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Posts posted by TJones

  1. I look forward to all of the members of the 'Obama the Marxist' fanclub leaving the US when he becomes president. After all, the country is going to hell right? And surely you dont want to be caught up in it all? Maybe you should cash out now while the stock market is doing so well. Ghana is beautiful this time of year from what I hear. Make sure you send us all a postcard.

    Just when some thought the "Obama is a Marxist supporters" were morons, suddenly a NEW contender arises. :huh::rolleyes::mellow:

    Drink up that Kool-Aid chief.

  2. You hear that mister teacher, firefighter, and police officer?

    Civil Service workers are hardly what I am referring to. Let's take a look at those on Welfare, and Illegals. I would happily pay twice the tax I do now if it all went to Teachers, Firefighters and Policemen. You hear that you wonderful civil service folks.

    You hear that mister teacher, firefighter, and police officer?

    Civil Service workers are hardly what I am referring to. Let's take a look at those on Welfare, and Illegals. I would happily pay twice the tax I do now if it all went to Teachers, Firefighters and Policemen. You hear that you wonderful civil service folks. Just so y'all know Trae knew what I meant also, but he prefers to twist things.

    Red, the statement IS true, or are you calling the IRS liars ? I even posted the link to show you. Besides, it was for Meme to answer, not you.

  3. It is not about being selfish, you hit on the point though, it is about what is FAIR ??? A Flat Tax is fair in my opinion. Why should anyone be penalized for working harder than others, to make more money, yet you would have us all on the same level of income by taxing only those who work harder to make everything fair ? In your world I guess meme is right, "Grasshoppers R00L !!!" My potential of income depends on how hard I decide to work. When you were in private practice, it was the same way for you. Why should I be forced to supplement other's incomes with my hardwork ?

    Taxes WILL be raised for everyone if Obama is elected. Before you ask "HOW?", I will tell you, again. When the Bush tax cuts expire, will Obama sign off on those, or will he let them slide ?

    No, I don't think McCain knows enough, but he can certainly hire the right economists that do know.

    Meme, could you please explain your logic of how Obama isn't going to be raising taxes on small businesses, when over 2/3s of them make over $250k ?

  4. I did those upgrades on far less than a $320,000 salary. In fact, I've never come close to making that kind of money. Perhaps the fact that I have lived my entire life on far less, I feel like I could spare a few thousand bucks for the country that afforded me the opportunity to make that kind of money.

    Again, I apologize to those who make $300,000 a year for me not being more selfish. It is my parents' fault.

    Fair enough, let's not even use BIG monies. Let's say you only made $30,000 a year. If I stole $240 from you, and redistributed it to the barflys who couldn't afford another round at the wateringhole down the street, and didn't include you in the windfall of drinks, would you be pissed ?

  5. We know. We're OK with raising taxes on families that make over $250k. Remember? We're voting for Obama, with all the other Marxists.

    That isn't how Obama explains it. He tries to tell loyal followers, like yourself, that it is the BIG companies that fall into this category. He doesn't make mention that it is the guy that owns the McDonald's down the street from you, who hires all those folks to do a job. You think he is gonna let higher taxes cut into his Mickey D's profit ? Nope, he is gonna let Jimmy the fry guy go, in order to make up for that money.

  6. Because they drive Hummer H2s with big decals on the windows?

    Did you two even bother to do the math ? 8% on $4mil is $320k. Look who just fell into Obama's web.

    Meme, people who own small businesses usually pay themkselves a salary. They pay taxes on that salary, and then have to pay taxes on their profitable small business under Obama's plan.

    Red, couldn't you use that extra $2400 for some more upgrades to your house ? Here, since a big stepper like you isn't worried about $2400 just give me $1500 and I'll leave you alone. I bet people like Mark are worried about that $2400.

