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Everything posted by JGraspo

  1. Already posted earlier this morning here http://www.houstonarchitecture.info/haif/i...t=0entry85344
  2. I said the whole "flowed with no problem" as a comparison to immigrants today. The immigrants today still face that red tape if not more so for getting into the country. I'm sure if the immigrants(illegals) today could colud do what your grandfather did instead of going through the hell they go through they would. The millions and Millions I was reffering to were the immigrants from Western Europe from before 1776 until the early 1900s. That number which overshadows the amounts from Latin America today. The racism which is very much not a myth is the Change in migration law to limit the non Europeans into the country. Now thats just a totally different subject. Illegals aren't runing across with drugs strapped to themselves(I'm sure a few do) The drugs are walking through Airports with balloons up peoples butts, submarines off the coast(YES drug lords have subs) and planes(YES Planes too) and tunnels, legal migrants and American citizens drive across bridges with cars and trucks loaded with them. ect......Then one would have to touch the fact that there wouldn't be a supply if not for the American Demand for the drugs(no one put a gun to their heads to try the drugs). Like I said that's drifting a bit from the subject. exactly that's is one point I'm trying to make These are people with souls and families that deserve to be treated with some dignity ....dignity that these new proposed laws will rob of if they are passed. Let us not lose sight that this is the REASON for the protest. This is what this thread is about look at the top left hand title. Part of the proposed law would make it illegal to help out. That includes churches, hospitals, and just overall good samaritans.
  3. I was waiting for you Danax to bring this up. Yes, you are a racist. You seem awfully proud of it too so I won't try to change that. When you label a group of people as you just did especially in a negetive light that is the worst kind of racism. I'm sure you think black people are________fill in the blank and Muslims are________. and Asians__________. My point is I'm sure you have plenty of stereo types bottled up. Which is cool, you are entitled to your own opinion. Bottom line is they are here and there is NOTHING you can do about IT.......NOTHING . So I see you either staying bitter till you die or accepting it. OH Well!! the way I see it is they ARE PEOPLE and no matter what FOX news or whoever say they are productive hard working Humble people for the most part. Yeah their are some bad apples.....which race, ethnicity, religion doesn't? The main reason it's seen as a racist thing I think is it's because for Decades white imigrants migrated to the US most western Europeans......MILLIONS and MILLIONS flowed in with no problem what so ever... they were poor, uneducated, and settled into gehettos and formed the first gangs. Now that the imigrants are brown all of a sudden "there are Too many" People are afraid of change.... and THERE WILL BE CHANGE. They and their descendents are already enbedded in our society.....in our political parties, schools, workforce, neighborhoods. While I'm at it I might aswell cover the whole border arguement. Is main stream America so dense to think extreme fortification of the US/Mexican border will keep out terrorist The terrorist that conributed to 9/11 didn't come into that country through that path. They were all legally in the country at first .....and they all flew in from their country of origin. If I were a terrorist Mexico would be the last place I would come through .....I would come through Canada the largest unfortified border in the World. It's hard not to think that people who want the US/Mexican border close are not a bit racist. Mexicans and other Latinos+ spanish+ brown skin= terrorist and Canadians+English laguage= safe border......don't fool yourself. Bottom line closed or tightly monitored Southern border is a false sense of security. Here's a News flash terrorism existed years before 9/11 and will still exist for years after the US no longer exists. Our best way to fight it isn't ignorant gun toting racist attitude it's actual realiable Intellegence. Admit it our Intellegent comunity FAILED we shouldn't pour loads of money in building super walls and closing borders. It should be spent on reliable intel. Be it better equipment, reorganization, better training, recruitment or whatever. That's what you should be whining to you representative about. I digress
  4. It's a soccer team name GET OVER IT!!!!!! I think all this BOOO HOOO crap about why the name was changed is just that Crap. Everyone getting all emotional about A NAME! Where are your prioities... IT WAS A CRAP NAME y'all and the media should stop using a group as a scape goat. I think that everyone jumping on the bash the minority bandwagon are just using this topic to expose the truth. That they are just Eurocentric, intolerate bigots. PERIOD. If this applies to you GET A LIFE
  5. I think what HII was getting at was. People on this forum try to post legitimate information and try to discuss it in a mature manner. Information is usually from a credible source. If some one's not sure or thinks it's just hearsay that person would say so and some one will try to confirm or dismiss it. I believe he was trying to get you to elaborate on your "little birdie" to cut down on hearsay and gossip.
  6. One week until the "BIG Announcement" can't wait.......be the 19th already
  7. Here's an update in the chronicle I sure like this building not your normal run of the mill glass building I can't wait for that plaza to be built. According to the article it's still a go.
  8. Are you done........of all the cheesiest things to post It's a freaking soccer team name. Yeah let it be a good name, but lay off the melo drama kid
  9. this probably won't get too many responses cuz it's been brought up in another thread. Moderator might want to combine the two. other thread
  10. Yeah, I agree. I stopped by th Virgin Mega store in London just for those of y'all that keep on brining it up. It really wasn't all that. If the pavillions gets one cool, if not no big loss
  11. Gotta lov yesterdays game 3 Down 1 more to go!!!! White sox here we come
  12. Yeah .....shouldnt they be breaking ground soon....Really soon?
  13. This trip planner is pretty cool. A few more impovements to make Metro more user friendly is always a plus. Chronicle article Meto trip planner Wasn't there a thread on other stuff metro was planning on doing to make it more user friendly? Like buses that would change red lights green if it was late. and stops that would tell you when the next bus would be
  14. Hey just quoeting the online Chronicle front page chron.com
  15. Astros are now the National League Wildcard Champs!!! We're going to the play offs again
  16. Looks scary Most people must be out of town or not have access to a computer posts are way down.......yeah I know hurricane outside Im bored
  17. Rita is down to a Cat 3. It looks as if LA will be getting hit by it more than Texas. Houston might get Cat 1 winds
  18. Yep, It from all the animation I noticed yesterday that it looks like it will hit mor LA than anywhere else.
  19. #$)#( you grumpy old man the Astros just kicked ass!! ( doing one man wave in front of TV )
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