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Posts posted by Zippy

  1. Thx for all the comments guys. That's why I post them, for all the positive strokes. :lol:

    Great Pics! The early morning before sunrise and just at sunrise pics look so.. "organic" and soft.. very nice!

    Me and the wife ran the 1/2 marathon for the 2nd time.. did the full marathon last year and swore I would never do it again.. the energy was fantastic.. although a little cold before the sun came up.. (around 45F?) with shorts and a lycra shirt..

  2. I worked at Sam Goody's (2nd floor) in the early 90's while in high school.. The place was already going downhill.. Pretty much just Arby's and McDonalds were left and some bakery place as far as food places..

    Sam Goody had a 2nd store on the 3rd floor as well.. We would call up there from time to time if we didn't have the tape/cd a customer might be looking for.

    I remember working Halloween day and parents would take their kids there to trick or treat.. it seemed odd..

    The security always seemed to be a bit.. "overzealous".. I remember having lunch in my car with the engine running in the parking garage.. Mid-summer and probably about 95 outside, so A/C was necessary.. anyway.. this guy came by in his golf cart and told me to turn the car off.. my exhaust wasn't even as noisy as those fart cans on ricer hondas are these days..

    Anyway.. no pics.. sorry.. Just reminiscing..

    Edit: Oh yeah.. those theaters were on the east side of the (now) tollway.. within walking distance to eachother.. both faced the same way.. I saw many a movie there.. but can't remember which..

  3. The developers pdf has a map showing the area of interest and it appears as though the land that sits under those old apartments on the bayou will be a part of this as well. So the bayou is the north boundary, the rail is the south. And Heights and Yale are the east/west boundaries according to their map.

    Got that PDF handy? that would be quite a large area..

    Good to hear that this area will finally be put to good use.. Get rid of those eyesore apartments at the Bayou..

    Wonder if the Kountry place will have new digs ? I'd better get there before they tear it down.

    Found a non-reg full article: http://sanjose.bizjournals.com/sanjose/oth...7070&page=2

    Edit: Added linky

    This whole project piqued my interest now.. So after additional rummaging:

    There will be a feeder on both north and south of I-10 between Yale and Patterson.. Which includes a westbound I10 entrance from heights/yale, and an eastbound exit to heights/yale.

    At least it's in the plans:

    Patterson area: http://www.katyfreeway.org/images/schematics_pdf/78.pdf

    Heights/Yale area: http://www.katyfreeway.org/images/schematics_pdf/79.pdf

  4. Chron: "Bayous are flush with fecal bacteria"

    Duh..Tomorrow's headline: "The sun came up in the east"

    Anyone ever bike/run under Waugh drive at The bayou? There's quite a bat population there.. the poop doesn't just fall on the trails. Birds and fish and alligators.. oh my! Everyone's gotta poop.. who goes swimming there anyway?

    And of course the human street resident downtown.. Their main bathroom is the sewer.. Just wait until that fancy new park opens.. Might want to do some comparative analysis on a before and after..

    Congrats Chron! That's some great reporting! Who would have guessed?!

  5. Never heard of Fatburger before. I'll try it. Still.....it'll have to be pretty darn tasty to pry me away from Someburger. Many of these will see my business I am sure, but I'm still a Heights-centric person and would much rather have my money spent at the local patio cafes and locally owned shops than the big chains like this. Dacapos makes some amazing sandwiches and desserts, so I'm not sure how inclined I will be to pass that up to hit Potbellys. Theres something more enticing about eating a meal under a huge live oak tree than sitting indoors looking out into a crowded Target parking lot. I have no doubt though, that I-10 traffic will make every single one of these stores a huge success.

    My only issue with Someburger is they don't dig on swine.. If they had bacon on one of their burgers.. oooh.. pure heaven!

    Guess I'll have to bring my own.

  6. Not only got rid of the building, but all the concrete in the parking lot.. I guess they're starting from dirt.. at least the palm trees were saved.. perhaps they'll get moved?

    South/West of N. Main is not a bad part of town.. (Woodland Heights) It's the North/East where you'd have to take some language classes to go shopping there.

  7. I just noticed that the HP will have a Pete's Dueling Piano Bar. When I lived in Dallas we would drive all the way from Uptown to Addison just to go to this place and it was always packed. It should draw a lot of the midtown folks into the Pavilions. When they opened the one up in downtown Fort Worth the line was out the door for months.

    Not to squish your flowers, but there already is a dueling piano bar in midtown.. "Howl at the moon".. I hadn't been to the one in Houston yet, but the one in San Antonio is ALWAYS packed as well..


  8. Chances are you would be assuming wrong. Recycling of building materials is big business. Assuming that the building is to be demolished and replaced, it is not uncommon to gut the building of appliances, wiring and windows and doors prior to demolishing the building. That is what appears to be happening here, though I do not know if the building is to be demolished and rebuilt, or merely gutted and renovated.

    To me it doesn't look like they're going to use the windows again, seeing as the glass is spread around the sidewalk and the parking lot. But I'm not familiar with recycling either. ;)

    It always seemed to be a busy location... I can't imagine that the location would just be abandoned or left to rot ..

    houstonmacbro: yeah.. the location on I45 and N. Main, southwest corner.

  9. Has anyone seen the Micky D's on N. Main? It looks like something from the L.A. riots or Beirut. Bricks and parts of the building are all over the place, trashcans rolling around in the parking lot. Anyone know what's up?

    I went by this morning too and thought the place got ransacked or something.. why would someone break all the windows and some bricks if they're planning on re-building? Wouldn't those come down in the normal course of a tear-down?

    I thought they just closed for a good painting and cleaning.. jeez.

  10. Wholly carp! Where have I been for 2 days?!

    Metro is considering putting another freight train down the middle of the Heights?! Are they friggin kidding ?! They didn't know the COH was already considering a Hike and Bike trail.. (for the past 11 years btw) ?!!?!? :angry2:

    They're going to rip up people's driveways and stick a freakin freight train down their back yard?! I have no (suitable for work) words..

    So apparently it would be okay for METRO to get the right of way through here, but to put a hike and bike through here takes years and years of figguring out who actually owns the land?

    Jackass LEE and Adrian Garcia better get off their collective duffs and say in no way in hell is this going to happen. The Heights is just now being renewed to a livable state. Finally getting the renewal it needed for so many years? If Metro were so concerned about sticking a freight train down someone's throat, why didn't they implement it with the I10 expansion?

    Un-farkin-believable.. :angry2: :angry2: :angry2:

    edit: You could almost sell me on light rail here, ALMOST.. But if you're not going to stick it down Richmond or Westheimer, you (Metro) sure as hell aren't going to put it though the heights.

  11. ...

    With the recent window breaking incidents, there is some talk of Heights businesses hiring off-duty constables for additional patrol in the Heights. Rather than rail about cops writing traffic citations, you might consider urging the Heights Association to look into including residents in this patrol proposal. It would lower the cost per business/resident, and may provide money for better patrol coverage.


    I was hoping I wasn't the only one thinking of this solution. River Oaks has their Patrol Off-duty HPD/Sheriff's Office deputy roaming the streets.. Albeit River Oaks is probably a bit smaller population wise.. I certainly wouldn't mind paying a small fee to see a marked "Heights Patrol" vehicle roaming the streets keeping an eye on things..

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