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Everything posted by JJxvi

  1. If I wanted to live in an auithentic old house and restore it, I sure wouldn't buy one in the historic district. I would just buy one outside the district and restore it.
  2. $250,000 bungalow in 2000!? My goodness.
  3. If they ain't afraid of your stick, you better use the carrot.
  4. Well, I know that if they didn't say it, it must mean it won't be safe in 5 years.
  5. Thats a relief. We wouldn't want any aztecs or scientists in India getting convicted of manslaughter because they didnt provide definite and adequate disaster warning.
  6. Sounds like the trees might have a deficiency in caliper inches if branches arent holding their weight.
  7. I am no engineer, but I have a suspicion that the load limit is less of a "if you weigh this much you are in danger of falling in" and more of a "heavy vehicles are causing damage to the bridge" type risk, in which case its not really a "we police take risks in order to do our job, we dont care we might fall in!" and more of a "well part of our job to make sure this bridge stays safe causes a little bit of damage itself." In which case it would depend how many heavy cars are kept off the bridge, minus the net effect of the police using the bridge themselves (which is probably negligible anyway)
  8. As I mentioned earlier, there are constantly 18 wheelers blocking lanes on Yale at other locations. A truck making a turn for a few minutes on Koehler is just you searching for anything bad you can think of to spew some crap about this WalMart development. I dont see you picketing Pappas Restaurants, which is probably the area's major offender. You would have to live a charmed life to suddenly have "trucks" thrust on you at this point and only because of this WalMart.
  9. All this blame for the developer (and really, mainly for the developers anchor tenant) over this bridge...Yale is a city of houston designated major thoroughfare. This is not a case of a developer building on an idadequate site on some podunk road that needs to be updated, its a case of the city/state/whoever not maintaining its designated major routes adequately enough to handle their purpose.
  10. http://www.chron.com/business/real-estate/article/Revived-condo-project-upsets-Heights-residents-3937602.php
  11. For amusement one can follow the google street view along Yale from south to north from 6th street through to 8th street and see that even the google cars cannot avoid the merry dance of 18 wheelers at 7th and Yale. No doubt we will see a dedicated effort to shut Pappas down any day now.
  12. In fact, google's street view of the Pappas warehouse is pretty damn amusing.
  13. Waiting for an 18 wheeler is not some ghastly occurrence that shuts down a neighborhood. I seem to have to stop and wait for one to back up into the Pappas Restaurants warehouse docking bays at 7th and Yale regularly on my way to or from work. Its a process that shuts down Yale in both directions.
  14. I wonder why this discussion is occuring here and why is there no thread in this forum or the transportation forum entitled "Yale street bridge is awful" or Yale bridge is worst in Texas"....hmmm...
  15. RUDH should pass the hat among their members to pay for inspections of every bridge in the city. There might be even more!
  16. I like the ones where the idea is floated that BLVD Place was feasible to build here just because "theres enough land!"
  17. He has probably been sitting there for a while (thus allowing time for some busybody to grab their phone while also sitting there for a green light) because at certains times of day the new light pattern is still really jacked up.
  18. I think 800-1500 high density apartment units would change the character, traditions and appareance of the Heights.[/smirk]
  19. The problem is this land isnt as valuable as you think it is (or certainly not yet) or else you would be right (for once). If the land was not cheap enough to build this kind of development, then this kind of development wouldnt be built, if it was expensive enough to support extremely high mixed use density (and if the site was conducive, which it isnt) then that would have been built. Land values and desirability is higher around the high end residential areas, ergo developers want to build high density along the major streets in those areas. Developers do not need to waste money trying to fill up high density commercial and residential on 40 acres of bombed out industrial and empty brownfield when they can buy the whiole site for cheap and develop it all.
  20. This very thread is in opposition to a higher density residential tract within walking distance of commercial at Sawyer Heights and directly oriented along a pedestrian pathway.
  21. I do like how RUDH has been pushed and prodded back to where their stated goals no longer reflect their ridiculous "mixed use, pedestrian, blah blah" stuff and now shows them for who we knew they were all along... "We are a community organization devoted to preserving the character, traditions, and appearance of the Heights and West End neighborhoods in Houston."
  22. If thats true, then its another example of that site plan being a pipe dream. Look at the site on swamplot. The part the says "20,000 SF Leased space" is the tract where the current strip center sits. Orr does not own the Heights frontage there. The parcel that they previously owned where this rendering was supposed to be is bounded by the railroad tracks to the south. THERE IS NO YALE FRONTAGE for your supposed commercial frontage along Yale. Yale is underground at that point. Ainbender has commercial along Yale at that same point and it faces inward toward WalMart because there is no street for it to front at ground level. Orr sold that piece to Wood who is developing Alta Heights apartments. (ie if you are paying attention, the site talked about in swaplot is currently being developed as mixed use...commercial by Orr and residential by Wood Group.
  23. Sadly, unlike the TV location there are none with any size to handle my N Shepherd version of West Ave. pipe dream...
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