  7. Can you cite a source for Obama's plan to raise taxes on small businesses? Maybe something that contradicts the info on his web site: http://www.barackobama.com/pdf/SmallBusinessFINAL.pdf

    Isn't Obama's plan to raise taxes on those making over $250k a year ? So, let's say the average PROFIT of a business is 8% to 10% of gross sales. A small business with sales of just $4 million in a good year will put these businesses in the BIG tax bracket.

    Here you go meme. http://www.politico.com/news/stories/0708/11670.html

  8. I know but my voice can't be heard in this state, let alone in the whole country.

    Well, To be honest, I wish Huckabee was a candidate. I'm just fed up of Palin, and McCain is really old... And I really hate Palin. I'm sure shes a swell gal in person, but as Vice President no way... and Obama? no thanks.

    Montrose, I am right there with you, but now it is a matter of OUR votes being able to put in the lesser of two evils. Just think of it that way, and your voice IS being heard.

  9. Both sides say that and everyone wants it to be true, but unfortunately well-run polls have a very good track record.

    It's a running joke ed. Trae said the polls "didn't matter" when McCain was in the lead a couple of weeks ago, and that only the electoral college website mattered at that point, and the rest of the Libs. here agreed. Now, when Obama is back on top, the polls are in play again ? It's just very amusing.

  10. You're just bitter because the shadow of your ass now weighd 30 pounds. :lol::lol::lol: Don't you dare blame that crap on Austin, maybe too many trips to the Oasis...... :lol::lol::lol:

    Maybe he's been in the Zacapa Centenario too much TJ

    How you doin' there Pot ? Hey Red, check out "slim" here trying to make fun of me. With friends like Mark...... :P:lol::lol::lol:

  11. I don't disagree with most of what you stated here.

    But there's a happy medium between having TOO many rules vs. having NO rules.

    Gramm created financial chaos by eliminating ALL the rules.

    My subdivision doesn't have a homeowner's association...and this LACK of rules is why we have ugly carports, people parking cars in the yard, and some of the strangest architecturally designed houses you've ever seen.

    It all comes down to intent. I can't possibly believe that Phil Gramm, would purposely try to destroy America. I have to believe the intent of the bill was to help grow American business. I beleive that Clinton felt the same way, as did Congress and the Senate, that is why it got passed into law. Gramm didn't hatch some evil plan that would culminate 9 years later in order for Phil and Wendy to bring America to it's knees financially, so that he could clean up in a down market.

    Sorry to hear about your subdivision, but that also comes down to how much pride, someone like yourself, has for your home and yard, that you have worked so hard on, and those who just don't care, or might be renters. Rules are good, it let's those, who haven't got a clue, know between right and wrong.

  12. You couldn't be more wrong.

    Let's say that there was a new NFL commisioner. Let's say he suddenly removed many of the rules and restrictions. Let's say that suddenly there was face masking, hitting quarterbacks late, kicking in the knees, poking in the eye. Let's also pretend that he only allowed 2 uniformed officials instead of 7. What would happen to the game?? It would go to crap. Would it be the players(CEOs) fault primarily? NO, it would be the Commissioner's fault(Gramm)!

    Phil Gramm snuck the bill past Congress without a full debate. Gramm refused to properly fund the SEC (the referees) - so they couldn't do their job. Gramm's bill allowed the unregulated swaps, derivatives, hedge funds, and speculation that has caused this mess. We didn't elect the greedy CEOs, they don't have the same responsibility that the politicians do. The politicians destroyed our financial system...led by Phil Gramm.

    Another example: If your parents bought you a car and you willingly went out and blatantly ran 8 or 9 people over with that car to purposely cause their death and then you finally get caught, the doctors find you legally sane, is the jury to blame your parents for signing the paperwork, buying you a car ? Afterall, they are facilitators to your destruction, just like you are saying Phil Gramm is, are they not ?

