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Everything posted by democide

  1. Alright, let's hope we can see a 3D rendering of this tower later on, hopefully with the skyline in the background, and see how that looks.
  2. The height for both looks about right, looks good for a quick mockup. But that massive garage that will be visible from this view is missing. The Hines tower looks way better.
  3. I still don't like it, but I hate OPP too so no surprise there. However, what I really hate is that massive parking garage in the back. If you get rid of that and build one that is at the same height where the tower elevation changes, then what would make for a huge improvement; you have it blend in, it looks like it's not part of the tower now. That big, ugly garage is very noticeable when you view downtown from the northeast side. Just my thoughts.
  4. Is this a poorly managed project or what?
  5. Indeed, that middle core is weird. Although I think the pictures of the tower (that we've seen here) are accurate in showing what is being built, I'm still amazed by the fact that there has been no official announcement stating that this is the exact design being built. There hasn't been any comments made by the parties involved in the project. It is a private project, so I'm not saying they're wrong in their silence. I'm just waiting to hear it from their own mouths. I'm not doubting the person who posted the pics either, just to make that clear.
  6. I agree. That building should have been built (50-stories tall) when it was announced; looks good to me. It would have been fully leased by now since many of the buildings that have gone up recently didn't exist (they find tenants because they're getting built). Anyways, you snooze in good times, and you lose.
  7. Good eye H-Town Man, I didn't even notice it at all. Anyways, I think when a big company like Exxon decided to move out of there completely, that sealed the old building's fate.
  8. Just wondering, did you read that recently? Can you provide a link to the article? This is a short article from last year, the image is taken from it. The red shows the space not leased. I'm sure things have improved since then, and Elm Place has recently been bought and the plan is to redevelop it into a residential tower. As a native Houstonian, I frankly know very little about Dallas, I actually never been there. Perhaps someone from Dallas can better explain the true situation in downtown; I'm curious to know also. My guess is job creation and other development projects are happening elsewhere, more so than in downtown. Downtown Houston has had that sort of thing happen to it also, but thankfully for numerous reasons it hasn't been that bad at all.
  9. Indeed. Downtown Houston was so undeveloped back then, and it's been a long road getting to where it is now. That makes me feel good about what's ahead in the future
  10. People need their parking, this one is moving along nicely
  11. Such a long but narrow lot but that's what makes it interesting at 38 stories great before shot.
  12. Great shot. Some progress is a lot better than no progress at all. Can't wait until this one is gone.
  13. Both are going up for sure. 6 Houston Center is a Class-AA tower, I assume 609 Main is as well, as is Capitol Tower. Class-AA space is nonexistent in downtown, so these are badly needed.
  14. They got people working on it. The way I see it, if now is not a good time to build in this town, when the market has been really good compared to other places, then no time is ever good enough and you might as well just walk away from this and any other project. I love the design by the way, looks great.
  15. It's fine, I take it that "all the time" means during a work day, evenings and weekends. Some people can manage or are used to being out walking in the heat. Speaking only for myself, I could never go out and take a walk on a hot day anywhere without getting all sweaty. So I would prefer one building to hold everyone. That's just me but every company will do what they want. Either way, I would manage and if needed, I'll take time to freshen up after a walk, and that would be my excuse if I arrived late.
  16. I sure hope not. It's going to be 3 years before this one goes up once they start. Perhaps if they start working overtime (have 3 shifts going) and weekends, they can have this one down by the end of March.
  17. Just wondering, did you also walk in the elements during your work shift or only when coming and leaving work?
  18. That's wonderful news. I got a question though, is this project going to include the creation of more parking spaces or will the parking garage that exist now (for Chevron) be sufficient? If they need more parking, why not add a multi-story parking garage below the 50+ office floors to make this tower even taller. I'm just wondering if that's possibly in the plans. If not, I assume a separate parking garage will get created (if it's needed) but not sure if that's been mentioned before.
  19. Awesome! So did both cranes go up or just one?
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