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Posts posted by TJones

  1. Just so everyone is clear, Mark, are you arguing that McCain actually is an expert on economic and financial markets? Or is this an example that the sun even shines on a dog's ass occasionally?

    Good point, perhaps the sun has shined again, or perhaps he is down playing exactly how much he knows about economic affairs ? Someone had ahold of his ear if McCain didn't come up with the bill. I find it hilarious that Dodd is trying to take credit for what McCain had already thrown out there.

    Just so everyone is clear, Mark, are you arguing that McCain actually is an expert on economic and financial markets? Or is this an example that the sun even shines on a dog's ass occasionally?

    If you'd quit linking worldnetdaily and the freerepublic, we'd start reading them. :huh:

    Oh, I forgot, if it isn't CNN or AirAmerica.com it ain't worth a damn, right ? I will try to post more LA Times and NYTimes for you more sensitive viewers.

  2. I will give Jon Stewart some kudos. He recently shot Biden down, twice in one show. Once about Joe's "stock market crash" soundbite, and again when he showed a clip of Joe chastizing Obama about gun control. Funny thing was Joe was talking about Obama is "...not about to take away my Baretta Shotguns !!!" They cut back to Jon, and Jon tries to make a point that "a Baretta is a handgun and NOT a shotgun." Jon.........although I appreciate your attempt to make Biden look like a goof, you made yourself look more like a goof by not doing the proper homework.

    west20th, I have probably asked for links to about 3 statements while on this forum the past 3 years, and that was only after I could not find anything on the subject myself. So, I don't know where you come from with that statement. I am not being a grouch, I am just being right. Besides, nobody ever bothers to read my links, so what's the use ?

  3. It sounds to me like McCain doesn't know anything about the economy, so he's trying to buy some time so he can study up before the big debate. That's playing politics IMO.

    It's not like anyone in the Senate is actually working on bills at 9PM on a Friday. And if it's so important, he should have been working on the issue all throughout the last week instead of emphasizing that "the economy is fundamentally strong" and then changing his mind several times.

    Yet, McCain had enough insite to warn EVERYONE 3 years ago that this country was heading in this EXACT direction we are in today. How's that for "not knowing anything about the economy" ?

    Let me get this right 'Cuda, staying on the campaign trail, instead of going to work in Washington, where your actual job is, to try and get something done, is more important than trying to come to a conclusion on fixing the economy ?

  4. reading some other sites out there it sounds like their entire dealer group was one of the most shady out there and it sounds like the real issue is that GMAC pulled their floor plan financing and after that, and with their current reputation, no other lender would touch them so no floor plan means no dealer

    That is EXACTLY what happened, and it couldn't have happened to a nicer bunch of scumbags. Good Riddance Bill Heard. The name for LandMark in the business is actually LandShark, as they were notorious for putting ANYBODY in a car then pulling them out of it and keeping down payments after their victims wouldn't accept the car or truck that they were actually "approved" on.

  5. I blame Fannie and Freddie for their GREED and backing loans to people that shouldn't have had them in the first place. Predatory lending aside, people with shady credit were given a third and sometimes FOURTH chance to try and help kickstart their credit. They got these ARM loans and were given a 2 year or 3 year grace period to pay off the rest of their bad debt and then refi their ARMs before they came due. As usual, these Bogues had no intention of paying ANYONE and rode out the loan for about a year and a half or two years and then decided to not pay anymore or when the ARM came due they couldn't refi and the rate almost doubled in some cases because now their credit has gotten worse because instead of paying anyone off they decided to go use the $3000 to $4000 they were saving to go buy a new car or truck.

    DJ, there really is no part of Govt. that could have prevented this. Fannie and Freddie were Corporations, businesses owned by shareholders that did not have to answer to Govt. in a capitalist society. The problem here is that the top 3 or 4 tiers were looting the vault and just like Enron, they were taking the money without anyone being the wiser because the books were being cooked.

