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  1. Not sure how to interpret the news, but the hotel has been listed for sale: https://www.loopnet.com/Listing/3401-N-Main-St-Houston-TX/28962433/ Hope it's not the result of occupancy being below expectations. It has been open for just over a year.
  2. Well folks, sad news: after only 10 months open, it seems it's the end of the (short) road for Black Page. They're closing down: https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=797314278764928&set=a.579205343909157
  3. Can confirm work has recommenced at Oui Eats! Drove by a couple of days ago and noticed there was new siding on the N. side of the building. EDIT: Also visible on the S. side on @hindesky last photo above.
  4. Aaaaand it's gone... Demo work has started and the metallic structure at the corner of Keene and Morris is already gone. I guess this is "Bldg. C" in the permits @hindesky posted above.
  5. Paradigm's website has some of the renderings for the 2407 N. Main building. Certainly a major improvement, but nothing particularly exciting, as it'd be reasonable to expecthttps://www.paradigmconstruction-tx.com/project/the-salvation-army/:
  6. Oui Eats is back on LoopNet (https://www.loopnet.com/Listing/2645-N-Main-St-Houston-TX/24966013/), with 2,474 SF of space advertised (two out of six vendor spaces). The optimist in me wants to believe that this might be a piece of good news, suggesting they might resume construction soon, and that they might have even retained a few contracts. I guess we'll find out soon enough...
  7. Timely post! Indeed, The Salvation Army is planning to move its Area Command to the fully renovated building that used to be a men's shelter, which closed after the murder of Josue Flores as mentioned above. What I think is news and that I found very recently is that TSA also bought the property at 501 Quitman St. This is a 16,500 sqft where Bible Days Church is currently located. The lot is mostly empty, and what I heard from a neighbor (unconfirmed, so take it with a grain of salt) is that apparently the current church building will be preserved (future use unclear, but not a shelter), while the rest of the lot will be used mostly as parking for the employees of the Area Command once the N. Main building reopens.
  8. Very sad. Hope they do resume sometime soon. The whole thing is pretty advanced. I wonder whether it's a funding issue, not enough tenants, or no access to the site given the adjacent work on the apartment complex.
  9. Wasn't able to take any photos, but can confirm that the Sideout former structure is being demolished, courtesy of the trackhoe in @hindesky's pic.
  10. Seems some work started immediately after the permits were issued. Lampposts across the parking lot have already been removed. The volleyball bar (Sideout) closed ahead of its move to its new location.
  11. Work continues at the future Oui Eats food hall site. Most glass is up.
  12. @Moderators, I believe this project may be the same "North Main Apartments" (https://www.houstonarchitecture.com/haif/topic/32061-the-lofts-residential-at-n-main-and-burnett-st/). I think both threads can be merged (?)
  13. While I still feel Hardy Yards missed on a fair bit of its potential, and while this is by no means relevant or memorable in any particular way, what they built is looking much better than what I was fearing.
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