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Posts posted by phillip_white

  1. Yeah man, I definitely agree. The bar isn't too far from the rail stop, but the perceived safety at the rail stop itself will be the determining factor to get people walking around this area.  Hopefully that will change as the shuttered storefronts get some businesses.  The difficulty I was referring to has to do with the tiny stairway (kinda hard to maneuver with both up/down traffic.. even when sober and only 20-30 people there) and the low head clearance on the stairs up to the deck (maybe I'm just too tall).


    Yea, lot of potential in this area. North Main could be a lot different in this area in the next 5 years, especially with all the vacant stores that line the rail line. Not too difficult to access, has a hallway from the bar and a door that allows entry from the outside... Don't understand how this will be limited to VIPs.


  2. I have looked at the renderings. Some of them have very clear "views" of balconies. NONE of them show the "outside compressor thing" that was shown in the video above. Are we sure that this is the type of system that Ivy will have?


    My best guess would be that they're planning to hide them behind the railing screens.  If you look closely, the balcony is divided into the usable part and a tiny sliver about the size of the compressor unit.





  3. From the quote you provided it would seem that they could start whenever as long the property is habitable within 3 years of them receiving tax credit approval.  Obviously Block 334 wouldn't be able to break ground 2.5 years out and still meet the deadline, but SkyHouse definitely could.


    "Any approved agreement shall terminate if project does not commence construction within one year or obtain Certificate of Occupancy within three years of approval of agreement by Downtown Redevelopment Authority board."


    However, I thought I had read somewhere in the fine print that they could start in 2017 or 2018 and still receive the tax credit... but I can't seem to find that now. Odd. Edit: Maybe that never existed??


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  4. I'm looking at getting place in the area and it's great that there's so much development going in.  I don't mean to sidetrack the thread, but could one of you give some insight as to what's cool to check out (bars, restaurants, coffee shops, etc.) that's already existing? 

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