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Posts posted by EllenOlenska

  1. I have a slightly different view on this. While a lot of your concerns are logical. I'm old enough to remember (and I'm not very old) coming to the ball park with family and parking a sea of empty lots and derelict buildings. When I was there recently, looking around at the town houses, the lofts, and the soccer stadium, I was surprised how close the Ivy Lofts was to an invigorated area. This is probably because it seemed father away on a map, to my eye. But, in comparison with the past, the future for Live Oak seems pretty bright.

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  2. I'm going to be in the minority, but I don't hate it. It was handsome and now not quite so handsome, but in the end I don't know if I like it less than, say, the Sky Houses. They say humans feel twice as much pain with loss than they feel pleasure with gain, so I can understand why one would be upset with the "blah"-ization of the building, but my thoughts are still this: well, it's tall.

  3. On 5/17/2016 at 10:57 AM, Triton said:

    Wow, guess I'm in the minority. I really like it.

    I like. I sure don't love it, but I like it.

    The source of my negativity is because I'm soon to be living in Tanglewood and often run past this very building. It's mostly just personal desire and neighborhood partisanship, but I feel every development that isn't Elan Heights puts a damper on my day.

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  4. I am a graduate student at SHSU, and I've noticed a few quite large construction projects going on around campus. The one large enough to cause a furor in some places in Houston in the South Residential Complex, which I snapped a few pictures of today. Though doing some research I found some renderings and pictures. (http://www.shsu.edu/dept/facilities-management/south-residential-complex.html)

    South Residential Complex

    My pictures are of a much more finished structure.


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  5. I apologize for my ignorance of the whole scheme, but I'm wondering, in layman's terms, if the Pierce Elevated is demolished what then?

    Underground highway encircling downtown, and then a large boulevard over it? 

    An argument on the "Australian's" thread over if the Pierce Elevated deters construction, I'd like to say it may be an extraordinarily handsome road if it were a tree-lined boulevard, ripe for even greater development.

  6. 19 minutes ago, jmitch94 said:


    I have a friend from Austin who once said, "Houston cant seem to decide where it's downtown is, y'all have skyscrapers everywhere." 

    At least this one is right on the straight line of Main street. In fact, I think it would give the whole downtown-medical district a sort of centripetal cohesion, pulling towards the roundabout.

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