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Posts posted by phillip_white

  1. I haven't been by this building in a long time, but Google streetview shows it to be vacant. Looks like this might become a bakery that doubles as a storefront for a coffee roaster?

    New electrical permit for a Mango Pickle LLC kitchen remodel:


    LLC search shows Eadough Pastries as an alternate name:


    That leads to http://eadough.com

    And also found http://www.instagram.com/itscakegirl

    And Google Maps shows Blackwater Coffee Roasters at the location:

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  2. Looks like the entity that owns this development also owns another gas station branded as "Primetime" with additional retail units. So this may end up with three retail tenants (based on the three doors shown in the progress photo).

    On 8/21/2021 at 11:02 AM, wilcal said:


    Here's the other property:

  3. 1 hour ago, dbigtex56 said:

    The graffiti on the side of the building was painted over today.
    It's possible that the owner wants to avoid a citation from the COH (the fines can be pretty steep).
    Still, it seems odd to take this measure if demolition is imminent. 

    I haven't seen an approved demo permit, so maybe it's just easier to apply a layer of CYA paint to avoid the fine like you said. Hopefully Rowdy doesn't notice the blank canvas!

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