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Everything posted by mattyt36

  1. I'd just hate to see such an organization be used by the State or other political activists as a passive political actor trying to "turn the tide" in Harris County politics with public money, in particular against the recent "blue waves" in the County judicial system. You can't argue that there is certainly a fixation among the Republican Party. If "crime is out of control," a responsible organization would rely not on such fearmongering and empty verbiage, but cite actual statistics. It would certainly be helpful to me as a local voter. I've seen plenty of tweets and headlines, and I'm not arguing with the numbers, but the only thing I've noticed walking around in the past couple of years is the decrease in the homeless population . . . and sign me up for that, especially if they are getting real help in the process. But this seems pretty clearly to be aimed at low-information voters. And this thread proves that they've been successful.
  2. @BEES?! Thank you so much for that . . . it was much more than I was able to find.
  3. From the link posted by @Blue Dogs, under a header--and entirely unironically, mind you--"Rising Above the Noise": During a time when crime is out of control and public safety remains the number one issue for Houstonians and victims – the New York Times, the Marshall Project and The Houston Chronicle ignored the plight of those suffering to instead coordinate attacks against the organization and its CEO and staff as they tirelessly work for the safety of all. Those rhetorical techniques tell me all I need to know. If there is any "politicization" going on, it's fair to say at the very least, it isn't one-sided.
  4. So, in other words, indicted individuals (nevermind associates of indicted individuals) holding political office is A-OK with Bluey the Big Red Dog. Color me … not surprised.
  5. Can you please provide a translation as to the exact issue that appears to have your panties in a tither? As usual, you just used a bunch of empty and meaningless buzzwords, woke, attack, mob, welfare queen, hatred, etc., etc. Please point out exactly where this “woke mob”touched you. If you’re in the deep distress it appears you are in, please take your meds or contact the appropriate professionals.
  6. It's just such a shame . . . it's been more than a decade now but that was a great place to walk around and take photos. The columns really lined up well against the buildings behind the fountain. Plus, it's TRANQUILITY PARK, commemorating the moon landing, so I can't help it's pretty pathetic we can't make it functional again. Is there a major engineering or structural problem with the fountain or something?
  7. Can I re-up this question? Is Tranquility Park just forgotten until the next "master plan"?
  8. Well when Shepherd is extended to the Sahara, let me know.
  9. @editorcan you enlighten on the reference to Cincinnati? The Fort Washington Way?
  10. His bio seems fine to me, whatever it takes to keep Santa Claus the Bail Bondsman, Sergeant A*shat, or any other entirely nonserious person out of office.
  11. But "wokeness" is the real problem, don't forget. Perhaps @Blue Dogs can enumerate all of the I'm sure many examples of Mayor Turner's "wokeness" and how it has affected him. I think it's clear he doesn't live in the City, so it must be really, really bad. Poor guy!
  12. Here's a question . . . do you actually live in the City of Houston?
  13. I'm sorry, as a resident of Fourth Ward, first of all, what exactly are you saying? That Andrews St should not be reconnected because it is now gentrified? And, that in order for you to support this project, it was required to cure decades of ills from when it was originally built? Seriously, how else to interpret that statement, other than, "Sammy no likey freeways?" which has been the only consistent part of your shtick since day 1? Consider this very real possibility . . . the list of actual affected residents who are actively, actively protesting are very small. And maybe the ones who are protesting it are doing it only because they've been told they could get something more out of it (e.g., higher relocation allowance, preference in subsidized housing, etc . . . more power to them BTW!) and many may not have a problem with the freeway itself? Dare I suggest that you're the one who risks being entirely presumptuous about proclaiming what the neighborhoods want? I've said it before, and I'll say it again . . . you just don't strike me as a very serious person. From the beginning, the only way you would have been "onboard" with this project is if TXDoT "listened the community," and need I point out to you that "consult the community" to you seems to be synonymous with not building it? I know you won't answer, but do you seriously not see the contortions in your logic?
  14. Sounds like Sammy is arguing for this to go ahead and be extended all the way to Alvin with separate ingress and egress to downtown so that it is more effective at achieving its goals. Consider me . . . wholly ONBOARD!!!!! What a great new way to get to HOU!
  15. Well considering the attention span of someone supposedly so well informed, can you blame them?
  16. Before we so loosely ascribe such sinister motivations to TXDoT yet again, can we just acknowledge the possibility that this has been a YEARS-long process during which "neighborhoods," "communities," what have you, could have been organized and involved from day 1 but really didn't until the very end? And that it may very well have taken a lot of people by surprise when the County took the legal action it did? I ask the question again who actually did the organizing and for what motivation . . . did someone really view this as some sort of political winner? It seems like some think TXDoT should have gone around knocking on doors and telling them all the potential "cons" of the project and inciting them to oppose it. Just bizarre reasoning yet again, but this thread seems to attract it.
  17. You make a good point, I wonder to what extent anything has actually happened. I mean they’ve spent, what, $750 million on land acquisition, does that mean they have what they need or is there still a lot to go?
  18. I'm sure it varies by parcel--they take what they can get. Legally there must be some standard by which the land can be acquired (e.g., freeway footprint plus a certain "buffer" area), but in practice it has to be negotiated with each land owner. I'm sure it some cases you get more and in some cases you get less than "desirable," but still allows the project to work.
  19. I know it depresses (trench? . . . pun!) people on here but that has always been the case. Somehow some deep "cap park conspiracy" seems to be more convincing to most.
  20. A, Consider (1) the circumstances under which the suit was filed. At best, it was based on a "hunch." At worst, well, it is what it was, so to speak--a cynical ploy to overturn a democratic election and, at the end of the day, our entire system of government. Consider (2) the merits of the case. I mean, not even good enough for anyone but Clarence Thomas. If you think that is anything to be proud of, well, I'd call you an ideologue. Cuz you're rooting for the Rs as if it's a sports team. (At least they score more runs than the Astros.)
  21. Augie, brother FIRST you are accurate. It was filed by the State of Texas on and behalf of its citizens, which should be an absolute embarrassment to any real Texan And the SECOND, the “de riguer” which you describe is a political creation, perpetrated by one political party And the THIRD We are TEXANS, and when we have benchmarked ourselves against loser Attorney Generals from lesser states that is an admission that we have lost
  22. Time to make a Dad joke Apologies for derailing this freeway thread Close runner up to @strickn, who wins the day Over and out
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