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Posts posted by Reporter

  1. No evidence? That's what Nixon supporters said for years before his corrupt actions caught up with him. Just because they haven't found the fire that caused all this smoke YET,  doesn't mean that reporting on an expanding presidential criminal investigation isn't legitimate news. Even if trump is truly innocent of colluding with the Russians and obstructing justice, his expanding criminal investigation is still real news and somebody needs to be asking serious questions to keep the public informed. The right wing media isn't going ask any questions that they think might hurt their own agenda.


    When it comes to the trump cult, "fake news" is nothing except reports about something that they just don't want anyone to hear about or think about. When a poll has him ahead, they think it's real. When the same poll has him behind, they think it's fake. Nothing trumpers believe ever seems to add up, make sense or include logic. Any hard proof or visual evidence that contradicts trump is ignored. It's so much simpler to dismiss something you don't understand, disturbs you or goes against your personal beliefs as "fake news". It's classic cult mentality.


    BTW, no one in the trump cult seemed to care about lack of evidence when they were screaming 'lock her up' at those awful nazi-like trump rallies. trump benefited by convicting people in the court of public opinion, now he and his supporters are getting a taste of their own medicine and will be until he's out of office.

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  2. Don't forget the Weekly World News.  Seriously, President P-word grabber once said that he thought Weekly World News competitor, The National Enquirer deserved a Pulitzer. What's next? Fortune Cookies, Terot Cards and Ouija Boards?


    Any weird piece of garbage typed by anyone on an iphone is completely believable to the Trump Cult. Question the President's long list of obvious bold face lies, non-sensical exaggerations, his sometime serious - sometimes joking OFFICIAL Presidential statements (tweets) and his relentless daily internet B.S. and you get called 'fake news'. Somebody besides the National Enquirer and right-wing opinion websites better be able to hold the president and all politicians (of both parties) accountable for the things they say and do or else we're all screwed. This 'they're all out to get me' stuff is pathetic.


    David Koresh, Jim Jones and Marshall Applewhite had groups of people who thought everything that didn't come from their leader was 'fake news' too. How'd that work out?








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  3. A good parking space is a huge benefit in the real world (Houston 2017). Parking spaces are only the enemy when you go on the internet or whenever you realize that you aren't good enough to live in New York or Chicago or SF. But even in those cities, I never heard anyone complaining about parking right in front of where they are going - at least in real life.



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  4. I wouldn't be judging the final product or be disappointed by a few photos of foundations, torn up land and three half-built kiddy rides. Those are not mobile carnival rides sitting on a parking lot. They have poured foundations and are going to be fixtures of the park just like the ones at AstroWorld used to be. There isn't one tree planted yet. So while it may look a lot like a carnival sitting in the mud during the first weeks of construction, it probably won't when the buildings and landscaping are complete. At this point, 12 years after AstroWorld closed and over a decade of failed proposals and empty talk, I'm just glad to finally see anything that has the potential of becoming a real theme park being built in the Houston area.


    Reserve your disappointment until opening day when you realize that this park wasn't built for you. It was built for your little kids. Maybe phase 2 or 3 might be built for you if your lucky. They are supposed to add roller coasters, build bigger rides and possibly buy a lot more vacant adjacent land if the

    first season or two is successful – at least that's what the guy giving the inside scoop and taking the pictures on facebook is saying.


    Also, he reminded his followers that this is a one-man business venture, and his name isn't Disney.

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