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  1. Ethiopian 546 should have arrived today. I am surprised nobody talk about it here!
  2. People in Shanghai don't need to evacuate in typhoon season. not only skyscrapers, we also need Shanghai subway, highway, maglev, high speed train, airport......
  3. What I was saying is Terminal D project is pushed ahead fast due to high demand from United and foreign airlines... Same for Terminal A. Demand drives everything.
  4. "Planning Stage" means another 10 years before seeing a dozer on site. Same as Terminal D, IAH needs to attract more domestic airlines and routes to push Terminal A rebuilding ahead…
  5. Consultants may refuse to work for Amegy if they arrange them to stay in La Quinta.
  6. To compare with the HSPVA site. If you don't have a ready to go plan yet, at least make it clean and neat.
  7. Any carrier could have delay issues. More flights they have, more delays and complaints there will be.
  8. When ring road longer than a certain length, it will no longer have the "ring road" purpose anymore. Talking about Beijing, I have to say our roads are 100 years behind, both highway and local.
  9. Idk and I might be wrong, but I don't think it is a good idea to have led effect on a residential building… Idk and I might be wrong, but I don't think it is a good idea to have led effect on a residential building…
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