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  1. Heard some 2nd hand news on this site. There is/was foundation issues and that is what is/was preventing LA fitness to complete. LA Fitness stopped work and are looking to get out of that location. All 2nd hand but does seem to make sense.
  2. Finishing a year ahead of schedule? While I would be elated (this impacts me daily) I'd be shocked if they finished by EOY. I'm no engineer or construction expert though.
  3. I guess my biggest concern, looking at the proposed store lineup and the building rendering, is that we end up with something like Katie Mills. That place is just awful in multiple ways. There are suburban retail developments that are done really well and become destination area which then spur additional development around them. I guess that's my ultimate hope for this spot.
  4. Interesting list, great (proposed) find. I don't really love the lineup and wonder what putting a marshals/homegoods here would do to the gray st location. Disappointed it may be a Sam's Club and not Costco.
  5. That's interesting, there has been zero work done on the actual building for months. This detention area had the materials delivered months ago and it appears the parking surface will extend out over this dentention area to some degree. Was there an issue with the flood district that slowed down progress? I can't imagine a GC switch would have a multi qtr impact.
  6. There is some significant progress happening in the area in front of this development which I assume impacted the completion of LA Fitness....
  7. The fact he even mentions parking lots as opposed to parking structures crushes any hope that this wont be a giant let down and wasted opportunity.
  8. There is a thread on this somewhere... http://www.houstonarchitecture.com/haif/topic/33629-the-victoria-829-yale-st-8-story-residential-building/#comment-533534
  9. Anyone know more about the food truck kiosk site between yale and heights on east/west and white oak/EB feeder? There is a sign for it by Texas CRES. Would love to see that brush cleaned up and the urban campers removed.
  10. Installed yesterday, including the bungalows on Heights.
  11. I noticed this too. I live very close and saw they killed all of the ivy that was growing up the north side of the building.
  12. I've always been surprised by the desire for another movie theater. I feel like i can drive 10 minutes in any direction and hit one. I guess other people go to the movies more than i thought and far more than me, haha.
  13. No word on this one? Holding out hope that means it will be above average and more exciting than a regular strip mall.
  14. I live very close to here and haven't heard anything in a long time. Seemed like there was a retaining wall issue and if past experience is any indicator the flood district has some hand in this halt/slow down.
  15. Was just talking about this site the other day. Would hope they take the buffalo bayou foot traffic into consideration in the design. There is almost nothing walkable from the bayou in terms of food/beverage.
  16. The demolition on this is painfully slow... no wonder its an 18 month project.
  17. http://houston.culturemap.com/news/restaurants-bars/06-13-16-rumor-no-more-gus-world-famous-fried-chicken-1815-washington-avenue-braun-enterprises/ Spring 2017 seems so far away...
  18. Thanks @HoustonMidtown. I try to look down in the bayou when i cross the shepherd/durham bridge to check the status.
  19. I'm ready for it to be done, both the trail and the bridge. How much of the trail would you say is paved so far?
  20. Thanks for confirming @CrockpotandGravel Not sure if your bar comment was tongue in cheek, but I think Gus's will be a great addition to the avenue. They are opening up a couple of new bars down towards Wescott if that helps.
  21. http://intheknowhouston.com/legendary-memphis-fried-chicken-joint-in-houston/ Love this place, will be super pumped if this is true.
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