Houston's scene is more visible. Houston has pockets of nightlife action in different areas. More Commercial Blvds where city action can be seen better.

    Also, i never said that Houston doesn't have a shortage of rundown areas. We all know Houston has them all over. I was just saying that Dallas has its share too. It's not all peaches and creme. Take care

    tierwestah jones

  12. There's a few people who have posted that have said they've seen some activity. I guess just because we don't see beams going up or a news story about it doesn't mean that ground hasn't been broken. I'm not saying it has, I'm just reporting a few facts.

    I don't know lock, i was just there 45 min ago and the site is STILL a Parking lot. I'll consider it a groundbreaking when they fence off the parking lot and bring in the cranes (If it ever happens! <_< )

  13. Aftonag is just an old schooler who doesn't care about the future generations and the future of Houston. Face it Aftonag, you're yesteryear, you're almost out of here. Step aside and let the younger generations reap the benefits. You're time is about up!

  14. Thanks.

    I think even that's good enough. Dallas primarily has Transit oriented development which might generate people walking around by it getting people out of their cars. I personally don't see much difference because the end result, we will see more people walking around

  15. That's because the trinity river snakes between downtown Dallas and Fort Worth and there is a (generally) wide swath of rural/park land around it. If you had taken another route between the cities it'd have been solid city between the two D and FW. A few miles makes all the difference. I hope you tried out different routes between the cities during your trip.


    P.S. I enjoyed your thoughtful analysis.

    Actually i even traveled the area off Highway 114 going into Irving. That area has a little more development, but it's still so sparse and spread out, it feels like a deadspot. Doesn't feel like city between Dallas and Ft. Worth.

    I'm not saying this to try to belittle Dallas/Ft. Worth or anything, but Dallas and Ft. Worth are separated quite a bit, and its not just city for miles all the way to Ft. Worth.

    And BTW, next time i'm in Dallas, i'll try the lower Greenville area for nightlife. What i really meant to say and SHOULD HAVE said, is Dallas's nightlife doesn't seem to stand out like i expect to see in a big city. See Dallas has many neighborhoods where pockets of nightlife are probably nestled up in there somewhere. Houston's nightlife stands out more to me because we have more commercial BLVDs where the nightlife is shown. Especially our downtown Main Street @ night has about a mile-long walk full of nightlife activity. Main Street is far from perfect though, it still needs to improve by offering more than just clubs and restaurants!

  16. You know, I just glanced at Google Earth to see what you were talking about...it occured to me that the whole strip between the Westpark ROW and the Southwest Freeway is an astoundingly good place for TOD. It runs from about Shepherd to the UP railroad tracks, and the best spots would be between Buffalo Speedway and Weslayan.

    Think about it. Those properties would have frontage and visibility on the feeder roads, a major thoroughfare that becomes a toll road connecting to Westchase and the Energy Corridor area, and to top it all off, light rail service to DT, TMC, the universities, the museums, and eventually Uptown. Hotels are a no-brainer, but so is office space, retail, and of course residential.

    So in other words that means "Yes" right? :blink:

  17. I tend to agree, but it needs to have stops somewhat close to important locations. Of course they're not just gonna throw it down anywhere, but I think wherever they put it, even if it doesn't go through already developed area, TOD will grow around it.

    And I'm not really familiar with that area. The plans for this line for sure and I'm sure the other the lines are TOD. Will there be room to grow around and along these rails for that kind of developement? Urban growth like mixed-development? Or are there already businesses and residential that wouldn't allow any room for that?

    One thing i'm a little stumped about.

    I drove down Westpark after church the other day. If you're traveling west on Westpark near Weslayan, There's a small shopping Plaza on the left hand side. This sits directly across the freeway from Greenway. It seems like it might generate alot of walkability and pedestrain activity. Also there's a few shops that have their back faced to Westpark on the right side of Westpark (traveling West on Westpark), which is a bad thing.

    If rail is run through this area, does anyone think they might build on that empty area between those shops that have the back facing Westpark to improve the appearance of the area? Right now it kind of looks like a dungeon.

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