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Everything posted by BullMan008

  1. That particular comment was dead wrong. Near slumhood? No there were way to many hardworking and decent folks that would have never let that happen. People actually were friendlier to each other back then. There were some shady areas around the Heights but it wasnt that bad. My mother would tell us to stay away from certain areas at night. LOL But 'slumhood' is way off. Mr. Olsen was a writer and thats exactly what he did. Now Im interested in reading this. Thanks!
  2. LOL. His writing obviously got your attention and some of his statements in these quotes were true. I actually lived next door to Goldy Locks. The Candy Man murders were just before my time. My older sibs and older family members can tell you more about it. There was another serial killer that lived in the area. I want to say near this whole builder/lifetime resident situation is located. I think they called him 'Drippy Eye'. I forgot his name but do remember seeing him around the area. Houston is huge people and you are inside the city. The 4th largest city at that. You want a Mayberry feel....youve picked the wrong city. The Heights still has some of its charm but Im afraid its charm is disappearing.
  3. I'm sure all of those numbers and sq ft dimensions don't mean a thing to these long time residents. I'm here because I was raised here and it's where I have most of my memories from. I'm thinking this elderly couple has the same. I can't speak for them and I'm not but you can't put a price on this.
  4. I'm a long time resident since the late 70's. If you knew what it was and how it felt to grow up in this neighborhood, maybe you'd understand. I agree with the transitioning but it isnt done. They have many nice smaller homes in the area still. I went driving around the neighborhood this past weekend. Who needs a house that big?! LOL These people might not live up to your standards but to them their small home is everything theyve worked hard for. Again, I feel so bad for these folks.
  5. I'm sure this Petruzzi fellow isnt from the Heights like most of the devolopers building those big homes on the small lots. I spoke to a couple of other home builders in the area and I've been told these guys are coming in, bullying there way around and pushing folks out. Then they build these homes cheaply and over charge these suckers who arent from the Heights. Its so sad to see a small bungalow between 2 giant homes. These homes are nothing what the Heights is about. I feel bad for the older couple because this has been their home for years and to have someone come and tell them 'I have more money than you!" and other comments pisses me off.
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