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Everything posted by texasdago

  1. Nice to see what you've done with the Johnson's house
  2. Not real thrilled to see Lees is your listing agent. He can talk all he wants about "caring about the neighborhood" but it looks to me like he's all about getting houses torn down and having McMansions put up.
  3. I hate seeing this house because it was a great Floyd-designed MCM for which he won a design award. They absolutely butchered it.
  4. I'll double check but I might have a couple of extra copies
  5. Al Fairfield got his start in Memorial Bend - William Floyd took him under his wing and had him build a few houses for him before he went out on his own. He's still alive...
  6. Ahhh... so you're buying it. Excellent. I put Cathy and Rick in touch with Robert Searcy... I'm assuming he helped you. It's a great house - was in Atomic Ranch in Oct 2005. Congratulations!
  7. That house is in Memorial Plaza - it replaced the first house built in Memorial Plaza... http://memorialbendarchitecture.com/mp_hcart1.jpg
  8. 331 Electra is going to get torn down for a "Tuscan" style house.
  9. Why do people keep questioning that...? Look at growth in the city... it is to the west - the center of the city, population-wise, is moving to the west.
  10. Exactly... these are spec homes. I can think of one house in the past 6 years - just one - that went up in the Bend as a home built by the owner of the previous house. All the rest are spec homes.
  11. ...and what sells appeals to the lowest common denominator, right? But how do they know whether a new modern house will sell or not? They get snatched up inside the loop and the people that look at Memorial Bend are the types who would buy a new MCM-type house. The house that was torn down for an aberration of a McMansion (on the feeder for over $1M which is baffling to me) was this one: http://memorialbendarchitecture.com/12903tra.htm It was a variation of this house - http://memorialbendarchitecture.com/12902fig.htm Across the street from the Traviata house is this gem - http://memorialbendarchitecture.com/12902tra.htm - which *GASP* is in great shape despite having a flat roof.
  12. First, I'll state the obvious - I don't want to see McMansions in my neighborhood... ever. However, once they do get built, am I the only one who gets a certain amount of satisfaction from seeing them wallowing on the open market with no buyers as the price slowly drops drops drops? Personally, I hope these builders lose their shirts.
  13. Very very surprised to see that one on Electra for sale. Really surprising. As for the price, the listings do keep going up - however, $400K+ is no surprise for a ravine house. Mark is very concerned with preservation in the neighborhood (331 Electra) so hopefully they found a like-minded buyer.
  14. What incentive do they have to merge? They're doing well as they are and are self-sufficient - let them be as they are.
  15. I'm assuming you're not referring to the house on Memorial. The only thing behind the house is more of Memorial Bend.
  16. We have a 4ft Evergleam tree with a color wheel as well - no self-respecting mod owner should be without one.
  17. Drove by yesterday - lots of foundations being poured throughout the property. Looks like things are picking up even more.
  18. ...and before Dillard's was Dillard's, it was Joske's. In fact, the Joske's store was part of the original Town & Country Village and eventually the mall was built adjacent to it.
  19. Holy Cross Lutheran Church on Westview Chapelwood United Methodist on Greenbay Fair Haven United Methodist on Gessner Memorial Drive Methodist on Memorial Drive (by Gunther Koetter, I believe)
  20. ...also found out that two of the restaurants going into the expansion in Town & Country Village are McCormick and Schmick's and Fleming's Steakhouse. Also, the old spot once occupied by Woodlake Travel is sporting a banner that says "Japanese/Sushi Restaurant Coming Soon" - sweet!
  21. It's a definite addition... it was slapped on there about 2-3 years ago.
  22. The house is there and kickin' away... nothing burned to the ground.
  23. Wait... that's not a poster's house, is it? He was restoring a house and seeking historic designation. I'll go check it out.
  24. Don't see the value in listing the schools, etc. We're discussing these houses more from an architectural standpoint...
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