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Everything posted by thatguysly

  1. Any updates on this one? Feels like it is dead. Their Facebook page hasn't been updated in almost a year.
  2. This is just demo of the surface lot. Mobilization for civil work in a month or two. Still on track to be built on schedule.
  3. Texans just need to model the Falcons and drop food/drink prices.
  4. It is no longer shown on their website. Still listed on developers page. https://www.perkinseastman.com/projects/uptown-oaks-at-the-hallmark/
  5. Yes. Wildcat is going no where and it shouldn't. Great reuse of land that would be never used otherwise. http://www.golftexas.com/departments/coursereviews/wildcat-golf-club-864.htm
  6. And they happen to have money to tie this up in lawsuits that others who have had something built by them cannot. Don't feel bad for the mega rich when suddenly something affects them that has affected the whole city.
  7. Probably both. Either one will give tax breaks to the hearts delight. Though the State seems to have a vendetta against Harris County these days.
  8. Well yeah that's the point. Just different this time. It is one thing if I love seeing high rises get built then whine when one affects me but worse when someone whines when they literally fund, profit, or own a high rise or condo and not care at all how that affects that area.
  9. What's ironic is you know at least one of those neighbors has invested in, works for a company that builds these types of structures, or owns a condo as a second home and doesn't give a single thought to the neighbors yet suddenly get very NIMBY about it when it affects them.
  10. Isn't this adjacent to the north of Ivy District? They show Ivy District on the site plan but faded out. Seems this could be merged with the Ivy District thread but two separate developments. Lot's of growth down 288 right now. Between 610 and 8 there are new neighborhoods and warehouses going up. Ivy Grove and Pearground south of 8. And at 228 and 6 is the Manvel Town Center that is being anchored by a new HEB.
  11. The hike and bike trail expansion is coming. I would assume this year if all works out.
  12. This one is becoming very visible from 288. Love pointing out construction to my wife as we drive and she pretends to be interested.
  13. Now they can be distracted by the Marquee and Dave N Busters.
  14. I was on vacation in Southern CA a couple weeks ago and it was super green from all the recent rain. My wife is from there and kept telling me how it is usually brown and we are lucky to see so much green. I just get used to green here but it is the same when visiting Denver and all the brown vegetation matches the brown buildings.
  15. I looked on HCAD to see who owns what in the area between 610, Post Oak, Hollyhurst, and Hallmark. There are four parcels. 1) Hospitality Headquarters (1510 West Loop South) - This land includes his original midrise, The Post Oak and the surface lot. 2) Post Oak Motors LLC (1510 West Loop South) - The car dealership. 3) Post Oak Real Estate Holding Inc - 777 Post Oak Blvd) - The office/consulate building on the corner of Post Oak and Hollyhurst. 4) 755 Post Oak Inc (address and company name) - corner lot Looks like he hasn't bought that corner lot yet and this will have to fit into his current footprint. The only spot left is his surface lot behind Wille G's. This is his current valet and tour bus parking. I wonder if the cost went up to and a mix use garage and parking facility? I know he is struggling with parking needs and has tried to lease spots from the Marriot garage at a minimum.
  16. There was once a building shown where the valet lot is behind WIllie G's on something Tillman put out. It is probably in The Post Oak thread. I hope it is that corner lot though. Parking is an issue with The Post Oak and he probably cant afford to lose his valet lot. Maybe if he built the practice facility on top of a garage in that location.
  17. Work started here again in the last month or so. Guess they saw txtiger's post and got working.
  18. Agreed. I sort of expected another tax break for downtown like the build up to the last Super Bowl to help drive high end development.
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