    If Govt. was going to step in, they should have as soon as they saw the trend, not wait until this Titanic's smoke stack was the only thing sticking out of the water. Now, we have a very scary trend of much BIGGER Govt. Big Brother will be watching from here on out, and if Obama is elected, this recent turn of events has made it that much easier for him to carry out his socialist agenda, because this is proof that without regulation, greedy people cannot govern themselves.

    EDIT: I am not saying there weren't some with every intention of getting their credit straightened out during their grace period, things happen, people get sick, people lose jobs, people die, business changes for some. I get that, I was almost one of these people, I learned a valuable lesson, and a mistake that I won't make again.

  6. It's doesn't matter any more, TJ. If this whole economic meltdown were just Fannie/Freddie... McCain might have something on Obama. Tax payers will be on the hook for what could be up to 2 TRILLION $$$; taking all the garbage off the books of all kinds of banks, investment banks, etc, etc. Fannie/Freddie will just be small portion of what the ultimate cost will be for this mess... even more scary is that Paulson today indicated (somewhat indirectly) on "This Week" that he didn't really know if the bailout plan would work.

    Yet if this Johnson/Raines shoe was on the Republican foot, you'd be crying " SEE SEE, MORE OF THE SAME, MORE OF THE SAME !!!"

    It is amazing how when it isn't in your guy's favor, "it doesn't matter anymore." These are the guys advising Obama on how to conduct business for the next 4 years if he is elected, and "it doesn't matter anymore" ?

  7. Chase Bank building's east side is completely void of windows now, as is the parking garage facade of the building across the street from Chase. I am betting Tornado ran between the two of them on the street.

  8. Unless these restaurants are GIVING the food away for free, they won't do business. Must have running water, per the health code sifu.

    I heard over 2,000,000 without power right now.

    Supposedly 40,000 people on Galveston decided NOT to heed warning and stayed on the island. Anybody else hear about that ?

    Brennans won't do any business

    It just burned down :huh:

    Eh, not the first time they've burned down.

  9. I pray that everyone on Haif has come out ok through this. I also pray that everyone in the path of Ike will also be ok.

    I am a little concerned that apparently the Westside HPD station on Dairy Ashford, is surrounded by water and nobody can get in or out. What a crock, that should be THE next road project in Houston to be fixed. Dairy Ashford is horrible around that area, and I don't understand why access to the station would not be a priority. Mayor White needs to look into this. You folks in that area are in serious danger right now.

  10. I don't know all the numbers or my stance just yet, and when. That "Socialist Civilian Army" thing sounds off though. From what I understand, Obama was looking to spend on both the civilian defense sector AND the into military defense. I also believe he would get that to pass in Congress too, since there's a Democratic majority. He also seemed to support the recent new GI Bill when from what I also understand, McCain voted against (please correct me there if I'm wrong there).

    What I'm not aware of is how he plans to fund his plans. Though I hear that those plans are in detail on his website, I'll just wait until the debates to hear them break it down live. At that time, I think I'll decide if I like the overall plan or not.

    The GI Bill, I am sure had some attachments to it, as usual, that don't have anything to do with the Bill introduced itself. If you worry about earmarks, that is how they get through. DJ, you have to look at the whole bill, not just the title bro.

  11. Is that good or bad?

    (I don't have an opinion yet. That's why I ask)

    I do not believe the USA needs a militia on top of an already fully armed and fully functioning voluntary military. Under Obama's plan, I guarantee that it won't cost an additional $500 billion. He will simply cut military defense spending in HALF and put $250 billion toward his new Socialist Civilian Army. That all those between the ages of 18 and 30 will HAVE to join and serve for a 3 year minimum. That is how that breaks down DJ. So, "just as strong, and just as well funded", actually means under funded and under powered.

  12. Do you believe that crap? Because that article was both crazy and stupid.

    You don't recall Obama saying this ?

    The government now funds about half of Public Allies' expenses through Clinton's AmeriCorps. Obama wants to fully fund it and expand it into a national program that some see costing $500 billion. "We've got to have a civilian national security force that's just as powerful, just as strong, just as well-funded" as the military, he said.

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