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Everything posted by Gilder

  1. Does the shadow know if there are any current story-telling type radio programs currently?
  2. You do have a nice webpage! I always enjoy good photography. Thanks.
  3. Here's another link on this building that has some interesting information. http://www.gomainst.com/houston/historic/history4mm.htm
  4. That's it! Mystery Theatre! I remember now. Wow Mystery Theater. Something else to Google now. Thanks Poppahop!
  5. It is mind-boggling that we have even come this far in technology. It would have never come to mind that someday I could buy a life size figure that was frightning and could talk. I would have laughed and thought someone was crazy! Maybe on the Jetson's. but not in REAL LIFE. I used to have a closet door size poster of Frankenstein which I was soooo proud of to my friends 1969-73. I tore it down when my girlfriend didn't like it. But it was LIFE-SIZE or biger, which was all the intimidation we had at the time.
  6. I think it's great that Sharpstown is shutting down some of the bad places. I moved back there in 2000 and could not believe the changes it had gone through in such a short time. Sharpstown used to be a nationwide mecca for subdivisions. Sharpstown could come back if enough people got together and fought for it. Is that ladies dancing bar still there? I off of Hwy 59 in the almost-Sugarland area, but I'm not sure. I do remember the big stink it caused when it first opened it's doors. But it was still there when I left Houston in 2002. At least the building was still there. I was born and raised in Houston and lived there for 30+ years. I have seen communities go down hill, fall apart, act out in retaliation, reclaim, and then rebuild. Look at Montrose for example. It was in shambles in the early 1980s and with community effort, it came back and the property value even increased. Sharpstown can come back, but not without community effort!
  7. This is interesting because it is definitely a "blast from the past". I joined that skateboard park when it first opened. I was quite a skater back then. Prior to that we used to skate along Braes Bayou until they would not let us any longer. The skateboard park was fun, but cost a lot of money to eat and drink there. It was very small and too pricey for the patrons in Sharpstown. Also, the attitude from the owners wasn't the best of business. I am trying to remember the year. Was it 1980 or 1981?
  8. Wasn't the first bridge over San Jacinto River burned down? Vince Bridge or Vincent Bridge?
  9. Oh gosh, I had forgotten about those delightful scary stories. The one that shook me up the most is the one where people took a falsified detour and became lost. They stopped at a house for direction and the people insisted on them staying, then proceded to feed their guests a giganitic dinner. Lo & Behold, their car would not start after that. So the guests remained there eating wonderful meals and snacks while one of their hosts was so called "working on the car." Later the guests found out why their hosts were fattening them up! Yep, exactly what you are thinking! And I couldn't sleep that night. That was as scary as it got back then. I miss those scary stories.
  10. Some very good photos in there. You have any more?
  11. When I was young, we parked at the GYM and went to Twins. If it was boring we went to Bacchus. Saw more people there than I needed to see. How funny now, when I think about it. The Twins building is totally gone now.
  12. I do not remember locations all over town, but I do remember the Farrell's in the Gallaria Shopping Mall. And the birthday displays were the first big attention-getters that I first remember. It was embarassing, but thrilling at the same time. Farrell's was the forerunner for birthday recognition post roasting parties!
  13. I always liked that song, "hot child in the city"
  14. That's it. The whole point is that the spirit of Halloween (including collosal bags of candy) was deminished. And my kids don't get the whole effect that I used to get as a kid. Scary enough, the kids will look for alternative methods of obtaining pleasure on this date now.
  15. What about the Methodist Church in West U? It's still operating, but it's been there forever.
  16. Excellent Photos. I really enjoy that last one. Balance, lighting, beautiful! Did you take these yourself?
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