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Everything posted by apower

  1. If we sent you an email but didn't receive a response, can we go ahead and assume our name is on the list?
  2. What are people's thoughts in general on the idea of Formica on walls? The previous owners of our house painted every last surface with cheap white paint including the paneling. We have been toying with the idea of covering the paneling with formica instead of luan or something else. This is the design - http://www.formica.com/publish/site/na/us/...9012.0001.html# And we were going to hang it horizontally instead of vertically. We plan to be here for a while but not the rest of our lives so I'm worried that it would scare off even modern minded people that would be looking at the house.
  3. HCAD says that the house is owned by John O'Quinn. It seems inconsistent that someone who is so interested in perserving old cars and the history of the automobile (including ones from this era) would have bought this house just 3 years ago to sit on and sell for lot value. It looks like the previous sale was just over $500,000 in 2004. I can't imagine that this lot is worth that much. Has it been vacant since he bought it?
  4. This was sent out in the westbury crier email list. Thought I would repost it here just in case. Also, I think this is awesome. --------- Westbury is one of Houston's largest subdivisions with about 5000 residences. The formal subdivision is over 50 years old, and we are fortunate to have a number of original residents and "almost original" residents in the area. The Westbury Civic Club has decided to undertake a project to preserve the history of the area, including photos, documents, and videos if possible. How can you help us? We are looking for a number of things including the following items. * Original sales documents or sales brochures for homes in the area from 1953 to the present. * Newspaper articles on Westbury from 1953 to present * Newspaper advertisements about Westbury from 1953 to present * Photos of the area, please label them with location and date if possible * Any film you might have converted to video. Basically we are looking for anything that might provide a historical reference for folks as Westbury moves into its second 50 years of history. Electronic documents can be e-mailed to westburyhistory. houston@gmail. com If you have printed documents that you would be willing to let us scan, please send a note to the e-mail address also. If you don't have e-mail or internet access please call the WCC office at 713-723- 5437 and leave information for us to be able to contact you.
  5. This argument is pretty confounding to me. If people want to live in the Woodlands they can move there or the many, many other areas around town that have more or less attempted to replicate its "vision" of suburbia. What you are talking about has nothing to do with fixing an area, it sounds like you want to make fundamental changes more in line of levelling and starting over. To me at least, that isn't what I think of as "fixing" an area - that is just tearing things down and building something new. Believe it or not Westbury is appealing to many young couples (like myself who just bought our first home there recently) because it IS Westbury and it is specifically NOT the Woodlands.
  6. From the aborted 2nd story I figured that any renovations had been abandoned. The house next to it is being sold for lot value and it's a pretty cool place too. The living room view onto the bayou there is amazing.
  7. These were the first two houses that my wife and I looked at when we moved here from California. I can't remember which one, but one of the two had a really bad mold problem, and the other one had been vandalized while sitting vacant which made us a little nervous. If we were thicker skinned I think that we would have probably bought one of these. Glad to see someone finally did.
  8. I don't know how to get the link from har but the post-flip of this house is listed today. Unfortunately not a lot of mod concern put into the work that was done, and the original green tile in the bathroom is gone.
  9. http://www.houstonist.com/archives/2007/02...st_flic_189.php
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