    Company's that do bad business and are not capable of governing themselves deserve to go into the crapper. Yes, even football teams. Now, small businesses go under everyday in this country, and it isn't because of Govt. deregulation, these small businesses just don't know how to conduct business, or have a bad business model. If you owned a business, would you run it into the ground ? If you ran it into the ground, are you gonna blame the Govt. for not setting regulations on you and the way you conduct business ? In that logic, welfare is the cureall answer for everyone's problems, and we should be a communist country, let everything be state run. Yep, that's the ticket, isn't it Rammer. You must absolutely LOVE your HOA too, Hell, you are probably on the board.

    To quote Obama: "Let me be clear on this", I am not saying that we SHOULDN'T have regulation, because the past has shown us that "greedy CEOs" can and will, drain their own companies to continue their top of the food chain style of living, even after retirement or their firing. All I am saying is that you can't blame others for those who cannot self-govern, or are not ethical. You would think that after the ENRON fiasco, that ANY Fortune 500 company with shareholders would regulate themselves to eliminate "golden parachutes" and other such monetary packages to their CEO and high-level execs.

  13. Man, Austin has made you bitter. Even McCain's own people admit that he is behind and it is a concern.

    Seriously, TJ. I've been friends with you for a couple of years. If you are going to start twisting my words and name call me, I can ignore you just as I do some of the nutjobs on this board. I'd hate to do that with you. But, if you are going to attack me rather than my arguments, I'll do what I need to do. Many of my Republican friends have become increasingly vengeful as McCain tanks in the polls. I've been forced to become "unavailable" to them, at least until after the election. I hope you and I don't have to go there as well.

    What are you talking about ? I am quoting the poll's numbers. They are both in Obama's favor. I am not bitter, I am pissed that there is nobody worth a hoot running for President, maybe that is where the bitterness is coming in ? What did I call you, if you took offense to anyhting I have said, especially anything I said about you personally, I will apologize in front of everyone here. I honestly don't know what namecalling you are referring to.

    If you are referring to the Sheople comment, man o'man, I thought you had thicker skin than that my friend.

  14. Nope. It takes almost no time to verify a registration as that of a real person, as the voter must list identifying information, such as a DL or SSN. Once the registration is validated, it goes through. The investigation that takes time is finding out who turned in the invalid card, and whether the person did so with criminal intent.

    Your theory is shot to hell.

    It's ok if it's shot to hell, using your 99 out of 100 logic, Acorn is most assuredly to lose over half of the registration names they tried so hard to make up. It's a win/win.

  15. Red, they will most likely be tied up in the investigation, so in effect wouldn't they be cast aside. If one or 6,000 are in question, wouldn't they ALL be in question ? All the "hanging chads" are in ACORN's offices. This all goes to show that even when Dems. try to cheat, they still can't win.

  16. I actually need Obama to win this election so I can CASH IN !!! My fellow Republicans will spend money on cars regardless, but by having a Dem. as the talking head, it will enable the brainwashed sheople of the left to loosen up their purse strings a bit, because they will think all is well again.

  17. I doubt it, but I bet it will be closer than the last two elections.


    'Cuda I will have to disagree, it will be even further apart than the last two. No more of ACORN's medling, even "America's Team", The Dallas Cowboys, can't vote in two states. ACORN is under a full investigation now, and anyone "signed up" by them as a new voter will be cast aside. Good-bye Ohio Good-bye Florida, possibly Good-bye Illinois.


  18. Well, Gramm's 'Financial Weapons of Mass Destruction' have fully kicked in now.

    His bill allowed unregulated swaps, derivatives, speculation, and hedge funds that have destoyed our country. I hope you took my July warnings to heart...I knew this was going to happen. :(

    You seem to be forgetting that Phil only helped co-author the bill. How companies conduct themselves using the law is NOT on Phil, or anyone else, that signed it into law. I will even give Clinton a pass on it for signing it. It is the companies that have abused the law not the ones who wrote it or passed it. Whether it was authored or passed to help themselves in business, remains to be seen. If you can show me where Phil or Clinton are part of the upper management of AIG or Fannie or Freddie, I will jump on board with your "Crusade".

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