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Posts posted by towerjunkie

  1. Thank you, mollusk. I understand the distinction. As kids we didn't really pay attention to the address of our school!

    Strange how Westchester Jr wasn't even open for 20 years, I don't think, though I know why it was closed. Sister & I used to walk from our home on the other side of the freeway. I can't imagine my child walking under a major interstate to school these days. Maybe I'm just overprotective.



    Ive walked under the Gulf Freeway on my way home from school... you're not being overprotective, it was a nightmare. 

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  2. I say we throw out Metro completely and establish "Houston Area Rapid Transit" complete with smart, talented, corruption free decision makers, I could see the slogan now.. "The HARTbeat of Houston" 

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  3. There was a proposal a few years back about painting it a silver color, changing out the glass to a similar silver, and adding wind turbines/making it more energy efficient.



    You know when I read this I could have sworn it was about the Williams Tower and not the Willis Tower. I need new glasses.

    Still it would be quite sad if they went through with it and changed the look of the building. 

  4. I dance to this in the mirror when no one is home. :blush:




    Its okay! :D I dance to Michael Jackson A LOT when no one is home. It's a little scary I must say, I've even injured myself doing so. I think we all have those certain songs that just lift you and make you groove. 

  5. while that would be awesome.. idk. Target already has urban format stores. including i believe a multi story store in downtown Minneapolis? but i would be down with the Target redeveloping into a smaller footprint store in the podium of a few highrises/another mixed use development.

    Yeah that's what I meant by urban format, I do apologize for my terrible word choice, and duplicate posts. 

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  6. McDonalds has finally lost it relative safeness. Now it will be one of those scary parking lots, novel at first, but when stains come fears follow. I like it as an architectural space but would consider the incident of  "things dropped from above" as an agent provocateur. I wouldn't wanna live there thou and I live across the street from a McDonalds too; but it's across the street like I said..Hopefully the Post Oak upgrades bring more lunchy crowds on foot and it basically stays the same. 

    In my opinion I feel like that McDonalds wont be there for long considering how quickly uptown is changing and developers seem to be considering the best use for their lots and who knows maybe someone will buy that McDonalds and tear it down. Of course for now it is kinda dangerous for a fast food house to be butting up against a 28 story building. 

  7. I want to be excited but then there's that whole let down when we never hear a word about the project again. If and I must emphasize IF this is built, it will be a wonderful and exciting piece of architecture that would more than likely spur some more interesting designs for Houston. Who knows this might even create a larger demand for buildings in the medical center! 

  8. In a perfect world, my idea of this particular park would go something like this.... Change the concept completely upside down. We are no longer celebrating Texas culture we are celebrating Houston culture in Texas. The park is basically Houston's playground the main centerpiece being a section of the park devoted to space exploration. The main thrill rides being a rollercoaster simulating a ride through space at the speed of light. A revamped taller, faster, more twisted version of the Ultra Twister for nostalgic pizazz. Throw in a tower that simulates a lift off from earth to space. Return of the looping starship and a newer and again faster,taller version of XLR-8. Another section of the park would be a combination of a boardwalk/rodeo with rides similar to any other county fair this would also include the return of the Texas Cyclone which would be WAY better, and safer than the Texas Giant. Another section of the park would celebrate Houston's position in energy with a rollercoaster zig zagging through a factory to simulate the production of oil. Add a spindletop recreation which would spill out thousands of Gallons of Chocolate Syrup every 4 hours which would then be cleaned up by a spectacular water feature extravaganza set to almost any kind of music a la Bellagio Fountains. Finally we celebrate Houston's world class culture with a mini-museum covering all the History of Houston and how we got to have world renowned museums. As an added bonus I would have an attraction which would give a nod to Houston's legendary sprawl which would be a maze through a collection of houses that would look the same. I think I let my imagination run extremely wildly.

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