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Everything posted by TJones

  1. by "celebrity entertainer", you mean entertaining Roger on his private jet ?
  2. Let's leave Dane Cook out of this shall we, I don't feel like puking !
  3. Wife just informed me that I got a certified letter fromt he IRS today. Thought it might be the stimulous. Turns out to be a BILL saying that I owe, so, there goes more contribution to the stimulous. Some of you owe me a beer !
  4. I am not a conspiracy theorist by ANY means, but I will go with my gut on this one...........I really shouldn't have brought this up. I really don't need any spotlight on me. I am sure I don't need any more notes in my "file", so i should probably delete this thread NOW ! I don't know about getrting even with her, perhaps keeping her quiet as to not bring down any OTHER Washington folks ?
  5. Sex or no sex, the question is..........What could 28 yr. old married father of 2 POSSIBLY have in common with a 15yr. old Karaoke singer in order for them to become fast friends ? I blame HER parents as being just as guilty for not acting on the red flags !!! Unless they are retards, are they retards ?
  6. I smell a rat from 1800 miles away in Washington on this one !!! I will go ahead and call B.S. on it ! http://www.click2houston.com/news/16113019/detail.html
  7. $1200 if you are married and made less than $75000 last year. You get an extra $300 PER Kiddo under 18 years of age. It goes by SSN. last two of your social, number 01-whatever has gone out electronically with direct deposit already and then so on. Paper checks won't be out until May 9th.
  8. This story is VERY intriguing to me. I can't wait to get to the bottom of it. It could go two ways, either the Govt. steps in and locks it down, or some elaborate scheme is uncovered as to who this guy REALLY was, and what ties he has. There is ONE clue provided right there in George Tennants book, calling Roland "Tony", but puts the initials RC in there. BTW, WHERE THE HELL IS Quannel 10 on this matter !!! A man was SHOT by police, where are you Quanny ol' boy ???
  9. Don't forget healthcare and foodstamps for illegals meme.
  10. Is it because in the movie Barbarella, Duran Duran was born on May 5th ???
  11. I agree with John, he is definately in shape, a CIRCLE is definately a SHAPE !
  12. There is a very small part of Memorial that I REALLY love. I will even tell you the street, Broken Bough, not the Broken Bough by Town and Country, it is a little further in from the Beltway.
  13. Now , our beloved Roger has been linked to John Daly's ex-wife. Apparently he arranged flights and tickets for her to come watch him play against, (and here is the irony) The Angels !
  14. Let's see, you got 57T-bird, FilioScotia, H2B, and Redscare............
  15. First: Midtown I didn't realize that YOU actually NEEDED to use a "sanitary napkin", do you use pads or tampons for your monthlys ? LOL! B: 20thStDad, you have got to be kidding me ! It is common knowledge that under NO circumstances do you EVER use a rest area to "drop the kids off at the pool !" Wait, was this episode you had in the 1950's ? If it was then that was ok, they actually had people who worked with some pride to keep the toilets clean at these roadside conveniences.
  16. ....and lockmat wins the prize for "best suggestion of the day" !
  17. My "CRACKBERRY" seems to work just fine with HAIF, perhaps it's the loose nut in front of your screen ? LOL! Would you please stop dragging quotes from other threads ! You are making people ask, "WTH?" Leave it Crunch to come in with the "suggestive" posts. That's why I love her, you naughty little minx!!!
  18. Lockmat, Obama had BOTH his children Baptised there, Obama is NO stranger to Rev. Wright or his church, at all. Macbro, my friend, the term is Native American, there are alot of us on this forum who I am sure will claim they have 1/32 blood of some obscure tribe in BlackHills of N.Dakota. I myself have Choctaw and Creek blood, but nonetheless, I look like a pasty-faced, mostly Welsh, whiteboy. America's largest Pow-Wow was this past weekend in New Mexico. I was offered to go, but had a carshow that took priority for me. Now, what I have noticed is a serious lack of Indian(hindi speaking peoples) and Middle-Eastern(farsi speaking peoples) on this board. We had a few at one time, perhaps we ran them off, i sure hope that isn't the case.
  19. If you really want to go there..........I guess you, as a whiteman fighting for the cause of your black brothers sowanome, you must now feel that Obama is a "sell out" and a "house (insert Nword here)" because even he thought Rev.Wright has lost his everlovin' mind, and denounced his sorry @$$ ! AMEN TO THAT !! Preach on Preach Onnnnnnnnnnn !!! Sorry to go off topic, but to be called out for ME telling the truth ? Well, that just will not do. Sowanome, try a little role reversal and have Joel Osteen, say the same speech inserting white for black and keeping the GD America part, and how long do you think it would take before Lakewood Church would go up on the auction block ? WAKE UP CHIEF ! Racism is a two way street. I deny NOTHING, I call like I see it, and what MOST clear thinking people see but are afraid to say in order NOT to offend. If I am wrong, I apologize and hope we can all move on.
  20. ......... was occularly mounted and wired to my brain so I could walk around and work, and have "virtual HAIF" all day long !
  21. Looks like I picked the wrong week to quit sniffin' glue !
  22. I been around. I am in a SERIOUS funk though. I think my engine just pooched in the Cutlass ! Oil was apparently leaking this morning on the way to work, like a sive, and I didn't catch it until it was too late. Something snapped or bent in the bottom end. i didn't completely throw a rod, but it ain't good !!!
  23. History lesson for HAIF. Did you know there was a small restaurant café in the 1950s in the Willowbend neighborhood called Main Cafe located at 11305 South Main St. Who remembers this place? Share your memories!
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