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Posts posted by Heights2Bastrop

  1. We were talking about Aquarena Springs just last weekend at a nature outing here in Bastrop. My GF is doing a dig on 304 at Cedar Creek, an Indian encampment dating back some 5000 years. A woman in that group was at the outing, and she was saying that there is an archeological

  2. That building is empty.
    My folks knew the Chadwicks, and I used to get a warm feeling every time I passed that old station. But it's long past time that place was razed.

    For some reason, Yale Street has been slow to respond to all the renovation of the Heights area. I know there is traffic considerations for residential use. But it seems like it would make a great location for some upscale businesses.

  3. These people train for four years for this one event. They don't play for a super bowl or world series every year. They get one chance every four years and just maybe a second chance in another four?
  4. The Olympics have become little more than an over hyped, money grubbing exhibition that has almost nothing to do with National pride and everything to do with individual glory and the almighty dollar.

    I don

  5. The most amazing house I saw in Galveston afterward was the "doll house" as I call it. The house was totally undisturbed save for one entire side that had been blown/sucked off by a tornado. The furniture seemed to all be in place, just like looking into the back of a fully furnished doll house.

  6. Brownsville has been assaulted with hurricane force winds since early this morning, and the storm shows no signs of moving out just yet, so it ain't over 'til it's over for them. Add to that all the rain they have endured, and you have for some pretty horrible conditions.

  7. I was 13, so I remember it well. We knew it was gonna miss Houston, so we just "hunkered down" at the house. Didn't get any damage as I can recall, although parts of Houston did, especially down toward the coast.

    Galveston got a lot of tornado damage. It also lost the Pleasure Pier and/or the Balinese Ballroom that went out into the water. But probably the biggest damage was that Carla unleashed Dan Rather on the World.

  8. OK, let me try this again:

    You and Frank X Tolbert are full of bullschytt!

    Tolbert is the one who, at the very first chili cookoff in Terlingua, claimed that "Texans don't eat beans in our chili". That was pure bullschytt! I am a third GenTexan, and I love beans in my chili. Always have, always will.

    There. Is that Texan enough for you???

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